Your Thoughts Appreciated..Lengthy!

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Nan S.,

I hope you did not take offense at when I said the military was not for me. I respect it greatly and lived in that environment for 25 years.
Wow! That’s a lot of living for a 19-year-old! 😃

Seriously, I’m not bothered a bit. I’m glad you are familiar enough with the benefits and drawbacks of military service to make a reasoned decision about it. Most of the young adults your age, these days, know almost nothing about it and dismiss the idea on emotional grounds based on what they heard from CNN/ABC/NBC/CBS/FOX.
I hope I can offer you some guidance having been where you are. When I got married, I was 18 and my husband was just 25. I had nothing financially, my then boyfriend had scholarships and was doing quite nicely. He did things like buy me shoes, etc. My parents didn’t give me any help and my father actively opposed me being at university. The home situation wasn’t ideal either, mostly due to my father and his moods. I was 17 when I got engaged. There are 6.5 years between us. Now, with a few years between now and then, I’m now 32, I can look back and offer what I hope will be a helpful perspective.

If you are getting married and will likely have children soon, avoid debt at all costs. It is a terrible strain. I think it would be better for you to work a few years, get some money under your belt, and then study.

The flip side of this is that it is probably a lot harder to study with children than you imagine. I figured I could finish my degree part-time while at home with the children. Well, I still haven’t finished it. I still have part of my student loan but that will be taken care of soon. We chose to homeschool our children and have five of them. There is not time to do any study. If you were willing to get childcare it would be a lot easier. I wasn’t and besides that, my baby couldn’t have gone to care anyway as she had a lot of ear infections in her first two years. I am now thinking that in two years I can get someone to come to my home once a week to supervise the children so I can finish the last year of my degree on a very part-time basis. I aim to have my degree by the time I am 40. Yes, 40. I never imagined it was possible I would get to 30 and not have finished my degree. The babies just kept coming. You may think it seems a long way away but it’ll be here before you know it.

So my own thoughts: put your study on hold, work, get married. If babies come along, lovely, but do be prepared that it will not be as easy to complete your studies with children around.

That said, after 14 years of marriage we are happier than ever and I’d make the same decision all over again. It hasn’t always been easy but it’s been worth it.

I don’t think your parents should have to pay for your wedding. We paid for our own wedding. You don’t need a big one with all the bells and whistles.

Good luck with your decision 🙂
Nan S:
Wow! That’s a lot of living for a 19-year-old! 😃
Seems I needed a little sleep when I said I lived in the Navy atmosphere for 25 years, and, indeed, I went to bed right after posting that 😃 I was thinking my stepdad was in the Navy for 25 years… of course I only lived in it for about 12… doh :rolleyes:
Megan -

I think you have a good head on your shoulders - and you are wise to try and address these concerns before making any big step.

Having said that - the step I would take is put college on hold and get married. Despite what some of the other posters said - you can be married at a young age and still make it!!! Although I respect their statements and think they have some truth and valuable information, it is still opinion. 😃 (Just like it was my opinion to say that little tidbit 😉 )

Anyways - My mom and dad were high school sweethearts. My two sisters and their husbands were high school sweethearts. My husband and I . . . guess what we were high school sweethearts. Bottom line - we were all married at a very young age and all of us are still going on strong. I am only 23 but I have been married to my husband for 4 years and we have been together for 9 years. Not too shabby for someone so young, huh?

So even though getting married at 19 or 20 deserves much thought, consideration, and possibly pre-marital guidance - do not rule it out as an option. You should not get married just to run away from your current living situation, but you are an adult and are capable of making your own choice to better your situation. There is no harm or shame in moving on!! That is what we do- you grow up, leave the nest, live on your own, or find that special person to share the rest of your life with.

