1,100 Excess Brain Damaged Babies are Born Yearly in US Due to Previous Abortions

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rastell said:
No problem,.

The Culture of Death has an answer:

Just kill them AFTER
they are born.



These are older links but I couldn’t find anything more current. I believe this professor is now chief of bio-ethics at Princeton.
He did apologize for recent comments made about killing a one month old baby due to defects…he said he meant to say he wanted parents to have up to six months.

The slippery slope we are on due to Roe v. Wade…
I totally agree - unwanted pregancy is never, ever a good thing. My wife was pregnant at 16 and delivered a child and gave it up for adoption. Twenty years later, she is still scarred by that experience. .
And you assume she would NOT have been scarred by having an abortion? I assure you the data do not support your premise. Further, I cannot fathom that your wife is not uplifted by the reality that she gave a human being life.
I don’t agree with abortion, but I also don’t agree with the rhetoric and fetus-centricity of many on the pro-life side.
First the term ‘fetus’ is demeaning and dehumanizing. So let’s not get in a battle over rhetoric. You are using it as well. As to fetus-centricity, that is a fallacy. I could counter your point with the “egg donor centricity” of the proaborts. They don’t seem to consider the child as anything more than a minor irritant. The only issue is ridding the mother of her little problem. Prolife groups are the ones that are providing support, medical care, and assistance to pregnant women.
. Every pregnancy involves two lives. It’s not just about the fetus/baby, but the life of the mother is impacted tremendously by pregnancy no matter what happens…
Well what about the baby’s life being impacted? It’s KILLED. At least the mother gets to go on with her life after abortion. Futher there are also problems, emotional and physical, associated with abortion. You cannot ignore these issues and focus only on problems of pregnancy.
Call me a crazy, bleeding-heart Catholic, but I have a lot of sympathy for women forced into desperate situations because of unwanted pregnancy. .
Well you need to do a little research because VERY FEW women seeking abortions are in any kind of desperate situation. The major reason for abortion is the inconvenience of a pregnancy. The proaborts often use the specter of a desperate teen, impregnated against her will who is afraid to tell her parents as the ‘average’ client. Not true. The average client is more likely to be a 25 year old white woman who has a job or is going to school. She doesn’t want the bother, inconvenience, or side effects of pregnancy. She isn’t desperate, just annoyed.
No woman has an abortion for fun. Abortion is not going to go away no matter what we do, and I think illegal abortion would be of much greater risk for the mother than legal abortion. I also can’t imagine throwing a 16 year-old girl in jail because she’s trying to end her unplanned pregnancy. As a society I think we should try to prevent unwanted pregnancy as much as is possible, by whatever means work best, but I don’t think illegal abortion is a magic answer for anything.
Gee let’s see. When abortion was illegal how many 16 year olds were thrown in jail? HMMMMM, I think it was none. I don’t think there were any abortion practitioners thrown in jail either.

I don’t think illegal abortion is the magic answer. I do think that education, social pressure and a paradigm change in the way we view sex will go a long way.

