10 Witnesses Go On The Record Stating Atlantic Report On Trump Denigrating Troops Is A Lie

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Cavuto calls out media over soft treatment of Biden: ‘That’s not fair and balanced. That’s not doing your job’​

By Charles Creitz

Are reporters being fair and balanced to both presidential nominees? Reaction from Neil Cavuto’s media panel on 'Your World

Fox News host Neil Cavuto took his fellow media members to task Friday over their seemingly friendly questioning of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden at an earlier news conference, insisting that both Biden and President Trump receive equal scrutiny. . .

“So I think that both men, especially when you are running for the highest office in the land, should be held under intensive scrutiny. I did not see that today with Joe Biden when it came to the press,” he said.

The host then played several clips from the Biden news conference, including one in which Atlantic reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere asked the former vice president what Trump’s reported comments denigrating fallen World War I soldiers “say about President Trump’s soul.”

“Let me cut to the upshot there,” Cavuto said. "What they’re essentially saying is, ‘Can you again confirm for us why you think the president is such a jerk given some of these jerky things that he’s said and argued?’

“That’s not fair and balanced. That’s not doing your job.”

Cavuto then played a clip of what he described as “routine” treatment given Trump by the White House press corps. . . .


Need an Explanation Behind That Hit Piece by The Atlantic? Take a Look at the Guests at Their Upcoming Festival​

September 6, 2020 by Brad Slager

It’s curious how an unbiased news outlet can only manage speakers from the left.

When a major news outlet engages in a slanderous and biased hit piece on the President there really is only one way to prove you are not in the tank for one party: hosting an online festival filled with leftist guests and featuring Hillary Clinton as the headline speaker. See, we are completely unbiased, right?!

For the past few days, the press has strained to make a story out of the coordinated hit piece on President Trump, and it promptly fell apart like a 3-year-old’s attempt to build Trump Tower out of wood blocks. All the earmarks of a ‘’September Surprise’’ were evident; The Atlantic first breaks the story Thursday night, The AP follows up with a corroboration, Joe Biden is asked directly about on Friday morning, and a Democrat voting PAC releases a prepared commercial. A purely organic series of events — considering that commercial quoted the article and ran in numerous markets just hours after it had been released…
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Thanks. At least they’re honest that they intend to continue. One wonders if ‘‘tis is an in kind contribution.
It sounds like you read Bolton’s book (did you?).
I apologize if I did not convey my message well?

But, I was reciting the section were Bolton was sharing a conversation he had with John F. Kelly. Kelly was sharing an argument he had with Trump regarding John Brennon; I felt the author was just conveying how confrontations were just the normal practice in the Trump Administration?

The key point was Trump’s insensitivity about a subject even when directly in front of someone that is directly affected by the topic.

Bolton ended his book by explaining his position on the impeachment that shortly followed his resignation. Remember, he was in a position where everyone wanted to hear from him.

He has stated many time throughout his writings that he found Trump’s conduct deeply disturbing. In what he has described as a “Partisan Armageddon”, he felt attempting to support his views did not pass his cost benefit analysis of his efforts. He also stated that he feels no obligation to correct anything written or reported of him.

The summation is that Trump is a liar; we have all seen countless examples. The reality is that there can be a thousand individuals that verify the authenticity of his comments - even with video footage; that is not going to change the minds of those that follow him as a demigod.

Yes, we should strive to be objective and develop our skills of discernment.

Lastly, way back in school - I read Orwell’s 1984. I thought the story was dystopic of course. But, as a young person I found the concern that; “A lie can be continually stated until it is a truth” to be absurd. I humbly admit to being wrong…
Interesting,I too read Orwell’s 1984.That’s what scares me most about the Dems and the lefties that have high jacked that party.Thought police,gaslighting,all of the issues the we thought were mere fiction coming to life within the Dem party.
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Leo2014 . . .
The key point was Trump’s insensitivity about a subject even when directly in front of someone that is directly affected by the topic.
Yeah. He may not express feelings enough for some people on some issues.

I felt the same way when Obama basically told the Little Sisters of the Poor
and Catholics nationwide who supported them
directly in front of us and the rest of the nation
to shove it up their nose
with their concerns over
Obama commandeering Government
to FORCE people to be paying out of their pockets
for other people’s sex lives (contraception).

