Man, Jux! I sure wish you were in my Catechism class! If you come into the Church, your zeal for God and Truth will set the place ablaze with the Holy Spirit. If you don’t come in, you will at least know that Catholics are not just rusty robots doomed to blind, unquestioning obedience, without reasons for our faith. I hope that the love of Christ and his Kingdom we all share is evident here, and that our sense of fellowship with you is strong. After all, you’re not asking questions that any good Catholic shouldn’t be asking for himself!
Don’t Lutherans have similar rules concerning sacraments, especially Baptism? I was interested a while back in the attempt among Lutherans to restore sacramental confession. . . . But that’s another thread.
I forget which brand of Lutheranism you come from? AFLC? ELCA? ECCL? LCMS? WELS? Would it matter for these discussions?
Don’t Lutherans have similar rules concerning sacraments, especially Baptism? I was interested a while back in the attempt among Lutherans to restore sacramental confession. . . . But that’s another thread.
I forget which brand of Lutheranism you come from? AFLC? ELCA? ECCL? LCMS? WELS? Would it matter for these discussions?