Lisa N
So what’s the ideal situation for those ladies? Force them to have babies? Will that make things better? Heck, maybe these abused women are trying to do the right thing - if they are being abused, they fear a baby will only make things worse and the baby itself will end up abused or shaken or killed.
BULL HOCKEY!!! No one said, first of all, that we should force the women to have these babies. FORCE being the key word. Second, BEEN THERE. Wanna know what I said to my abusive boyfriend when I was pregnant with his child(our 2nd, by the way. I had a miscarriage with the first one)He wanted me to have an abortion. I told him to "F-word off and die, I’d rather kill you than kill my child! As a mother, I knew that I had to PROTECT my child. If that meant leaving him if he would hurt my child and taking his butt to court and having the kid legally taken away from him, I would do it. I lost that child, too. But my 3rd child, the one whom I had a difficult preganancy with, I had an abusive man at that time, too. Different one, though. My son is the reason I got help and learned how to deal with abuse and how to spot 'em before i date them. My son is the reason that I got my spiritual life better and became a better Catholic(and I still have a long way to go) If a woman seriously believes that her child will be hurt or killed by the father of her child and she does nothing, she is just as culpable. Getting herself help and away from the creep is the best thing to do, NOT KILL HER BABY. THE MOM IS WORTH IT, TOO!
I totally agree - unwanted pregancy is never, ever a good thing. My wife was pregnant at 16 and delivered a child and gave it up for adoption. Twenty years later, she is still scarred by that experience. I don’t agree with abortion, but I also don’t agree with the rhetoric and fetus-centricity of many on the pro-life side. Every pregnancy involves two lives. It’s not just about the fetus/baby, but the life of the mother is impacted tremendously by pregnancy no matter what happens. Call me a crazy, bleeding-heart Catholic, but I have a lot of sympathy for women forced into desperate situations because of unwanted pregnancy. No woman has an abortion for fun. Abortion is not going to go away no matter what we do, and I think illegal abortion would be of much greater risk for the mother than legal abortion. I also can’t imagine throwing a 16 year-old girl in jail because she’s trying to end her unplanned pregnancy. As a society I think we should try to prevent unwanted pregnancy as much as is possible, by whatever means work best, but I don’t think illegal abortion is a magic answer for anything.
Thanks for your response. And we agree on a lot. And I would not throw a 16 yr old in jail either. I’d throw in the doctor. And the clinic administrator and the shareholders of the corporation that owns the clinic . . .

One of the problems is that the availability of abortion and birthcontrol both leads to the increase of sex outside of marriage. Which leads to more unwanted pregnancies and more abortions. All predicted by Paul VI in Humanae Vitae. So how to reduce the demand for abortion, before you make abortions illegal?

Maybe a good step is the one just taken in South Dakota, similar to some other states, that the mother be informed of all known consequences of abortion including the following:
That the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being;
         (c)      That the pregnant woman has an existing relationship with that unborn human being and that the relationship enjoys protection under the United States Constitution and under the laws of South Dakota;
         (d)      That by having an abortion, her existing relationship and her existing constitutional rights with regards to that relationship will be terminated;
         (e)    A description of all known medical risks of the procedure and statistically significant risk factors to which the pregnant woman would be subjected, including:
         (i)    Depression and related psychological distress;
         (ii)    Increased risk of suicide ideation and suicide;
         (iii)    A statement setting forth an accurate rate of deaths due to abortions, including all deaths in which the abortion procedure was a substantial contributing factor;
         (iv)    All other known medical risks to the physical health of the woman, including the risk of infection, hemorrhage, danger to subsequent pregnancies, and infertility;
         (f)    The probable gestational age of the unborn child at the time the abortion is to be performed, and a scientifically accurate statement describing the development of the unborn child at that age; and
         (g)    The statistically significant medical risks associated with carrying her child to term compared to undergoing an induced abortion.
It was fought very hard by PP. But why? It didn’t introduce any new restrictions, just demanded informed consent. PP responded they provide informed consent. When asked how, they said when the woman calls for her appointment, after the appointment is made, they transfer her to a recorded voice with the information. Nothing in writing. Nothing to be sure that she really knows what she is agreeing to. Man, when she said that, you could hear a pin drop in the subcommittee room. *That * is informed consent?

So the first step in both our minds should be bills like this. Would you agree with that?

In Christ,
I don’t agree with abortion, but I also don’t agree with the rhetoric and fetus-centricity of many on the pro-life side. Every pregnancy involves two lives. It’s not just about the fetus/baby, but the life of the mother is impacted tremendously by pregnancy no matter what happens.
“Fetus-centricity”? These are people who are supposed to be protected. They are the littlest, most helpless among us. `Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.’ Matt 25:45

I do agree though that the pro-life movement does need to do a better job of incorporating our concerns about women into the argument. The concern is there of course and it’s real - we are the ones most concerned about women’s health for pete’s - but we need to make it more visible I think. :twocents:

Anyway - an interesting thread just happened to come across it. Thanks for letting me barge in!! 🙂
Thanks for your response. And we agree on a lot. And I would not throw a 16 yr old in jail either. I’d throw in the doctor. And the clinic administrator and the shareholders of the corporation that owns the clinic . . .

