13 Hostile Women Write Pope Benedict (PapaRatziPost.com)

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Dear Pope Benedict . . .
(from U.S. Catholic)

We asked a distinguished group of commentators to write an open letter to the new pope: past winners of the U.S. Catholic Award for Furthering the Cause of Women in the Church. Here’s what these award-winning women would like the new pope to know.

Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B.
Activist, author (1992)

At times of great change—times awash with new findings in science, new information about culture, new insights into history, and new policies in economics—every institution and all people are required to rethink everything they’ve ever thought, every organizational principle they’ve ever held, every practice they’ve ever assumed to be either right or absolute.

So it was when we discovered that we were not the center of the universe. So it is now that we know that we are a dot of a galaxy in a sea of galaxies. “Who is this God?” we are asking again. “What is truth?” “Who has it?” We are at a crossover moment in history. We will all come to it slowly, with more or less reluctance, with more or less insight into the meaning of it for us in the here and now because people develop at different rates as a result of different experiences…

Full letters in U.S. Catholic

hat tip to paparatzipost.com you may need to scroll down
Well I made it through the first few letters and it was obvious the real agenda: We wanna be priests!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

No matter how they serve it up, clearly they have one issue.

Lisa N
The fact that women cannot be priests is a denigrating of their gender as is that men cannot have babies.

I wanna have a baby. Pope Benedict, can you dogmatically declare the outdated restriction of women only having babies is not dogmatic and begin allowing men to have babies!!! :crying:
I wanna have a baby. Pope Benedict, can you dogmatically declare the outdated restriction of women only having babies is not dogmatic and begin allowing men to have babies!!! :crying:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
**I decided to read the full article mentioned above. I do believe that our Church does and will continue to evolve in Christ, that we are becoming more enlightened in order to make reasonable changes that build rather than tear apart our foundation. There have been injustices by society against many groups and frequently the Church could have done better. Yet, we must recognize that she has done a great deal, often as a lone voice in the wilderness. In society, women had been undervalued and underappreciated. We are discovering everyday how to more fully build the body of Christ by using the gifts of everyone more fully. Many organizations, including the Church, has room to grow – but the Church can not sacrifice compromizing God and her responsibility, for the sake of growth for growth’s sake. She has a sacred trust from Christ. **

Frankly, I was not impressed with what I read and am dissapointed at such bitterness and unreasonable expecxtations that seperate many sisters and brothers from the fullness of truth in our Catholic faith. I think they are tearing the Church down rather than working to build Her!

The article has sub-articles by several prominent women. They express their displeasure at what the Church and her previous popes have done/not done and their expectations for Pope Benedict XVI. Sister Joan Chittister’s, O.S.B., article lead the letter; it was mild and invited growth in understanding. This tone shifted dramatically as Dolores Curran listed 7 points; my take aways/interpretations were: the undervaluing of women’s gifts that would offer a more humane and spiritual church, that the church is closed to women, that these women are raining sons who will not participate in priesthood as it is presently in its discrimination against woman, their are some sensitive Americans who are not “materialistic warmongers,” and Church policies in contraception and celibate priesthood need changing. Here is a sample quote from Elisabeth Schüssler-Fiorenza
**, a **theologian, and author (1987): “…****True, they have acknowledged women’s rights in society but continue to justify the exclusion of women from ecclesial leadership and sacramental powers in and through a dual-nature theology…”

Love & peace in Christ,
I read the whole schmear. How wretched! What an agenda! I find it ironic that the women who want women’s ordination or want to be priests themselves are the very ones who are walking lessons on why we should not have it even if we could, while the women who might actually make good priests, the women who are orthodox and obedient, rightly want absolutely nothing to do with the notion! Did you read the one that said,“Blessed be She,” or somesuch nonsense? All them were absolutely appalling! How fast do you think they would try to attempt to overturn everything that’s gone before? They should all be put out of their orders (the nuns, at least) and if the orders won’t put them out, then the orders need to be put out.
Given their way, they’d probable toss away all tradition including the Bible, and rewrite their own!
The fact that women cannot be priests is a denigrating of their gender as is that men cannot have babies.

I wanna have a baby. Pope Benedict, can you dogmatically declare the outdated restriction of women only having babies is not dogmatic and begin allowing men to have babies!!! :crying:
Scott you are too funny! :clapping:
They could have their cake and eat it too if they were to join the Anglican Communion.

And I am sure they would be openly accepted and affirmed there too.

It’s sad but sometimes I am so embarassed by the way these women are acting. I really hope most people realize that not all Catholic women feel this way. It also really makes me mad when people who are against church teachings and want to overhaul the way the church is run, call themselves Catholic. I’m sorry, but that’s not being Catholic. And if they understood their religion, truly and deeply, they would realize that. I so hope I don’t sound uncharitable but hey, sometimes, tough love, I guess…

I just do not understand this whole woman priest thing. It makes no sense. Do they really think it’s going to happen? I wonder what these women think will be fulfilled if it did? Equality with men? Do they know that it’s not about that? It’s about tradition and history and, it’s biblical! I feel fufilled as a Catholic woman. (and I don’t need to be a priest to do it…) I wonder what void they are trying to fill.
sorry, rant’s over :o
Funny coincidence, I’m on an ecumenical council that works with a center for spiritual developmen. Sr. Joan is coming to town and there is huge interest in her talk. Someone on the council sniffed “Well Sister Joan says the new Pope is a great l4th century theologian and that’s about where he belongs…”

I suspect Celia that NON Catholics like her better than do Catholics. It gives them a chance to diss the Church and justify it by pointing to dissenters like Sr Joan.

