I want to thank everyone for their reply to my question and appreciate your thoughts. But I guess I hold the position of being a priest too high for someone who has been divorced, has children and then has this “awakening!”
A widower has been loyal and faithful to his family, at least on the surface, is palpable to me, who then becomes a priest. I’m not passing judgment on anyone. But this person is taking on the most sacred vocation one could ever possibly think of and to dilute it down, to me, cheapens Christ.
What this says to me is, that anyone can get divorced have children and then get an annulment, and in my parish it is quite common to get an annulment. I live in a vey liberal archdiocese and it is not that uncommon. The person I talk may be a very good and honorable man, it’s not a sex thing or having children. It’s all about vows and when a man and women make them in, I’m assuming here, a sacramental marriage before God, I believe it’s for life!
