Dear Pope Benedict . . .
(from U.S. Catholic)
We asked a distinguished group of commentators to write an open letter to the new pope: past winners of the U.S. Catholic Award for Furthering the Cause of Women in the Church. Here’s what these award-winning women would like the new pope to know.
Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B.
Activist, author (1992)
At times of great change—times awash with new findings in science, new information about culture, new insights into history, and new policies in economics—every institution and all people are required to rethink everything they’ve ever thought, every organizational principle they’ve ever held, every practice they’ve ever assumed to be either right or absolute.
So it was when we discovered that we were not the center of the universe. So it is now that we know that we are a dot of a galaxy in a sea of galaxies. “Who is this God?” we are asking again. “What is truth?” “Who has it?” We are at a crossover moment in history. We will all come to it slowly, with more or less reluctance, with more or less insight into the meaning of it for us in the here and now because people develop at different rates as a result of different experiences…
Full letters in U.S. Catholic
hat tip to paparatzipost.com you may need to scroll down
(from U.S. Catholic)
We asked a distinguished group of commentators to write an open letter to the new pope: past winners of the U.S. Catholic Award for Furthering the Cause of Women in the Church. Here’s what these award-winning women would like the new pope to know.
Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B.
Activist, author (1992)
At times of great change—times awash with new findings in science, new information about culture, new insights into history, and new policies in economics—every institution and all people are required to rethink everything they’ve ever thought, every organizational principle they’ve ever held, every practice they’ve ever assumed to be either right or absolute.
So it was when we discovered that we were not the center of the universe. So it is now that we know that we are a dot of a galaxy in a sea of galaxies. “Who is this God?” we are asking again. “What is truth?” “Who has it?” We are at a crossover moment in history. We will all come to it slowly, with more or less reluctance, with more or less insight into the meaning of it for us in the here and now because people develop at different rates as a result of different experiences…
Full letters in U.S. Catholic
hat tip to paparatzipost.com you may need to scroll down