But, how do our kids combat the evil if they are more on the quiet side and don’t want to make waves just survive this hell on earth? Anyone have any answers?
If you honestly believe this world is now ‘hell on earth’, then all the more reason for you to send your son out into that world just as God sent His. How do your kids combat the evil even if they are more on the quiet side? As any of us do: through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When those gifts are activated there is nothing that can stop us from doing God’s will, serving Him well.
While I do think that compromise of yours to have him attend a few classes, play a sport, and then HS makes sense, it is possible that your son is meant to attend either the Catholic or public high school in your area full time to be His light in the darkness. It doesn’t mean your son will confront the principal or correct the teacher during class or even get into a tussle with an onry student. It could simply mean your son sits in the class, raises his hand, and responds to questions truthfully so that others present can
hear the truth (if the teacher has been telling lies). Hearing probably won’t lead to any real changes or conversions, but seeds will be planted through your son which may bear fruit 15 years down the line.
It is scary out there, I know this. I was terrified as well when my son was a sophomore in HS and he was in a crisis of faith. I took the matter to adoration and learned to let Jesus and Mary take a more hands-on role with my kids from that point. It’s not that I stopped doing my mothering job to my kids after this, and it’s not as though I had raised them up to that point without God as my guide, but it was different at this stage. It was more like I was allowing myself to enter into a co-parenting role with Mary and Jesus through these rough waters.
Until I looked at it that way, I was like you - my choices seemed limited to 2 options: hang onto the kids for dear life or leave them to the wolves. The problem was that I knew in 3 short years my son was going to be 18 and free to move out on his own. THAT terrified me and is what brought me to my knees at adoration. I prayed to Mary and Jesus and their response to me was the revelation that I was doing a good job, they were pleased with what they saw in my children, and they assured me that they were in good hands and will continue to be. It was almost a vision of them waiting off to the right with their hands extended asking me to lead my children into their care and assuring me that they will be safe with them there. From that moment on every ‘mother’ decision I’ve made, every ‘mother’ conversation I’ve had with my kids has been between them, Jesus, Mary and myself. I feel Their influence in every interaction with my kids now. I’m one year away from empty-nesting but I feel ok about letting the kids make their own way because I know they won’t be alone.
My kids were educated in the public school system but it was in their high school years that they became committed to catholicism as they prepared for and received the sacrament of confirmation. They, too, wanted to stay under the radar through high school but the Holy Spirit inspired them with confidence to put themselves out there in various activities. In every activity they represented Catholicism and did not get the ridiculing they anticipated. They don’t preach but if asked about something they speak the truth, they don’t swear and correct anyone around them who do to not do so in their presence, they don’t gossip and stop gossip from being part of any conversations in their presence. It’s those little things that make a difference and the kids respect their confidence to be true to something like that. I’ve seen what an influence they’ve been in people around them over the past 3-4 years. Some old friends walked away, new friends were drawn to them, and everyone respects them, including the teachers.
I asked them how they did it, remained strong in their faith at public school. They told me having a stable and loving home makes a big difference. Their friends who are struggling most in their faith don’t have stable family relationships. The other thing was the magisterium of the Church. It helps to have that beacon of light pointing them in the right direction whenever they hit a crossroads on what to do or what to say.
My apologies for the lengthy post. My point was to encourage you to take this matter to prayer and listen to what Jesus says to you. I shared His response to me and the results of following His way to offer you hope if it turns out you end up having to send your son to either school full time. It won’t be as bad as you fear.