Your patron saint

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How do you know if you have a patron Saint if you’re in RCIA?
My patron saint is Rose of Lima .
I feel that she chose me first.
Wow! mine too! I actually haven’t ever met anyone else with her as their saint!

The first book I can remember reading was a book on Saint Rose of Lima…I was too little to read the words, but I fell in love with the pictures…they’re gorgeous:) Anyway, I forgot about that book until I was asked to chose a Confirmation saint, and then the only one I could ever think of was her…she chose me:) The coolest part in the end came when I found out that she was also the saint my grandmother, who died when I was 11, chose…I miss my grandmother very much, but I feel so connected to her through Rose, and I know they’re both looking out for me:)
St. Anne Line is my patron saint. She was a convert to the faith during the reign of Elizabeth I. Her husband was exhiled, and she was eventually executed for having Mass celebrated in her house.

That’s all the information I can find on her, and that I got from a website. I searched for hours trying to find one that I seemed to connect with. The problem for me was that I felt like every Saint I looked at pigeon-holed me into a particular category. I didn’t want that (which is why I didn’t choose a Saint’s name at my Confirmation last year). However, something St. Anne Line just spoke to me. I can’t find any formal prayers to her, but I find her very easy to talk with. I can’t find a book on her, either. However, I have just felt this connection with her even though I don’t know very much about her.

Also, I kind of like the idea of having a Patron Saint that isn’t overly popular. It kind of makes me feel special, like it’s just me and her. It’s very comforting. That’s just me, though.

Scout :tiphat:
My patrons are Saint Joseph, foster father of Our Lord and most chaste spouse of Our Blessed Virgin Mother, because he didn’t understand everything, but he obeyed God, and Saint Thomas a Becket and Saint Thomas More, because they were willing to die for love of Christ and His Church.
I can’t say that I have a single patron saint, more like a big, boisterous extended family of saints always hanging around and praying for me, but St. Joan of Arc and St. Dismas mean a lot to me.

St. Joan, my hero from childhood, was also my Confirmation saint (when I was little, I just liked her because I thought it was cool that you could be a girl *and *kick butt, but as I’ve gotten older my appreciation now comes from her piety and absolute trust in God.)

St. Dismas the Good Thief is more of the saint who “found me.” I first heard about him at a time when I was feeling very unworthy of God’s love, and Dismas represents to me how far-reaching and wonderful God’s mercy is for all people, and the hope of redemption. Crucified by Our Lord’s side, the only saint canonized directly by Jesus himself, who turned to the truth even in the most desparate of times… we don’t know much about him except for those few verses in Luke, but he means a lot to me. Plus, as I found out after all that, his feast day is also my birthday!

Man, God rocks – he gives us all these wonderful brothers and sisters to help us along and pray for us! And Catholicism rocks because we don’t have to ignore all the saints…

† Crux sacra sit mihi lux †
when I first retuned to the Catholic chruch after a long absence I asked St. Mary Magdaline to pray for me and help me overcome my sinfull past and to help me come back to confession on a regular basis…I wore her medal daily. I beleive her intercession helped.
Now I’m very fond of and reading “Saint Faustina Apostle of Divine Mercy”, she is the first saint of the new Millennium. I pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy often.

“There is nothing that man needs more than Divine Mercy”
Pope John Paul II told the world at the grave of Poland’s Saint Faustina Kowalska in a suburb of Cracow on June 7, 1997.
She was beatified in 1993.
I have no knowlage about my baptisimal saint though I have a hunch it was St. Michael the Archangel. I have not been confurned so I dont have a confurmation saint.

I have adopted Raphael the Archangel as my saint. I picked him since I have learned that he is the patron saint of singles, love, and happy meetings. I myself am single and do hope to find the right girl. I figured that he would be a good choice for me.
I just loving reading all these great stories about how God touched people’s lives through our wonderful Saints.
Kateri is not my patron Saint but she is very dear to me.
Meggie, I was delighted to hear about your connection with Kateri!! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Paris Blues:
How do you know if you have a patron Saint if you’re in RCIA?
You could check out the Patron Saints Index to try to find one with whom you feel some connection. Pray to “the unknown saint who loves me”, as someone said above. And ask the Holy Spirit for direction. God will show it to you in His good timing, at the moment you need to know.
St. Anne Line is my patron saint.
Here is a page on St. Anne Line. She sounds like quite a heroic woman. I hope it helps.

God bless,
Is there a consice online reference that could be used to determine if you’ve been given a name of a saint? Thanks.
I am an adult convert - and at my confirmation, I did not get a “saint name”. I don’t know why not, but I feel kind of sad about it. 😦

So, sometimes I pray to “the saint who loves me” to help me, pray for me, guard me.
I don’t know what else to do?
Didn’t you make Confirmation ? :confused: we get to pick more names when we are Confirmed, just wondering.

Sorry but I don’t know the full procedure of RCIA, I thought maybe Confirmation was included.
Didn’t you make Confirmation ? :confused: we get to pick more names when we are Confirmed, just wondering.
This brings up an interesting question. Can I use the saint that I adopted now to be used for Confirmation in the future?
This brings up an interesting question. Can I use the saint that I adopted now to be used for Confirmation in the future?
Ok I’m working from memory here, as it’s been over 35 years or more since I was confirmed.

You usually get to pick your own name, but as a child it was sometimes picked for you, I don’t see you having that problem as an adult.

So I’m sure you can pick whatever Saints name you desire.
my patron is St Thomas Aquinas. i picked him becouse i was varry much into theology when i converted.
Is there a consice online reference that could be used to determine if you’ve been given a name of a saint? Thanks.
Dear Savone, you could check out the Patron Saints Index. This site gives a nearly exhaustive list of Saints, and descriptions about each of them. You can browse by the first name of the Saint or by “topic”, which searches the patronages assigned to each Saint. eg. one of the patron Saints of lost articles is St. Anthony of Padua.

There is also a search function which admittedly is not that great quality. Browsing is easier.

I hope that helps. Just pray for guidance & God will lead you to the right Saint in His timing. God bless you!
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