7 things a Catholic Can Learn from Pride Month

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I don’t understand how love for God and ones neighbor doesn’t drive every Catholic to their knees to beg for conversion for the many souls at stake and to offer reparation to such great offense against God.
Presumably we should be doing both that and what was listed.
Presumably those virtues are lacking in one one way or the other.
I have read about Fr Mychal. I would have no issue with him being made a saint. He was a true man of God. He knew what it meant to be Christian, and it is absolutely heartbreaking how the life of such a holy man came to an end. God Bless you, Fr Mychal.

I always avoid such terms as homosexual, ‘Gay’, or ‘LGBT’. The last two are especially awful. But, here is a quote from a Catholic bishop in my country that I thought was so beautiful. He said “The LGBT community has felt such a real sense of rejection by the Church”. This is true. Many have felt ostracised, marginalised and hated because of the attitudes of some Catholics. I am an opponent of the homosexual cause but I know to be respectful because of how so many have felt so rejected. For a Catholic to reject such a person is not Christian or Christlike.

I think we can learn from pride month that , as terrible an event as it is, these people are just sinners like me and you. They think what they are doing is fine, although we know it is the opposite. They must be shown sensitivity and love wherever possible. It is awful that some could reject them.

God Bless.
Some “think what they are doing is fine”. Some of them are tormented by the fact that they are gay and have never come to grips with it and probably will never come to grips with it. I’m quite sure that some of those I meet are currently living celibate lives. Others have given up on relationships for the same reasons that a lot of straight people do - not meeting anyone they felt they could share their life with, or they met someone and it ended in a tragedy. One whom I know was recently widowed in much the same sudden way that I was, from someone the person had been with for about as long as I’d been with my husband.

It would be good if we could see people as individual people, and not as some amorphous threatening bloc of gays coming to destroy all we hold dear.
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Answers to points made
1.) suicide and self harm- individuals who have undergone reassignment have much higher suicide risk. How can one support a movement which advicates for radical medical experimentation on children which can result in permanent sterilzation. It’s child abuse, period.
2.) Bullying- is never okay. Rejecting what is wrong is not bullying.
3.) Watch your speech. Speak out! Proclaim the truth. This entire movement is an attack against the creator. We have come to a point where we must speak the truth loudly bc uncounted souls are being deceived and children mutilated.
4.) where people are coming from & 5.)Ask loving questions. No- ask the hard questions.
  1. Be so careful as to what you post on social media. “ I love social media. But proceed with caution. -“ lovers of Christ must prepare themselves to be persecuted and hated for speaking the hard truths. Nonetheless Catholics must stand up and speak out.
  2. **Stop talking about “straight pride parade.” The promiscuity and the pride movement is destroying the family. Robbing children of their natural right to a mother and father. Catholics must speak out in support of chastity. We must raise our sons to be real men. Finally Catholics must go all out to proclaim, expose and demand a stop to the medical expirementation and mutilation being conducted on innocent children in the name of tolerance. We must demand a return to the standard watch and wait treatment protocol for gender dysphoria. This is right out of Frankenstein. God help us all.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
I agree. Those who shown no love to sufferers of same sex attraction are not acting a manner that is Christian at all. Many sufferers of S.S.A. have felt such a sense of rejection through the attitudes of some in the Church. It is awful what some will say and do to discriminate against these people.

We have apostolates such as Courage to help these people. Why can people not accept that to be in a state of grace, you have to be chaste? I do not know, but what I do know is that if I want to get to heaven (which I probably will not) then I need to respect people.

My ordinary, who is a Cardinal (one of two alive in my country and the only one who is serving as a bishop) has emphasised the need for God’s mercy so beautifully.
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I needed to say this somewhere but I did not want to create a new topic due to fear of Church Militant seeing it.

Anyway, I warn everybody against Voris and his so called apostolate. From watching it, I have to regain faith in clergy because of how he has poisoned my mind. The USCCB has warned against him and I am too. His work in may ways goes against the magisterium. It is awful how his videos change what one thinks of the Church… It is awful. I warn against his work as it is dangerous for a faithful Catholic.
I don’t see how the pride parade should be treated in the same way we would treat a person struggling with same sex attraction or one so inclined and living a chaste life. Those are 2 very different things. I have a Catholic friend who has overcome same sex attraction through Christ. If it weren’t for his folks proclaiming the truth he never would have known it is something to struggle against. There are states that are attempting to forbid counselors from even discussing the possibility of fighting against a same sex attraction.
Wake up people…for the love of God and souls.
Yes! The voris videos I’m not sure about… but I am glad there is some media entity forcing exposure of corruption and flat out evil within the institutional church. Sacred scripture tells us about weeds in the vinyard…Voris is determined to uproot them. There is a warning that in doing so good plants are uprooted with the weeds. The problen is that the weeds smother the good plants as well. The whole McCarrick thing and what Bemedict said about the state of the seminaries is terrible. Do you think there were young mem who abandonned their vocations?
I’m tired of hearing how Catholics have to learn from everybody else who engages in choices and lifestyles completely in opposition to Catholic teaching.

Unfortunately, much of this mindset is the responsibility of the current Pontificate, which continuously insists that we must be a “Church that listens,” instead of a Church that teaches.
About being considerate in treatment, which isn’t contradictory to what the Church teaches. It’s for the laity, not the Magisterium.
Has the church or the laity not been considerate in treatment? I think the church is very considerate in treating individuals with SSA. But the pride parade cannot be supported bc it is harmful… it is a movement that is a deception.
I hate to say this but i think the article itself is an attempt to censor the truth and guilt trip Catholics into silence by implying it’s not nice to reject what is both offensive to God and a threat to the salvation of many souls.
But the pride parade cannot be supported bc it is harmful… it is a movement that is a deception.
It isn’t being supported in the article.
I hate to say this but i think the article itself is an attempt to censor the truth and guilt trip Catholics into silence by implying it’s not nice to reject what is both offensive to God and a threat to the salvation of many souls.
I don’t think that’s right.
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