There is no irony nor hypocrisy greater than to spend so much time reflecting on the sins of another or speculating on their sin when if they are chaste , there is none, when we ourselves are sinners.
There is always balance in our Lord’s teachings. You will see Him say that you should inform the sinner of their sin, then you will see Him say ‘do not judge, lest you be judged yourself’
You will also see Him say to be merciful yourselves as you will be judged by Him with the same mercy you have shown to others. You will also see Him say about the Pharisees who speak about the law and are most harsh on others, when inside they are dirty vessels, full of sin themselves. You will also see Him say you can see the speck in your brother’s eye while you do not notice the beam in your own eye.
You will also see Him say forgive endlessly so that we may be forgiven endlessly.
Even the slightest sin is an offense to God, no-one is free of sin. The just man falls seven times a day. God is Merciful. God does not wage vendetta against the sinner, the new covenant in Christ Jesus brings to fruition the Old covenant and in the New Covenant, though we may sin, those who have faith are promised eternal life if they remain repentant, even if repentance only comes when a soul draws their last breathe. Even so, we do not know the heart and mind of another, though their sin may appear great in our eyes, we cannot know inside what God knows about them, our judgement of them is always flawed. Thank God is only my judge. We only know what we know about sin because we have been taught it by our Saviour and because the Holy Spirit enlightened our souls, hearts and minds to understand it, we can condemn a sin, but we cannot condemn a sinner, we are no judge of humanity. The Lord is the only Judge and Christ Jesus comes not to condemn but to bring life.
I have seen in some Catholics a really disturbing pride. A pride that would lead them to believe they are superior to the rest of humanity. This is not true. I will not be surprised to learn many people in heaven who were deemed to be the worst of the worst in this world and some of those who were deemed to be better not making it to heaven.
We may keep the Law all of our lives and do all God has asked of us with frequent repentance and inform everyone we know of their sins, but if we have no love and no mercy, this is all futile. I think of Jesus dying on the Cross and the Good Thief. I think of Jesus begging forgiveness for His murderers. Sin is a drop of rain in the ocean of His Mercy and His Mercy is so deep because of His Love.
Of course if we love God we will desire to keep His Laws. If we love others we will desire that they also keep His Laws. God knows we are sinners and no-one even though their love may be great for Him can keep His Laws in entirety, we all sin. So the Law is there to save us and can only save us in by and through Christ Jesus’ death and ressurrection which is for all humanity, no matter what their beliefs or sexual orientation is.
However Love is never conditional. God Loves every person no matter what their sins without condition. He does not say, ‘If you do not keep My laws I will not Love you’. The slightest turning of heart and mind to Him causes Him to prepare the fatted calf no matter how much we may have sinned.
To condemn people ourselves is to deny the fact of God’s power to save. God’s people are a people of hope just as the Jews waited for the Messiah, we live in hope of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live in hope of His Love and Mercy, without it surely no soul is saved, we live in hope of the salvation of the entire human race.
If you would be just, accept the sinner with open arms and love them. Acceptance of the sinner is what Jesus does continually until the end of time, Jesus marginalises no-one.
If you would be just preach the Good News by your own life as example and when using words tell others of God’s saving love for them. The Holy Spirit will convict them of the truth once they know that the Truth loves them in faith.
If you would be just pray for the sinner and for yourself.
God Bless
There is always balance in our Lord’s teachings. You will see Him say that you should inform the sinner of their sin, then you will see Him say ‘do not judge, lest you be judged yourself’
You will also see Him say to be merciful yourselves as you will be judged by Him with the same mercy you have shown to others. You will also see Him say about the Pharisees who speak about the law and are most harsh on others, when inside they are dirty vessels, full of sin themselves. You will also see Him say you can see the speck in your brother’s eye while you do not notice the beam in your own eye.
You will also see Him say forgive endlessly so that we may be forgiven endlessly.
Even the slightest sin is an offense to God, no-one is free of sin. The just man falls seven times a day. God is Merciful. God does not wage vendetta against the sinner, the new covenant in Christ Jesus brings to fruition the Old covenant and in the New Covenant, though we may sin, those who have faith are promised eternal life if they remain repentant, even if repentance only comes when a soul draws their last breathe. Even so, we do not know the heart and mind of another, though their sin may appear great in our eyes, we cannot know inside what God knows about them, our judgement of them is always flawed. Thank God is only my judge. We only know what we know about sin because we have been taught it by our Saviour and because the Holy Spirit enlightened our souls, hearts and minds to understand it, we can condemn a sin, but we cannot condemn a sinner, we are no judge of humanity. The Lord is the only Judge and Christ Jesus comes not to condemn but to bring life.
I have seen in some Catholics a really disturbing pride. A pride that would lead them to believe they are superior to the rest of humanity. This is not true. I will not be surprised to learn many people in heaven who were deemed to be the worst of the worst in this world and some of those who were deemed to be better not making it to heaven.
We may keep the Law all of our lives and do all God has asked of us with frequent repentance and inform everyone we know of their sins, but if we have no love and no mercy, this is all futile. I think of Jesus dying on the Cross and the Good Thief. I think of Jesus begging forgiveness for His murderers. Sin is a drop of rain in the ocean of His Mercy and His Mercy is so deep because of His Love.
Of course if we love God we will desire to keep His Laws. If we love others we will desire that they also keep His Laws. God knows we are sinners and no-one even though their love may be great for Him can keep His Laws in entirety, we all sin. So the Law is there to save us and can only save us in by and through Christ Jesus’ death and ressurrection which is for all humanity, no matter what their beliefs or sexual orientation is.
However Love is never conditional. God Loves every person no matter what their sins without condition. He does not say, ‘If you do not keep My laws I will not Love you’. The slightest turning of heart and mind to Him causes Him to prepare the fatted calf no matter how much we may have sinned.
To condemn people ourselves is to deny the fact of God’s power to save. God’s people are a people of hope just as the Jews waited for the Messiah, we live in hope of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live in hope of His Love and Mercy, without it surely no soul is saved, we live in hope of the salvation of the entire human race.
If you would be just, accept the sinner with open arms and love them. Acceptance of the sinner is what Jesus does continually until the end of time, Jesus marginalises no-one.
If you would be just preach the Good News by your own life as example and when using words tell others of God’s saving love for them. The Holy Spirit will convict them of the truth once they know that the Truth loves them in faith.
If you would be just pray for the sinner and for yourself.
God Bless