School will always be there for you to go. And if you do want to wait for marriage, your true blue should always be there too when you are ready. If you do get married and have babies - woohoo! If you hold off and follow through with school - kudos to you! Either way it can be a winning situation. Pray, pray, and contemplate what you want. Find the answer in your heart (I have a sneaking suspicion you already have) and remember - whether school, marriage, or staying at home to work for a while - God will provide. Continue to give your life to Him and He will give you the strength to fulfill what you need.

Good Luck and keep us posted!
Hi Megan, best of everything with your plans. If the truth were known, there is not one right answer. You could go to Junior college, save some money on tuition and go into less debt. You could stay at home and make the best of it and stay in school. You could marry young and continue with education until babies come along. I agree with the poster that says it is hard to study with young children around. It can happen, but it is so much harder. I speak from experience. I completed a second degreee when my kids were 15, 13, 10, and 2. I stayed up many a night to study. I look back and it wasn’t ideal, but my husband helped me achieve my goal.

However, whatever you do please continue with your counseling and do attend the Engaged Couples weekend. I went to it 29 years ago, and I still remember all the talks. It is awesome. Keep up you faith and stay close to Jesus. I am sure you will be a winner with that plan!
You are all helping me greatly. And I am definitely keeping this in mind: “Whether school, marriage, or staying at home to work for a while - God will provide. Continue to give your life to Him and He will give you the strength to fulfill what you need.” Thanks for those words!

Today I was led to look into the programs at my local community college. I found that I can get my Associate’s in Early Education or Elementary Teaching, or even General Art Studies (which would get my requirements out of the way) in two years, 60 credits, at $67/credit without aid. This would only add up to 5k, and sounds like a miracle, not to mention I am sure I can get into the Honours program which gives more scholarships, and I am sure I am eligible for some more aid if I explain my circumstances. This sounds like a piece of cake compared to a 14k loan, wow.

I could do this full-time or perhaps I will just do it part-time, it would depend. At any rate, I applied for the Spring, and now just have to finish through with sending in financial aid things. Also need to decide which way is the smartest – Early or Elem. Education, which I would LOVE to do, or just get my Associate’s in Arts which would get basic req’s out of the way to transfer back to my college in a few yrs. If the Associate’s can pass as a teaching certificate, I might go with it. That way the teaching cert. I was going to get at my college will be out of the way, and I can get a job in my field sooner. Don’t think I can get much of a job with an Associate’s in Gen. Art.

Thanks so much for all your advice. Things are still in the process, but at least I took this step just in case. 🙂
I was in a very similar position when I was 19. I also had a difficult time at home, though there was not drug or alcohol abuse. My parents were inappropriately rough with their discipline, enough said.

My husband and I began dating when I was 15 and he was 17, so we had already been dating for 5 years. We had overcome alot in that time. We knew, beyond any doubt, that we were meant to be together. I was in my second year of college. He quit during his 3rd year and joined the Air Force. We had planned on dating all through college and then getting married after I finished my degree. He is also an engineer.

Even with my uncomfortable home life, meager financial means and missing him so much my heart felt split in two, the decision to get married was easy for him, but I had alot of mixed feelings about whether it was the “right time” I wanted to finish school first. That was a goal I had set for myself since I was a child. My parents had 3 kids at home and I didn’t want them to take out parent loans because they would have given me alot of misery over it.

I married the love of my life a little earlier than planned because I knew I could continue college in our new location. What I wasn’t ready for was my total change of heart, from thinking I would be a carreer mom to realizing where my priorities would actually be.

Ten years later I am a very happy stay at home mom with three children, we are a homeschool family, and my day is very full. (I am writing this while I fry bacon, and after breakfast we will have a day of preparing for school next week. My husband and I are very much in love, and will take care of each other until we meet our maker. I thank God everyday that I am spending my days with such an incredible man, and I know he does the same.

You must be aware that, as women, we often have difficult decisions to make, and sometimes it’s difficult to weigh love with reason.

You must ask yourself some questions and answer them HONESTLY to yourself.

