What I really think is this: Yucca Mountain is probably as safe as anyplace (except the Salt Mines in New Mexico, where they haul the stuff from Los Alamos), and if there was a little hiccup, we could get the people who live close to it out of there and compensate them for their land. It probably wouldn’t affect Las Vegas, our most populous area, unless it blew up and I don’t think that’s actually one of the worries (it’s erosion and seepage…there are mountains between LV and Yucca). It has the added benefit of creating some jobs and getting more money into our state. But all of this kind of hinges on the “probably.” And honestly, who will say,“Yippee! We get to store nuclear waste for the whoooooollllllleeeee country?” I think the desert of Nevada is isolated enough that it only makes sense, but I wish Yucca was temporary and we could dig a vast pit here in the Mojave, line it with 15 feet of concrete (reinforced) and call it good. I think science and engineering could come up with something better than an old porous mountain cave. I could be wrong.