🍌 Donald Trump calls for AG Barr to indict Joe Biden with 26 days until election

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Donald Trump Calls for AG Barr to Indict Joe Biden With 26 Days Until Election​

With less than one month until the election, President Donald Trump is calling for his attorney general to indict his challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, for the “greatest political crime in the history of our country.”

Russia has plagued the Trump administration since he took office and accusations he colluded with one of America’s top adversaries to win the election called the validity of his victory into question. Democrats and Republicans both use a report from special counsel Robert Mueller to fuel their arguments in favor or against Trump, but recently declassified documents prove the improper behavior falls on Biden and former President Barack Obama, Trump claimed.

On Thursday, Trump told Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo that Biden and Obama "spited’ his campaign and urged Attorney General Bill Barr to indict them because “we got plenty, you don’t need any more.” Without an indictment, Trump said, “we’ll get little satisfaction,” and he “won’t forget it.”

Newsweek reached out to the Biden campaign for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.


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This isn’t the first time Trump’s called for Barr to indict Biden over the “Russia hoax,” as he refers to it. In August, he told Bartiromo that Barr had a chance to be the “greatest of all time” and that he has all of the answers showing that it goes “right to” Obama and Biden. But, if he chooses to be politically correct, he’ll end up being “just another guy.”

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Trump’s latest comments came after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified an intelligence assessment linking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the scandal. In the assessment, it claims that Clinton approved an effort to “stir up a scandal” against Trump “by tying him to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee.”

The assessment was previously rejected by Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee for not being based in fact, Politico reported. In his letter to Senator Lindsey Graham, Ratcliffe acknowledged the Intelligence Committee did not know the “accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”

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I hope this is not true. This is worse than the Nixon shenanigan’s, and might easily cross into abuse of power. Trying to imprison your political opponents? He has spent too much time with Putin. Barr best tread carefully lest he end up barred himself. This is just crazy!

Maybe its just the drugs talking.
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Still better than a Biden presidency. I support this notion.
That is a real possibility. There are those that are willing to go to extremes to defeat him. That is balanced by those who would accept him going to oppressive, illegal, and dictatorial extremes to keep him. Both sides should realize that if one is willing to abandon the rule of law, civility, and constitutionality for the sake of a win, then we are brought one step closer to a totalitarian state, and there is no guess which megalomaniacs will end up as our Fuhrer in the future.
That seems a bit much. I think putting joe in an old folks home is sufficient.
That is balanced by those who would accept him going to oppressive, illegal, and dictatorial extremes
That strawman is starting to get old. I don’t know of anyone supporting Trump exceeding his authority as the president. It is pure projection.
Liberals constantly accusing him of things does not mean that he is actually guilty of the things they claim.
I fully support Trump seizing more power, and if he declared himself president for life I would support that.
There is no longer any question that Obama and Biden both had their hands in the unmasking and in the perpetration of the hoax built by Russian intelligence operatives. And they knew that’s what they were doing and they knew why.

Best to forget criminality on the part of liberals, huh?
That strawman is starting to get old.
That is your opinion. I see this danger even if you do not, but then major change can slip in with the majority never seeing it.

…until it is too late.

Oh, and unless there is action that is treasonous, instead of just posturing, I will say the same thing if a year from now a Democratic president is wanting to pursue the ex-president. We are acting like a banana republic, with opposing parties wanting to make political prisoners of each other. We need a leader with enough gumption to stop this nonsense, not expand it.
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I am thinking one historical caution is Robespierre. Don’t be too anxious to go head-hunting your enemies.
Let the truth fall where it is. If President Trump colluded, then do what Neds to be done. If almost four years of Russian collusion where a plot to undermine President Trump, then it needs to be brought up.

Everyone complains that the law is not applied equally. But when people want to look for the wrong doing, somehow “My Guy” is always innocent.
If there was truly criminal activity, then it does not matter how close to the election…it needs to be handled.
Or maybe it’s just more politically motivated parsing of the president’s words?
What parsing? Trump said those things. He sure did not explain what Biden and Obama should be indicted for, however.

Anyway, if they are indicted and convicted he could always pardon them!
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