4th grade virtual learner gets suspended for having a BB gun in his bedroom

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Peebo . . .
What makes you think that is “paranoia” when the Democrats (at least some of them regarding at least some of our country’s citizens guns) have stated this?

Would you mind please linking me to all of your non-paranoid posts
where you complained about the Obama administration
re-defining U.S. veterans who needed accounting and tax help,
as now being “mentally incompetent”
and took away their guns?

One link of your’s would be fine.

Thanks in advance.
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(name removed by moderator) . . .
Ah, loyalty tests of a kind yet again. Why should anyone feel compelled to do stuff like that before commenting on an issue?
Ah, re-defining examples of principles as “loyalty tests” yet again. Why should anyone feel compelled to do stuff like that before commenting on an issue?


(name removed by moderator) . . .
All seems tempest in a teapot stuff to be frank.
I’ll tell that to this little kid if I ever get the chance.

I’ll tell the 4th grader: (name removed by moderator) says it is not a big deal. It is just tempest in a teapot stuff.


(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)Peebo


Peebo . . .
What makes you think that is “paranoia” when the Democrats (at least some of them regarding at least some of our country’s citizens guns) have stated this?

Would you mind please linking me to all of your non-paranoid posts
where you complained about the Obama administration
re-defining U.S. veterans who needed accounting and tax help,
as now being “mentally incompetent”
and took away their guns?

One link of your’s would be fine.

Thanks in advance.

What are you talking about??
BabyWitch on Cathoholic . . .
That’s an unfair thing to say.
It is very fair and it is right-on.

BabyWitch . . .
Leftists do not want to take your guns 😉. We just . . .
Wink mine.

Sure they do.

BabyWitch expressing concern in this area of firearm usage:
an armed population with little to no regulation in firearm safety . . .
I disagree. I think there is A LOT of regulation regarding gun safety. Just not enough of GOVERNMENT regulation for some people (although there is plenty of THAT too, and it is already past the point of diminishing returns).

If you want to see “regulation” spend an afternoon at your local gun range and read the rules. You will corrected and/or shown the door if you transgress them.

If you really believe that where were you when the Obama administration was taking guns away from some firearm-safety-trained military veterans across the country re-defining them as mentally defective?

Where were you when Government was illegally unaccountably taking fire arms away from law abiding citizens post-Katrina?

And if that is really your big concern,
I want to invite you right here and right now to advocate that New York City give BACK their gun-rights to military veterans in their city. And quit arresting innocent people with legal guns.

And as long as you are at it,
if you really affirm what you are saying,
join me in the call for the NRA’s Eddie Eagle program into every High School across the USA including USA territories.

BabyWitch attempting to tell me what to do . . .
Please stop fear-mongering.
Please stop minimizing the anti-Second Amendment actions that have already occurred and are still to this day occurring in the USA.
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That’s an unfair thing to say. Leftists do not want to take your guns.
Yes, they do. Beto said so. Biden said he would put Beto in charge of gun control.
We just realize the danger of having an armed population with little to no regulation in firearm safety.
Little or no regulation? What on earth are you talking about? There is a plethora of gun regulations and statutes.
Please stop fear-mongering.
It isn’t fear mongering, but law abiding Americans should certainly be concerned about the left’s threat against their inherent constitutionally protected individual right to keep and bear arms.
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Beto and Biden are not leftists. They’re liberals. There’s a clear distinction.
Yes there is. Beto is not a liberal. Biden used to be one.
They don’t seem to be working, do they?
They absolutely are. The vast majority of gun violence involves an illegally obtained firearm.
The overwhelming majority of legally owned firearms are never involved in crimes.
I’m very much interested in additional laws that target criminal use of firearms, however.
There’s literally no proof that this is true. Any sensible leftist or liberal realizes that our Second Amendment is important to us.
It sounds like you oppose bans on certain types of civilian owned firearms like semiautomatic rifles and handguns.
Is that true?
Beto has made it clear he favors such bans.
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Last I checked, neither politician was a socialist or an anarchist. They’re center-right at best.
Oh, goodness. GW Bush is center-right. There is no center-right in the Democratic Party anymore. There are still a few liberals. Joe Manchin comes to mind.
So you’re in support of more comprehensive and secure gun control?
If it is targeted at criminals, not the law abiding. The roughly 100 million law abiding gun owners do not require further gun control.
You agree with Biden then!
If his plan includes bans and confiscations of civilian semiautomatic arms like the AR-15 platform rifle, no. If it includes a registry, no.
If it includes higher taxes on ammunition or arms, restrictions on the right of law abiding American citizens to purchase, no.
If it includes ideas to target those who own or use firearms in a way that violates the rights of others, yes. Absolutely.
I never insinuated such a thing
You responded to this question: It sounds like you oppose bans on certain types of civilian owned firearms like semiautomatic rifles and handguns. Is that true?

Does this mean you favor bans on civilian firearms?
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I’ve never seen that monster and I was a big Nintendo kid. I must have forgotten about it.

I remember that weird robot thing though. . .
I remember that weird robot thing though. . .
Rob was sold in a differeny NES SKU with the game Gyromite. I believe the original Nintendo SKU only had Mario brothers and the package with Duck Hunt, Mario Borthers, and the light zapper came second with the Rob package coming third.
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