"100 priests, lay scholars call Pope Francis to repent for Pachamama idolatry at Amazon Synod "

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They are not alone. These are troubling times for the Catholic Church. No reason to hate on Lifesite for sharing the truth.
Lifesite takes any opportunity to criticize or disparage the Holy Father. Whomever participated in this at their organization will answer to God
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I don’t think I’d go that far. One person’s ‘hateful criticism’ is another person’s ‘honest inquiry’.

I love Pope Francis as much as any Catholic, and I’m against disparagement as a general rule for any person, but I tend to give people --and even websites–the benefit of the doubt. If there is an interpretation where somebody could, incorrectly perhaps, but honestly and without malice, find something a problem where most others would not, I’d rather err on the side of charity and not assume the worst.
100 priests and lay people out of how many Bishops, priests & lay people? Around 1 billion?

There is a misunderstanding, but I don’t think it is the Holy Father’s. 🤷
When a news outlet like lifesite , Remnant, or Churchmilltant REPEATEDLY and CONTINUOUSLY posts articles “questioning” or even straight up disparaging Francis I know their intent and their core audience it’s not about innocent questioning it’s about organized efforts to attack the Pope.

I pray, and invite others to pray that the Pope be defended from his enemies.
First, There are so many people concerned about this outside of those sites.
Second, just because they are the ones reporting it doesn’t mean what they are reporting isn’t correct.
It has been.
Nothing the man says is good enough for some people. Even Jesus said to his disciples that if they do not listen to you, shake the dust from your feet and move on.
And what has he said about all this that has been sufficient and accurate?
Pope Francis does not have to explain anything to me, I trust that he is being guided by the Holy Spirit to do what is right for the whole Church.
The statue is question, was presented as a representation of Mary with an Amazonian twist. It is perfectly accetable for a culture to make icons and statues that resemble themselves.
It is the people who have such a problem with this I find suspect. They want God and the Church in a western European box. That is sad and no way to evangelize.
Pope Francis called it a pachamama.

You are accusing others of not listening to him?

And these are Catholics. It’s not evangelization.

But you are right… there is definite twisting going on.
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Do we as catholics follow the Example set forth from current popes and Bishops or do we hold to the examples set forth by prior popes and Bishops? We know both very clearly. We live in a time with unlimited access to current catholic teachings as well as historical. What do we choose?
Since we live in the here and now, I choose to listen to the voices of the here and now.

The Catholic church is supposed to be universal. We should not expect the peopple of the Amazon to assimilate to our western culture.
This whole statue thing is much ado about nothing. Just a way to get the anti-Francis crowd riled up and let the Great Divider play his games.
You said Francis’ words are not enough for some. And that the statue represents Mary.I asked what he said about the statue after all the controversies regarding it.

He called it a pachamama. And that is very different from Mary.

Fr Mitch Pawca explained his knowledge and experience related to pachamama. He is being very clear and reasonable. Actually educational in his explanaition. Pope Francis’ comments usually never have an educational aspect to them.

There are Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and specialists from the Amazon region who are outspoken about the real danger of idolatry related to pachamama.

So yes, Pope Francis has an obligation to address this clearly.
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