This is all fun I’m sure but the fact remains that we cannot impose are religious convictions on the rest of society through secular law. You cannot fight fascism with more fascism even if you happen to be morally right about abortion. Your position on the matter is not self-evident, it is a matter of faith, and the appropriation of religious definitions of moral value into law is not how the legal system works, and there is no point in not acknowledging that just because your against the sin of abortion. The secular legal system, in regards to persons and their value, operates fundamentally in a different context to our religious convictions and it always will. Its pragmatic, not Christian. That’s why the system cannot protect a person, as created by God, from the moment of conception.
If you have a problem with that then you cannot support a secular democracy, you are going to have to argue for a Christian theocracy.
Yes, two wrongs don’t make a right.
On the other hand you can do what Jesus taught us to do which is spread the light of the gospel, spread the Catholic faith; that’s how you fight the culture of death. Or perhaps your heart is too focused on punishing the wicked?
Some moral concerns, even ones as serious as abortion, can only be dealt with on a social level. Which means changing the mentalities of people, as opposed to changing the law.