# 1 how important is school to you? If marriage to your fiance eventually results in the inability to finish school, will you be ok with that, or is it the kind of dream that will fester within you once it dies? You can’t imagine the pressure that will still exist with attending school while being married. It is no picnic, especially if you have to work and take care of your home as well. You won’t 'have time to do much more than study and go to class. I know that you believe you will be able to finish school a few years after marriage, but chances are weighing heavily that you won’t be able to. You have to decide right now whether marrying your finace is more important than school, a career, or anything else in your world. The chances are even slimmer if you take a few years off. Do you really want a degree any time soon, or is it just something you fell you must do?

**# 2. How do you feel about being a stay at home mom / housewife? **It sounds like an easy life, but it is the most self sacrificing thing you could do. Your needs always come behind that of your family. You lose sleep, feel bored, yet are too busy to rest. Do I love what I do? Absolutely. Do I have alot of aquaintences who hate staying at home? Far too many. If you are planning on being a career mom, you might want to rethink this whole plan because if you don’t have a degree, any job you have will not pay for childcare. You will soon feel like it isnt’ worth forking over most of your paycheck for childcare. Will you be happy when you find out you are pregnant, even if school isn’t finished?

# 3. Your marriage will not be picture perfect. It will always take 120% of unselfish giving and patience. Sometimes you will feel like you need to *choose *to love himSometimes you will see bits and pieces of your bad homelife. Will you be able to handle that or will it terrify you? I know that if my husband is ever angry I feel panicky inside, because when I was a kid anger meant violent behavior and hateful words. I have to take a deep breath and remember that he is different, even after 15 yrs. of being with a kind loving man, those memories creep back. No matter what you decide keep taking therapy, especially if you do marry him. My point here is that you will both bring baggage to your marriage and it will need to be taken care of, so that you will have a healthy family.

4. I know this will be the toughest thing to ask yourself, but you must. Are you marrying him because you are choosing marriage as the MOST important thing to you? When you marry, your family becomes your top priority. Only you can answer this, but, are you considering marriage as an escape from your homelife and an answer to your college dilemma, or can you take away all those problems and still say you would want to marry him? Honestly, this was the hardest question for me to answer. If you marry him for the wrong reasons, then you are only bringing on more problems for yourself.​

**# 5. Are you both emotionally and spritually ready for the sacrament of marriage? **God will give you all the grace you need to keep your marriage alive and fruitful, but this Grace will only be there if you desire to live a life of holiness. Make sure you both desire a holy life, to create a home where the Holy Spirit will dwell. If you want a home for your family that is free of the kind of abuse you suffered, you must start with your husband and yourself. Examine your life and see where there are sins you can give up. You have the opportunity to build your home on the Rock, on Jesus Christ. If you do this you will have an abundance of Grace in your marriage to help you through all the trials of life.

As you read in other posts, I am amazed at how following the Will of God, over my own will has brought so much joy to my life. My life as a stay at home wife and mother is more meaningful and fitting than anything I could ever have dreamed of. I am happy I made my decision, but it hasn’t always been easy. Struggle is an inherent part of life. I am glad I am with the man God made perfectly for me. If you decide to get married you will have a struggle ahead of you, even more than a couple who marries with “all their ducks in a row” and from a healthy homelife background.

Meditate. As you pray, place your life in God’s hands, tell him you want His will to be done, allow all your fear and anger from your life experiences to dissolve away and ask God to give you an answer, and help you to make the right decision.

It could be that your life is heading to this path because it is God’s will, but pray for discernment, make your decision very carefully.