Or Obama having a tantrum, while telling American citizens if he doesn’t get his way over Congress he has a phone and a pen.

Or Obama’s lies about pre-born people maybe not being people, saying it was above his pay grade.

(You have been here since 2014 Leo2014. Have you condemned any of those attacks on life from Obama? Would you mind linking me to a couple?)

I get how you feel.
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I think you are right. The art of discussion is hardly practiced today and is virtually unknown. Maybe it’s because the politicians don’t know the issues well enough to discuss them; but, more likely, it involves a coarsening of culture so that discussion is thought of as a waste of time, whereas it is much easier to get people riled up about something and gravitate toward your side. But the easy way is, in most things, not the most constructive and effective way.
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The damage has been done. I do not think the truth was told by the Atlantic. But it is what it is.
umamibella on umamibella comparing President Trump to Communist China . . .
Isnt your President doing the same if he is demanding a reporter be fired

Exclusive — U.S. Ambassador to France Denies The Atlantic Story: ‘POTUS Has Never Denigrated Any Member of U.S. Military’​


(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)


Matthew Boyle

7 Sep 2020 Washington, DC

U.S. Ambassador to France and Monaco Jamie McCourt told Breitbart News exclusively on Monday that the Atlantic story about President Donald Trump allegedly bashing troops is untrue.

Ambassador McCourt was there the day President Trump’s team called off the trip to the cemetery at Belleau Wood because of inclement weather. She is the latest U.S. official who was actually present at the event to publicly deny the Atlantic’ s account of events, which is based entirely on anonymous sources.

“Needless to say, I never spoke to the Atlantic , and I can’t imagine who would,” McCourt told Breitbart News. “In my presence, POTUS has NEVER denigrated any member of the U.S. military or anyone in service to our country. And he certainly did not that day, either. Let me add, he was devastated to not be able to go to the cemetery at Belleau Wood. In fact, the next day, he attended and spoke at the ceremony in Suresnes in the pouring rain.”

McCourt’s denial regarding the Atlantic comes after former White House deputy chief of staff Zach Fuentes, a top confidante of former chief of staff John Kelly, denied the story earlier on Monday in an exclusive statement to Breitbart News.

In addition to Fuentes, former National Security adviser John Bolton has denied the account—as has every other person who could have witnessed the president saying this: officials who were there, from former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to senior adviser Stephen Miller to advisers such as Jordan Karem and Derek Lyons. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was traveling with the president there, has also denied the report. In addition, first lady Melania Trump has denied the report and called the Atlantic article fake news. . . . .

. . . “Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?” Fuentes asked Breitbart News. . . .
Caldera quoting a Tweet . . . .
How can @JeffreyGoldberg have “4 people with firsthand knowledge” of this when everyone who was in the room & would qualify as firsthand sources are now on the record denying his story? On the record denials from: Zach Fuentes Jordan Karem Derek Lyons Stephen Miller FLOTUS POTUS https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1303012563849023489

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr

Breitbart: Zach Fuentes, Top Aide to John Kelly, Denies Atlantic Story About Trump "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think Gen. Kelly would have stood by & let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?”
Good post from you Caldera (as usual).

I think there are a LOT of people who owe President Trump an apology on this issue.

Not only for lying against President Trump (and pretend they are worried about “lying” as a principle no less), but for running with this lying FAKE NEWS story.
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And ZERO witnesses go on record stating the Atlantic report was true.

The media wing of the Democratic Party just needed something, anything, to distract away from Nancy Pelosi’s mask-less indoor visit to a hair salon, which was closed to indoor customers because of the tyrannical politicians.
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"Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather, who left the network for airing a false story about George W. Bush’s military service during the 2004 election, doubled down Tuesday on his support for a story in The Atlantic"


Dan Rather on Atlantic’s Trump Story: ‘Whether He Said It or Not, It Is Believable to a Lot of People’​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Larry French/Getty Images for SiriusXM


8 Sep 2020

Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather, who left the network for airing a false story about George W. Bush’s military service during the 2004 election, doubled down Tuesday on his support for a story in The Atlantic claiming President Donald Trump disparaged the troops.

The Atlantic cited four anonymous sources . . . .
Sorry, I just finished the whole cake! It was chocolate fudge, my favorite. Next time.
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