A Casual Acquaintance of Yours Is a Homosexual

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I have a good friend who is gay. He doesn’t flaunt it (you’d never know), he doesn’t come on to me or anyone else who is straight, he’s one of the nicest people I know, and he can play a fiddle like you wouln’t believe (great fun to jam with!). I don’t say anything to him, as it’s none of my business, and as far as I’m concerned, you can’t change genetics.

Sorry Brother but homosexuality is not genetic, it is a result of environmental factors.
It is also unfortunatly on the rise, Why? because the rate of divorce has skyrocketed and boys growing up withoout a positive male role model are at risk.
Child abuse is almost commonplace now, this perverts a boys natural sexual growth.
The media, representing world opinion presents Homosexuality as a acceptable even enviable alternative to the responsibilities of Heterosexual marrige.
Just look at the trash on TV and the amount of homosexual propaganda on just about every sitcom, now even the Simpsons have done it (I used to love that show)
So a young boy going through puberty is assailed from every angle to go 'queer" and be accepted to do so. It not only is a sin but a lazy and selfish lifestyle.
God Bless
Sorry Brother but homosexuality is not genetic, it is a result of environmental factors.
Neither you, nor any established scientific body of data, has conclusively determined the basis for homosexuality. I wholeheartedly respect your right to your opinion, but please state it as such. Should you have actual irrefutable, concrete data to support your claim, I will gladly forward your name to the Nobel comittee for consideration.
Neither you, nor any established scientific body of data, has conclusively determined the basis for homosexuality. I wholeheartedly respect your right to your opinion, but please state it as such. Should you have actual irrefutable, concrete data to support your claim, I will gladly forward your name to the Nobel comittee for consideration.
No but in all fairness a number of research projects have ATTEMPTED to find a genetic basis and have failed. So you really should not consider the statement “homosexuality is not genetic” a mere opinion. There is a pretty large body of evidence that indicates a number of factors are involved, as with other mental illnesses or deviant behaviors (addictions, OCD, etc). Certainly the homosexual activist contingent has been trying desperately to prove that “I was born this way” but any genetic link is unproven.

Lisa N
I answered the poll rather non-chalantly originally. After reading what happened in the Mass. school and the “Little Black Book” being passed out, I can say unequivically that I will never let my children knowingly be around know homosexuals, not unless I am within punching distance.

A while ago I was watching EWTN .It had a Priest on thats been around for years. He is attached to Saint Patricks Cathedral in NYC.
He was saying that if parents were having a Gay dinner guest they should send their children away and keep them away from their guest. What garbage,if the person is good enough to be a guest in your house. Insulting them , seems a bit strange.
Also the Catholic church was founded for sinners not the saved ! It was founded for people who needed help ! horrifying to the priest as it might be,there are Catholic Gays.
What sin have they committed? They have not had sex, where is the sin?
This is the matter of cohabitation…

That is, even if they are not having sex, is the REASON they are living together because they are sexually or romantically attracted to each other. But same-sex relationships are not supposed to be exclusive or romantic. They are meant to be friendships.

If the two gay guys are just roommates or friends, and can be chaste, and dont have mutual interest in each other…then it might be fine. If people dont really know about their orientation and it doesnt cause too much scandal or scandalous suggestions…the same way scandal can come from a heterosexual man and woman living together allegedly nonsexually, but with no real excuse for them living together (ie, they are not siblings, or publically known well to be just platonic friends, or a servant or something, etc)

But if they are living together in order to “be a couple”, even if a nonsexual couple…it is still promoting scandal and unnatural relationship constructions of gender and sexuality.
Homosexuality for the most part is environmental. Our children are being raised in a world where " Johnny has two mommy’s" and “Judy has two daddy’s” is normal. It is so wrong. Our innocent children are being brainwashed into this crazy world of their’s. It’s time for all of us to stand up to this garbage being pushed on our children and grandchildren. Get involved in the schools. All parents and grandparents (like myself) of public schools should be involved. Even if you home school your kids, fight this with your local board of ed. Your kids will have to deal with it when they are finished with homeschooling, in college or the workplace. It’s a problem that will not go away until parents across the U.S. come together and stop the madness. Also Grandpa and Grandma’s like me, Get involved too.
Some here seem to be saying:

“Throw stone and curse their souls! Pray for them to go to hell. After all, God hates them, you should, too!”

That’s not what the Catechism or the Scripture says, though. As one who is same-sex attracted (formerly activly homosexual, but under control now, thanks be to God for His graces!), I can attest that it was the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church on the subject as expounded in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that convinced me of the true love (agape) and pastoral care and concern that the Chucrh has for persons who are homosexual.

Some seem to say that two same-sex attracted persons are incapable of having a relationship based on phileo love without it becoming eros. Guess that? That’s a load of horse-****! I would go so far as to say that it’s possible for people who WERE an active and monogamous couple to change their relationship from erotic to phileo, especially if the relationship has been ongoing for a number of years.

It’s not something that many here who think that the only sin that is worse than the fact that someone is same-sex attracted, active and unrepentant or repentant and chaste, is that someone blaspheme the Holy Spirit, would want to hear. But there it is.

To these people, same-sex attraction is a sign of some Calvinistic (therefore heretical) nightmare of predestination to damnation. To someone with this ideology (it cannot be theology), there’s no hope for a person who is same sex attraction. They’re “objectively disodered,” and what’s more, they gross the “Cathoilc supralapsarian” out. God hates them, so you should to. People who are same-sex attracted not even fully human. Just put them on an island somewhere and nuke it. The holy and righteous be on the mainland praying that the homos go to the deepest caverns of hell and celebrating their torment.