Lisa N
I read the whole schmear. How wretched! What an agenda! I find it ironic that the women who want women’s ordination or want to be priests themselves are the very ones who are walking lessons on why we should not have it even if we could, while the women who might actually make good priests, the women who are orthodox and obedient, rightly want absolutely nothing to do with the notion! Did you read the one that said,“Blessed be She,” or somesuch nonsense? All them were absolutely appalling! How fast do you think they would try to attempt to overturn everything that’s gone before? They should all be put out of their orders (the nuns, at least) and if the orders won’t put them out, then the orders need to be put out.
The good thing about this bunch is they are so predictable – it has gotten so that you can almost quote them verbatim without reading what they say, as this group has said it so often, to so many.
I wanna have a baby. Pope Benedict, can you dogmatically declare the outdated restriction of women only having babies is not dogmatic and begin allowing men to have babies!!! :crying:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Lisa N:
I suspect Celia that NON Catholics like her better than do Catholics. It gives them a chance to diss the Church and justify it by pointing to dissenters like Sr Joan. Lisa N
Certainly. But there are many non Catholics who find them as wearisome as you do. Until recently, they were about all we saw in the MSM. Our Catholic brethren who we see every day aren’t like that.

EWTN and the net are changing that fast. No more one person says that and another that and it all depends on how you look at it, we all have our opinions and the Church is moving ahead and someday this or that…

A couple clicks and the definitive answer is there. Or close to it.

Sure I could have asked any Catholic I knew what they thought about these “neophiliacs”( as Fr. Richard Neuhaus refers to them) but, as has been discussed here before, Catholics do hold back. And I didn’t want to offend by mentioning Catholics I had seen or read in the MSM I thought to be on another planet.
Sister Christine Vladimiroff, O.S.B.
Benedictine prioress (2002)

“Listen,” the first word in the Rule of Benedict, sets a marker for you, Pope Benedict XVI. St. Benedict meant no ordinary listening but a profound attitude to life and to the God who speaks through people and the events of the day.

St. Benedict’s Rules are about listening to God’s will, never our own. Who does Sister Christine Vladimiroff really want us to hear? Her?

The present model of church governance sets up barriers to hear the Spirit speaking to the church. It excludes and marginalizes most from the decision-making process.

Should the Church start exercising election campaigns and offering voting booths? Ridicules.

With competence you need to lead us to question the acquired forms, structures, institutions—from the Roman curia, the College of Cardinals, and national bishops’ conferences, down to the diocesan and parish levels. They are accretions from the past. They are human constructs and therefore neither absolute nor eternal. They are provisional and imperfect and remain behind the full demands of the gospel, and therefore are open to reform.

Men and women are not human constructs. God made man and woman and saw that they were good. God didn’t see that they were imperfect or provisional. Men are men. Women are women. Nothing more needs to said. The acquired forms, structures and institutions work if men are men and women let men be men. Most women are women except for a few who try to be men.

It is my hope that you will listen to the voices of all the People of God, not disregarding opposing opinions and not silencing the differing view and voice. Benedict of Nursia instructs the abbot or prioress to call the community to counsel when anything important needs to be decided. The church must fashion new structures that foster a culture of dialogue, that make available the wisdom and insights of all as we address issues of our day.

Is Sister Christine Vladimiroff forgetting the important fact that St. Benedict’s rules address the abbot for **his **community of males and the Prioress for her community of females?

How holy is the dialogue in Sister Christine’s letter? Are her concerns self-centered or based on God’s will?

Sister Christine Vladimeroff has taken the wonderful Rules of St. Benedict and twisted them in an unholy way to serve as a device for her own self-centered agenda.
The good thing about this bunch is they are so predictable – it has gotten so that you can almost quote them verbatim without reading what they say, as this group has said it so often, to so many.
Yeah, HagiaSophia’s back!!!
At times of great change—times awash with new findings in science, new information about culture, new insights into history, and new policies in economics—every institution and all people are required to rethink everything they’ve ever thought, every organizational principle they’ve ever held, every practice they’ve ever assumed to be either right or absolute.
Rethink everything? Hmmm, ok how 'bout the idea that all “sisters” over age 60 who cling to moral relativism not be thrown out of the Church? I think it is time to rethink that and throw them out. What else?
May the Lord help me use these people as an example of what NOT to do. May the Lord also help me become 100% faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. I ask for the help of soon to be St John Paul II the Great.:gopray: Also, I pray that he help them to return to the true Catholic faith and repent of false teachings.
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