One of the problems is that the availability of abortion and birthcontrol both leads to the increase of sex outside of marriage. Which leads to more unwanted pregnancies and more abortions. All predicted by Paul VI in Humanae Vitae. So how to reduce the demand for abortion, before you make abortions illegal?

Maybe a good step is the one just taken in South Dakota, similar to some other states, that the mother be informed of all known consequences of abortion including the following:

It was fought very hard by PP. But why? It didn’t introduce any new restrictions, just demanded informed consent. PP responded they provide informed consent. When asked how, they said when the woman calls for her appointment, after the appointment is made, they transfer her to a recorded voice with the information. Nothing in writing. Nothing to be sure that she really knows what she is agreeing to. Man, when she said that, you could hear a pin drop in the subcommittee room. *That *is informed consent?

So the first step in both our minds should be bills like this. Would you agree with that?

In Christ,
Informed consent??!! Can you see my jaw dropping to the floor?Any procedure in a hospital gets better informed consent than that! It has to be obtained by a doctor, and the patient has to be competent and coherent AND SIGN THE PAPERWORK!
I don’t agree with abortion, but I also don’t agree with the rhetoric and fetus-centricity of many on the pro-life side.
See, I see the Pro-abortion side as being very issue or agenda-centric. If they were truly woman oriented, why would they be reluctant to have the whole truth given to women so the woman could make the choice which is the best for them. Let the woman know of the suffering she will probably have. Let her know her dreams will be haunted for years, she might have problems carrying future children, she might have problems bonding with the children she is able to have, she might be more susceptible to breast cancer, esp if she has more than one abortion, and especially especially if she already has a family history, she is more susceptible to depression, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, promiscuity, eating disorders, . . .

Is that the choice you see them promoting? No, they promote the easy simple choice, just make it go away, get on with life as before, no one needs to even know you were pregnant, so seductive, so simple, so compelling to a panics stricken woman. (By the way, you don’t need to be 16 to be panic stricken.)

So if they really want to be woman centered, why not promote chaste behavior, abstinence, honest dialogue, real choices. The only choice they care about is abortion. Why aren’t they offering to support the woman if they care so much for her? No, they only suggest the prolife side do that.

Sorry I’m getting so off track. There are so many sides to this its tough to stay on target. But the proaborts don’t want you to see the other sides. Only the one they chose to allow to see the light of day.

In Christ,
Informed consent??!! Can you see my jaw dropping to the floor?Any procedure in a hospital gets better informed consent than that! It has to be obtained by a doctor, and the patient has to be competent and coherent AND SIGN THE PAPERWORK!
I agree. There’s more to the bill, I just quoted the stuff dealing with the side effects, including signatures and what not. My suggestion to the legislatures was that the patient be required to sign right next to the picture of the baby at the stage of development that the child was at the time of the prospective abortion (that way you know she saw it, as opposed to the clinic nurses saying sign here, sign here, sign here, with no explanation). And they are supposed to be in addition to the regular informed consent.

Let me tell you, what they are doing now is criminal. They prey on the fear and panic that the patient has. She wants to be in and out before she can change her mind and they accomodate her as best they can.

In Christ,
Let me tell you, what they are doing now is criminal. They prey on the fear and panic that the patient has. She wants to be in and out before she can change her mind and they accomodate her as best they can.

