I don’t agree with abortion, but I also don’t agree with the rhetoric and fetus-centricity of many on the pro-life side.
See, I see the Pro-abortion side as being very issue or agenda-centric. If they were truly woman oriented, why would they be reluctant to have the whole truth given to women so the woman could make the choice which is the best for them. Let the woman know of the suffering she will probably have. Let her know her dreams will be haunted for years, she might have problems carrying future children, she might have problems bonding with the children she is able to have, she might be more susceptible to breast cancer, esp if she has more than one abortion, and especially especially if she already has a family history, she is more susceptible to depression, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, promiscuity, eating disorders, . . .
Is that the choice you see them promoting? No, they promote the easy simple choice, just make it go away, get on with life as before, no one needs to even know you were pregnant, so seductive, so simple, so compelling to a panics stricken woman. (By the way, you don’t need to be 16 to be panic stricken.)
So if they really want to be woman centered, why not promote chaste behavior, abstinence, honest dialogue, real choices. The only choice they care about is abortion. Why aren’t they offering to support the woman if they care so much for her? No, they only suggest the prolife side do that.
Sorry I’m getting so off track. There are so many sides to this its tough to stay on target. But the proaborts don’t want you to see the other sides. Only the one they chose to allow to see the light of day.
In Christ,