I hope this helps
God Bless You

They finished breakfast and are getting dressed, so no more computer for me today:)
Just a thought - you mentioned that dad could not pay for a wedding - a wedding costs the price of the marriage license ($50) and maybe a small gift to the Priest. Just like college does not have to cost tens of thousands of dollars, neither does a wedding 🙂
I could do this full-time or perhaps I will just do it part-time, it would depend. At any rate, I applied for the Spring, and now just have to finish through with sending in financial aid things. Also need to decide which way is the smartest – Early or Elem. Education, which I would LOVE to do, or just get my Associate’s in Arts which would get basic req’s out of the way to transfer back to my college in a few yrs. If the Associate’s can pass as a teaching certificate, I might go with it. That way the teaching cert. I was going to get at my college will be out of the way, and I can get a job in my field sooner. Don’t think I can get much of a job with an Associate’s in Gen. Art.
I can’t believe how similar our paths are, Sorbetto. I did the same thing, transferred to my local branch and lived with my grandparents while attending school, but I still had my Airmen who lived 16 hours away and wanted to get married, we coudln’t stand to be apart anymore.🙂
Just a thought - you mentioned that dad could not pay for a wedding - a wedding costs the price of the marriage license ($50) and maybe a small gift to the Priest. Just like college does not have to cost tens of thousands of dollars, neither does a wedding 🙂
How right you are! There’s nothing that says a wedding has to cost a fortune. The point is the sacrament, not the dress and reception. Besides, you can always save up and have a heck of an anniversary party later.
Nan S:
I’m retired Air Force, and I’m sorry to see you have some big misconceptions about military service.
  • I am actually suggesting that she consider joining the active duty forces directly, for a fixed term of enlistment with a fixed exit date. Being “called to active duty” is something that happens if you become a “weekend warrior” (a reservist).
  • But for her situation I said Air Force or Navy for good reason, rather than Army or Marines. In the Air Force or Navy, as a junior enlisted person, the chances are very remote that she would be deployed into a war zone. Most of the work done by those two services is behind-the-lines.
  • In any event, she will feel much better about her future if she has taken a serious look at genuinely good alternatives. Don’t write off the military until you’ve checked it out.
I won’t even bother addressing some of YOUR misconceptions about my understanding regarding the military, but I’m sure Megan appreciated you clarifying exactly what you meant.
This isn’t a thread about military service and who knows more about it, is it?:confused:
Today I was led to look into the programs at my local community college. I found that I can get my Associate’s in Early Education or Elementary Teaching, or even General Art Studies (which would get my requirements out of the way) in two years, 60 credits, at $67/credit without aid. This would only add up to 5k, and sounds like a miracle, not to mention I am sure I can get into the Honours program which gives more scholarships, and I am sure I am eligible for some more aid if I explain my circumstances. This sounds like a piece of cake compared to a 14k loan, wow.
Meghan I work in Early Childhood Special Ed. I now work part time. Each state has different requirements. One thing we do have is many young and some older teacher aides. They are able to work, have insurance, and most of them work towards their degrees at night. Our place even holds college classes in our building and one of the State Schools runs a program that they can earn their degree. It is very cost effective because there isn’t even any travel expense for driving to class. Check out all your options. What I like about the young women with the associates degrees at my work is that they are learning so much about teaching by observation. When they finally graduate and have their own class they will be so very good. They will have a confidence that most other 4 yr. degree people won’t have.

I agree with another poster that mentioned you can do things more economically if you look around for wedding and school expenses.
Just to give you a little hope for a relatively inexpensive wedding. I paid for most of mine and it cost less than $5,000. This was for a formal wedding with a beautiful dress and a party-style reception (not catered, not a formal meal, it was only 3:00pm alot of relatives pitched in with the food and my grandpa rented the K of C hall as a gift) I was able to do almost everything myself. A more simple wedding can cost even less. I purchased everything on sale. 🙂
Hi again,

I am overwhelmingly grateful with all of your thoughts for me.