In Christ,
It’s all about the benjamins!! $$$$$$$$$
I totally agree - unwanted pregancy is never, ever a good thing. My wife was pregnant at 16 and delivered a child and gave it up for adoption. Twenty years later, she is still scarred by that experience. I don’t agree with abortion, but I also don’t agree with the rhetoric and fetus-centricity of many on the pro-life side. Every pregnancy involves two lives. It’s not just about the fetus/baby, but the life of the mother is impacted tremendously by pregnancy no matter what happens. Call me a crazy, bleeding-heart Catholic, but I have a lot of sympathy for women forced into desperate situations because of unwanted pregnancy. No woman has an abortion for fun. Abortion is not going to go away no matter what we do, and I think illegal abortion would be of much greater risk for the mother than legal abortion. I also can’t imagine throwing a 16 year-old girl in jail because she’s trying to end her unplanned pregnancy. As a society I think we should try to prevent unwanted pregnancy as much as is possible, by whatever means work best, but I don’t think illegal abortion is a magic answer for anything.
Norbert:nope: Not that you will respond but here it goes:nope: Norbert when you fight abortion you are fighting for the mother and child,the ramifications of abortions for the unborn CHILD( I used that term because the term fetus although accurate is used by pro-aborts to create the illusion that the unborn child is less worthy to live than the mom,it is a lie)are long lasting and alot more impactful than adoption could ever be.Why?An abortion is killing your child,I have relatives and friends that have done it too.Don’t tell me that is should be legal:tsktsk: The dead babies is NOT the only carnage left behind:mad:" Call me a crazy, bleeding-heart Catholic, but I have a lot of sympathy for women forced into desperate situations because of unwanted pregnancy. “Me too but I do not give president to the woman or the onborn child,God gave them both life.” I don’t agree with abortion, but I also don’t agree with the rhetoric and fetus-centricity of many on the pro-life side. "What rhetoric would that be Norbert?The 4,000 dead children in this country alone?Or perhaps expecting that people would actually teach young women that this is an option,while we have generations of “choices” running around killing people who get in their way teens committing suicide and killing each other,why Norbert?Children are gifts who are now called burdens,who you can be killed legally by a doctor.Where is the Mercy or sympathy for the mother or child,Norbert?
I agree that intentional abortion is ALWAYS wrong.

Having said that, here is an excellent book on the history of the “Abortion Wars”. The book is called Articles of Faith by Cynthia Gorney, and it is a remarkably neutral history of the abortion fight. It also has all the facts and figures that you all were referring to, such as how many, etc.

Just my unsolicited 2 cents…
I just wanted to thank all of you that have given such powerful witness on this thread (Amy and Momofone).

The friend that I go down with to pray in front of the abortion clinic tells me a story that happened a couple of years ago to him. While with a pro-life group saying the rosary in front of the abortion clinic an elderly African American woman came up to them holding the hand of a two year old girl. She started to shake their hand and thank them for the life of her grand daughter. Her daughter had come down to the clinic and after seeing the witness of the people in front of the clinic she pondered what she was about to do.

The thanks of that woman resound to all of you also.

By God’s grace hopefully more people will become educated on this issue instead of buying the secular worldview hook, line, and sinker on this.

I pray Norbert’s bleeding heart Catholicism will motivate him to pick up resources and educate himself on the reality of his words.

God bless you all…

I agree that intentional abortion is ALWAYS wrong.

Having said that, here is an excellent book on the history of the “Abortion Wars”. The book is called Articles of Faith by Cynthia Gorney, and it is a remarkably neutral history of the abortion fight. It also has all the facts and figures that you all were referring to, such as how many, etc.

Just my unsolicited 2 cents…
How recent is the book? You can get these figures through the National Institute of Health. However I wonder if this is underreporting because many abortions take place in doctors’ offices and other places where reporting is not mandatory.

Lisa N
I If we are truly against abortion, though (as I am), I think we need to focus our energies on preventing unwanted pregnancy, with things like sex education for teens, and even acceding to (gasp) artificial birth control.
Wow! what an idea! Sex education! The schools ought to try that! Have you suggested this to anyone? Does anyone know about this?? Can I use the idea at the next school trustee meeting here??

Lisa N:
How recent is the book? You can get these figures through the National Institute of Health. However I wonder if this is underreporting because many abortions take place in doctors’ offices and other places where reporting is not mandatory.

Lisa N
The book is copyrighted 1998. Even so, it does a good job of letting us in on the old numbers from the 60’s. etc. Also, it gives a glimpse into the minds of the abortion rights people who, I confess, I just don’t get.
So what’s the ideal situation for those ladies? Force them to have babies? .
They already have babies. Having their babies ripped from the wombs is the WORST scenario, not the “ideal.”
They already have babies. Having their babies ripped from the wombs is the WORST scenario, not the “ideal.”
Absolutely correct. Well said. 👍
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