Youtube (Susan Wojeski -CEO) Attempts To Ban Mises Institute (The COVID Cult)

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According to Guardian news article Youtube has banned 200,000 videos with information on COVID since February 2020.

Youtube banned the medical doctors who talked about herd immunity They banned videos that talk about hydroxychloroquine. It recently banned OANN for posting a video mentioning hydroxychloroquine.

This is not new as they have banning medical news prior to COVID .
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According to Guardian news article Youtube has banned 200,000 videos with information on COVID since February 2020.
This is false, the guardian does not report that videos with COVID-19 information were removed. They report that 200,000 with harmful and misleading misinformation were removed.
The Guardian:
The company said it has manually reviewed and removed 200,000 videos related to dangerous or misleading Covid-19 information since February 2020, including for example a widely condemned viral video published by rightwing media outlet Breitbart featuring dubious claims from people identifying themselves as doctors, telling people not to wear masks.

There is other misleading information in your post, but I wanted to point that one out.
Who decides whether masks are the solution or social distance is better. Who decides what medicines patients are allowed to get when dying.

Apparently Youtube.
Who decides whether masks are the solution
There is disagreement with the use of the definite article “the” in the above. According to public health professionals, there is no one solution. The use of the indefinite article “a” would have been more appropriate. Is the solution to reducing car accident death driving the speed limit or fastening seatbelts?

Solutions proposed and presented are not by themselves fully effective. Thus, there are multiple actions requested from public health professionals that when applied together could contribute to preservation of life and slowing the spread. Wear a mask,wash your hands, avoid large gatherings.
Who decides what medicines patients are allowed to get when dying.

Apparently Youtube.
YouTube does not make any hospice decisions for others. That is a decision that would be made with some combination of patients, family, and health care providers.
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