If I may be so bold, those statistics show how ignorant the clergy is about its flock. The RCC boasts having one billion members, but with numbers like this can they really say that? It’s likely more along the line of 250 million.
I suspect it is too late. The RCC lost the past two generations, ramping up education now will do no good if the parents of these children have no interest in the faith. It will take the RCC a century to build up the base of truly faithful.
Too late for parents but not the children who are in Sunday school. Where the children are being educated in the faith, that’s where it should start. We can’t correct the mistake of the past but we can do something about the future. However long it takes to revive the orthodoxy of the faithful, it got to start somewhere for it to have hope. It also help to have orthodox and knowledgeable teacher. If it doesn’t begin with a teacher, no use.
Also, what’s being taught to the children should be revised. I’m not exactly sure what is taught in catechesis class these day, but when I was a young child, I remembered being taught the basic. Like one God in three persons and Jesus became man and died for us and why. The 7 sacraments and so on. These teachings will not help the children to be a faithful Catholic when they become adult. When they’re out in the secular world, problems will arise. Such questions like:
Why am I Catholic?
What’s the difference between Catholic and protestant?
Does it matter what I believe cuz the protestants don’t believe the same thing and they read the bible too?
Why is Catholicism so strict?
Why do I have to follow the teachings of the Church? It all made up by a bunch of men.
Why be Catholic when I can be a protestant and makes my life easier?
All religions are the same right? They all have something good to offer.
It is these questions that alot of Catholics pick and choose. What they were taught as a child thru confirmation was not enough. If what they were taught can answer these questions, I believe they would grow up to be a strong and faithful Catholics.
If any of you have children, nephews or nieces who are in catechesis, ask them these questions. If they can’t answer, then you have a good idea what kind of Catholic they’d be. I know cuz I’ve been there.