Other Eric:
If you understand the disorder of homosexual desire as pscyhological and social in it’s origin and repair, then isolation is contraindicated. Research has demonstrated a recurrent causal factors for a person developing the disorded desire of homosexual attraction is in fact due to the *absence *of healthy same sex relationships/bonding in critical phases of psychosexual development. Hence, sexual identity disorder requires the experience and development of healthy same sex relationships as integral for repairing/“overcoming” disordered passions. Then, God may call this person to a hermitage existance with it’s own Way of the Cross to bear.Hi felra!
Christ calls different people to different challenges. It is therefore not unreasonable to assume that solitude is the challenge that He has commissioned for the homosexual. The Way of the Cross is not meant to be pleasant, and as my father is fond of pointing out, isolation made saints out of the hermits. It seems to me that the homosexual must overcome his disordered passions alone. To do otherwise, as trelow has pointed out, is to invoke the sin of scandal and live out just another sinful lifestyle choice.