I am helping lead a team of youth from our parish to Honduras in the summer. I’m looking for information, resourcees and good advice associated with a trip like this. We are in contact with a few priests in the Concepcion de Maria and Corpus and they have expressed interest in a building a Talapia Farm, building a Chicken Farm, cultivating the land and making repairs to the Church.
The core team that we have developing the plan is trying to figure out the best way to minister to the people of Honduras along with teaching our youth about the value of service, charity and show them the very strong faith that the people on Honduras have despite the great deal of poverty in the area.
We have decided to write a business plan for the project. I’d like to know if any of you have any experience in mission work in Central America and if you have any examples/salient adivce that you would be willing to share. We are planning on brining the youth down for 5-7 days in the summer.
I’m interested in information about going about the coordination required to do a project in Honduras. These are the kinds of areas that we are interested in
I am helping lead a team of youth from our parish to Honduras in the summer. I’m looking for information, resourcees and good advice associated with a trip like this. We are in contact with a few priests in the Concepcion de Maria and Corpus and they have expressed interest in a building a Talapia Farm, building a Chicken Farm, cultivating the land and making repairs to the Church.
The core team that we have developing the plan is trying to figure out the best way to minister to the people of Honduras along with teaching our youth about the value of service, charity and show them the very strong faith that the people on Honduras have despite the great deal of poverty in the area.
We have decided to write a business plan for the project. I’d like to know if any of you have any experience in mission work in Central America and if you have any examples/salient adivce that you would be willing to share. We are planning on brining the youth down for 5-7 days in the summer.
I’m interested in information about going about the coordination required to do a project in Honduras. These are the kinds of areas that we are interested in
- project permits
- government coordination
- contracting private businesses,
- pros and cons of each of the projects that the priests asked about
- security
- language barrier advice
- advice about the age/level of involvement that the youth should have
- Essential pre-requisites for the youth to be allowed to go
- anything I’ve missed.