Let’s just IGNORE what St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (with an emphasis on 11).
Throw stone and curse their souls! Pray for them to go to hell.

After all, God hates them, you should, too!

(The theme of this post is hyperbole to make a point)
Excuse me, I don’t hate anyone, but myself and many other people who posted here, do not believe in having Homosexuals pushed on us constantly. I love everyone, I may not like the sin, but I will love and pray for the person.
Excuse me, I don’t hate anyone, but myself and many other people who posted here, do not believe in having Homosexuals pushed on us constantly. I love everyone, I may not like the sin, but I will love and pray for the person.
That’s all good and well.

By the way, out of fairness, I completely amended the post you responded to, so it might be a good idea to reread. 🙂

But let’s take a moment and consider our mission as members of Christ’s Holy Catholic Church. Is it not to witness to Christ and His life to others through our words and deeds? Part of that is to proclaim the love and forgiveness of God available in the Church. Throwing stones at people and telling them that they are evil and horrible without giving them the message of the Gospel is not a very Christian thing to do and that’s almost the entirety of what I hear from people these days.

Until I, personally, heard about Courage and what the Church’s authentic teaching on homosexuality – the WHOLE THING, not just the “objectively disordered” part that everyone is so fixated on – is really about, I thought, as most people in the world do, that the Church taught that it is acceptable and, in fact, a good and commendable thing to hate and mistreat and abuse “gay.” Many post on this board only reinforce that misunderstanding.

What I’m trying to do is call people out on that and make them see that the Church DOES have an authentic teaching that is not only moral but is also pastoral and gives HOPE to the same-sex attracted person, not just condemnation. The Church’s complete teaching on this topic is so beautiful and, well, HUMANIZING, that it’s almost incomprehensible that we can get such pharisaism and legalism out of it.
I’m a bit confused, so what is the Church’s teaching on this as far as an outsider goes.

I know the Church teaches that gays are not to engage in homosexual acts, (which does not appear to be a realistic expectation,) but are we obligated in some way topoint this out if we are aware of a situation among friends or relatives ???
Any act of apologetics must be done with charity. So I would live my life as Christ wants me too. Then when asked, I would say a quick prayer to God to speak through me.

In this way, anyone, who asks is opening the door to Christ. They are more likley to listen.
I would tell the person to stop what they are doing - if and only if - they are actively living in a homosexual lifestyle with another person. The Church teaches that these people ought to be shown respect, compassion, and sensitivity and are to be encouraged to unite their struggles of their condition to the Lord’s cross.** CCC 2358**

If I knew someone who was living out a homosexual lifestyle and therefore living in sin - I would tell them to stop it for the obvious reasons of the act’s sinfulness.

However, if the person is homosexual and they are not living in a sinful lifestyle; and they appear to be living in grace. I would tell them to keep perservering in their struggle to remain faithful to Christ and His Church, since at that point they obviously know that they need to avoid living in that lifestyle.

There are people who have this condition who are not actively living it out but are fighting it so that they can be good Catholics. I will assume that these were not the type of people in your example since all the options were concerned with a form of reprimand or lack thereof.
Bah! People don’t listen to 2358 except for the part that says “objectively disordered.” That appears to be what the entire thinking on SSA is based on for some people around here.
There are people who have this condition who are not actively living it out but are fighting it so that they can be good Catholics.
Good point, these people should be very strongly commended. There is too much generalisation when people talk about homosexuals.
Good point, these people should be very strongly commended. There is too much generalisation when people talk about homosexuals.
FINALLY! Someone who GETS it! THANK YOU! 🙂 👍
“Our peace is founded not on our perfection but on God’s mercy. Call on His mercy.” Matthew Kelly
If you are good friends you should share your beliefs it is always good to give testimony for the good of all persons involved. If you are not their friend I think you should wait a minute until you have established a relationship in Christ with them. I know one well known speaker ,but I cant remember his name< said that if we do not tell them of their sin then we have their blood on us. It sounds really extreme but I beleive it is possibly true. Marmee 79
Should you tell them about your beliefs and try to lead them away from their sin?
marmee79 said:
“Our peace is founded not on our perfection but on God’s mercy. Call on His mercy.” Matthew Kelly
If you are good friends you should share your beliefs it is always good to give testimony for the good of all persons involved. If you are not their friend I think you should wait a minute until you have established a relationship in Christ with them. I know one well known speaker ,but I cant remember his name< said that if we do not tell them of their sin then we have their blood on us. It sounds really extreme but I beleive it is possibly true. Marmee 79

I think there is a passage in the Bible that says that IF we do not warn someone of serious sin, we are as liable as they are.

Sorry, I don’t remember where that is.
I know of several children that were born with both sexual identities. It was difficult to say the least, the parents had to make the decision as to whether they would identify the child as girl or boy, later to have necessary surgery.This may rare, but it does happen. I think it is possible for people to be born with a homosexual tendency, but with the proper care and concern can be helped, if this tendency is detected at a fairly young age before he/she becomes sexually active. I am not a physician, so pure specualtion that seems to make good sense to me.

My children have a friend who decided to be homosexul in his late 20’s. Yes, he made the choice. At one time he was madly in love with my daughter, who was not in love with him. In his college years, he became involved with young men who were gay and decided to join them. He seems to be sorry for his decision. He no-longer “dates” and lives a celibate life.

Love and peace

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