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    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      I was merely suggesting that the Jews had that same custom which is why the Messiah used it as a sign for the Pharisees.
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      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      Only my mind at the moment remembering what I think that I may have read or heard in the past.
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      So, you're not being sarcastic, but it seems that you may be being a tad facetious. You know that I'm not going to do that. And I'm not...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      Based on Matthew 12:40, Mark 8:31 and Luke 24:21, I think a Thursday better fits the account. Plus, I think the Messiah specifically...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      HomeschoolDad posted; "Jesus Christ expired on the cross about the ninth hour, or 3 p.m. when the general and supernatural darkness...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      But you're the one who made the statement. Not necessary since it has already been suggested that it isn't an official doctrine of the...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      So, you believe the three hours of darkness in the afternoon can be counted as one of the nights in the "heart of the earth"? And that...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      But it makes all the difference with regard to the number of night times. But the Messiah did make a distinction with regard to...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      You mention Thursday night time and Friday daytime, but you don't mention Thursday daytime. When did He begin His time in the "bowels...
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      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      Certainly not me.
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      HomeschoolDad, re: "By 'mistranslation', I refer to anything that creates an apparent contradiction in God's Word. God does not lie...
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      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      To what mistranslation are you referring? What is a natural day? I don't understand what that means. Actually, most translations say...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      To what mistranslation are you referring? What is a natural day? I don't understand what that means.
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      Please explain what is incorrect about that quote.
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      The Messiah said that 3 nights would be involved with His time in the heart of the earth. There is no 3rd night involved with a Friday...
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