Youth problem about feelings

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But Im moving out anyways so I dont know whether I should…
Sorry if this careless attitude
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You have received excellent advice in this thread. For some reason, it seems as though you aren’t willing to accept it (?)

I don’t know if you are familiar with the saying “water under the bridge”. It sort of means that what has happened, happened, and there isn’t any changing it now.

If you are 19 and headed off to university, then I think it is time for you to stop looking for a place to put the blame that you don’t have the relationship you want with your parents. Parents aren’t perfect and they make mistakes. It doesn’t absolve you from moving forward in the best way possible. I think some counseling would be an excellent idea. If you don’t have access to that now, most universities have some services and I would encourage you to tap into those.

With regards to your crush, with all due respect, you sound a little immature. This isn’t your fault, but it is something you need to work on if you are to grow into a responsible adult. The first step, I would suggest, is taking the advice from @Tis_Berself, @1ke, and @AdamP88. It is solid.
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As I gotten older I realize more and more that we don’t get all the answers at some particular point. At 41 I still struggle with a lot of things and it has helped me realized that my parents did too when I was growing up, and probably still do as well. This helps me view both them and myself with more compassion and understanding. Your parents may actually have a lot of the same shame and uncertainties about feelings that you do. Of course I can’t know that for sure, but I know that considering things like these has helped my relationship with my own family.
The word in English is “infatuation”. Do not let your feelings run away with you.

From day one, get involved with the Catholic Campus Ministry (it may be called a Newman Center, FOCUS, Varsity Catholic or simply Campus Ministry from the nearest parish). Realize she is not the only Catholic girl at the school. 🙂

When you get to school, ask her to have coffee with you one afternoon. Realize she is a real person, that you two may or may not hit it off.

Don’t build it up in your mind into a great romance just yet.
Im afraid to tell them about family counseling. They would think that there are problems with me, not overall.
I dont know how my parents will cope with me moving out of home. But again, Im afraid to offer them counseling.

Dont close this thread, I know that Im on moderators sight for multiple ocd topics but please.
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