Technically , values are non negotiable in a dispute for ex.This reminds me of something else I heard.
*“I have never understood the expression non-negotiable values. Values are values, and that is it. I can’t say that, of the fingers of a hand, there is one less useful than the rest. Whereby I do not understand in what sense there may be negotiable values.” *- Pope Francis
If the pope doesn’t get it, I think you are on solid ground not understanding it as well.
Non negotiable is that over which we are not willing to make concessíons.
" In the battlefield"money can be a " value ". And sacred…
How does one explain the priceless ? Our children for example ? Their safety ?
I believe sometimes " non negotiable" sounds loud and clear on the "ground ": you just do not go there. Period.Off limits.
I can t help thinking about paradise...we had to go to that one tree when we could enjoy everything else...
How does the list sound to you ?