Fitz-- that sounds wonderful. That is something I would certainly be interested in, and I will look into my options around here to make sure I step foot on the right path.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I applied to the local community college today. I have been praying for a sign that this is the right decision. A few hours after I submitted my application, I went out to get the mail and there was a catalog of courses from the local comm. college in the mailbox! While everyone gets these and they do come once a year I think, I still took it to be quite a sign (pardon me if I’m being superstitious or something) 😉

About the wedding – this is something my boyfriend and I have discussed several times within the past few weeks. We will have to pay for our own wedding of course, and that’s fine… as you mentioned, Peace bwu, any loans or finances my parents might give me would end up with them complaining of the misery and hardship it caused them to do that for me, so I have come to not ask them for help anymore. As I told my boyfriend, and we both agreed, I could care less how “small” or “fancy” our wedding is. My mom said to me… don’t you want your dream wedding? You can’t have that if you get married now. OF COURSE I WILL have my dream wedding… all I need for that is my wonderful husband… I could care less if I were wearing sweatpants, I’m marrying the man I love and am called to marry. I plan to do things simply… I am creative, and can usually create interesting ideas out of simple and cheap things. I’m not worried there. It will be a beautiful wedding, as long as we are together, sharing this sacrament together. 🙂 My grandmother, who is one of the most amazing people and inspirations in my life, has a picture of she and my grandfather on their wedding day. He was 17, and she was 20. Their parents and close family are there, and he is wearing a suit, and she a skirt suit because they couldn’t afford a dress. 52 years later, and 4 kids later, they are still happily married, and she has been taking care of him for years in his illness. They are truly an inspiration… (continued)…
Anyway, to address the questions from Peace bwu:

**# 1 how important is school to you? **School is important to me, but sat next to the importance of a marriage and family life, it is far outweighed. I have always enjoyed school and done well in it, and would love to have a degree to be able to help support the family if this were ever needed, but if it turns out I can’t finish, I will never be bitter with our marriage. I have found that along with my discovery of the Church and my faith, also a new calling, this time a calling from God.

**# 2. How do you feel about being a stay at home mom / housewife? **I can’t imagine anything I would rather do than be a stay at home mom and a housewife. In my early years before my mother’s drinking problems got bad, she stayed at home to raise us and those are some of the best memories of my life. I remember what it meant to me to have a mother there at home with me, and I know it helped me worlds. More than that, I know that I am called to do this for our children in the future, and possibly even homeschool them at least in their early years. I know it will be the hardest job in the world, but I know it is where God has called me to be, and I will be the happiest there. My boyfriend wholeheartedly agrees with me staying home with our kids and has a wonderful career path to support that. So while I would surely like to go to school because I enjoy it and it could come in handy, I know my true vocation is a housewife and mother.

**# 3. Your marriage will not be picture perfect. It will always take 120% of unselfish giving and patience. **I am aware of this and am prepared. My grandmother and I speak a lot about marriage, and she has told me how hard times got with her marriage, but that they were dedicated to working it out. I am committed to this man for the rest of my life and I know it won’t always be clouds and sunshine. 😛

4. I know this will be the toughest thing to ask yourself, but you must. **Are you marrying him because you are choosing marriage as the MOST important thing to you? **Yes, absolutely. The homelife is a norm for me, and he and I had originally planned to wait until after college to marry, but marriage has been in the plans for longer than this problem has existed. It is not an “escape,” but something we both know is going to happen either way, whether sooner or later. We are just in a position now where the option for it to happen sooner looks like the best bet. Marrying him is the most important thing to me here… not escaping home.​

**# 5. Are you both emotionally and spritually ready for the sacrament of marriage? **He and I have been attending Catholic therapy for some time together now, and will continue to do so. We often talk and pray together about our struggles with certain sins and with my past family life. We know that there are many obstacles we have, and still must, come over, in order to make our marriage and our home the best, emotionally, spiritually, everything, we can for each other and our children someday. We’re both aware that my past may resurface in our marriage, and we can both recognize and deal with it. The amount that we have been through so far is IMMENSE, and we are so much stronger just because of it.

Peace-bwu – you are truly inspiring. Your words really touched me, and I feel we have some striking similarities. It sounds like you are a wonderful and committed mother and wife who truly loves her vocation, and I hope I may follow in those footsteps someday!

:blessyou: ALL !
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