A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Vomitorium

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You are correct, homosexuality does not lead to bestiality. However, acceptance of homosexual activity as normal IS a slippery slope to the acceptance of other types of deviant sex, including bestiality. Quite honestly, I’m more concerned about the, in my opinion, inevitable coming push to accept pedophilia as normal.


Not gonna happen. The physical, mental and emotional damage to children who are the victims of such behavior are too well documented. It’s a crime and a grave evil. That won’t change.
Not gonna happen. The physical, mental and emotional damage to children who are the victims of such behavior are too well documented. It’s a crime and a grave evil. That won’t change.
No, but it gives people a rationale to hate gays.
No, but it gives people a rationale to hate gays.
We do not hate gays we hate the sinful actions. For the benefit of their souls we have to discourage the behavior

Grave sin leads to other grave sin in the bible homosexual actions lead to adultery, murder and other things because God’s grace left them
We do not hate gays we hate the sinful actions. For the benefit of their souls we have to discourage the behavior

Grave sin leads to other grave sin in the bible homosexual actions lead to adultery, murder and other things because God’s grace left them
You left out feminism.
Again, the distinction is whether or not someone is being harmed. Gay couples are consenting adults; children are not. Animals are being abused by bestiality; automobiles who are the objects of someone’s sexual desire are not being harmed. I don’t lose sleep worrying about whether or not homosexuality is going to spawn the acceptance of all sorts of perversions. There are more serious issues about which to worry.
So you think Satan will just stop his influence and not lead mankind down a darker and darker path when it comes to whats sexually acceptable? I have a hard time believing that…I think he will do all he can to lead people further and further away from God.

We all know the time is coming where Satan will be in control of this world…do you actually think he cares about the safety of children, animals? The bible says societies will fall to a very depraved state, whose to say what will be acceptable and what wont be, I tend to think it will be an ‘anything goes’ type of attitude.

Plus, we all know it has to get much worse before it gets better.
the drive to grant personhood to nonhuman animals while restricting it in human life – all of this is designed to cheapen life and revert to the worship of nature and sex.
The Supreme Court has already given personhood status to corporations 😦
There is nothing new with what you describe above, except the legalization of same-sex marriage–and there’s a good chance that will lead to more monogamy in homosexual relationships, as it does in heterosexual ones.

Re the man and his horse…well, that kind of thing has been around for thousands of years–art as old as 8000 years BC depicts paintings of it on cave walls. And the bible talks in detail about it in several different passages.

The article you posted, written by Stella Morabito, I think–takes a lot of Jay’s words out of context–especially his lines about “sexual possibilities” (that phrase is not even in there)

Here’s the actual piece he wrote:

Here is his full “gateway drug” comment:
*But I do like the notion of same-sex marriage as a liberation gateway drug. Inclusion of LGBT people within institutions like marriage will eventually transform those institutions, just as including women, non-whites, non-Anglos, and non-Christians has done. The experiences and perspectives of LGBT people are different from those of straight people, and different in a good way. *

In the article, he points out that:*
“Obviously, we now know that the sky doesn’t fall when gays get married. Contrary to the hysterical claims that same-sex marriage would threaten marriage in general, 10 years of experience in Massachusetts have shown the opposite: The divorce rate has gone down, and straight kids aren’t suddenly turning gay.”*

The tone of Jay’s article isn’t “taunting” at all, as this writer presents.

Here’s the problem Daddygirl, society is going through many different changes at once, and I don’t think we can look at each one in a vacuum. I do not think that the legalization of gay marriage is going to drive the legalization of pedophilia or bestiality. I do agree that’s a silly proposition. But I do think there are several issues, one of which being the way marriage is being treated, that contribute to the increasing likelihood of such things.

I guess the first issue is porn. It’s not just how widespread porn has become, though that is a huge part of it. It’s also that porn has changed over the years. Hard-core porn used to mean filming penetrative sex, and now it means all kinds of things I won’t mention. I’m sure you’ve heard about studies on neuroplasticity and internet porn. It’s changing people’s brains and it’s dehumanizing people. Okay, so “kids are still off limits”, but when you have just-turned 18-year-olds treated in the most demeaning ways humanly imaginable, I think it’d be incredibly naive to think that attitudes on pedophilia are the same as they were pre-internet.

The second issue I’d bring up is that while the Puritanical attitudes of America past may not have been completely healthy, at least people had an idea of standards when it came to sexuality at all. Now, in the post-Christian world, I don’t see that people spend much time at all thinking about the issue. One thing I like about you, DaddyGirl, is that you are a real thinking person, and that you do think about these things. But even among my highly educated professional friends, be they doctors, lawyers, etc., almost none of them have spent any time actually considering the limits of what’s right or wrong when it comes to sexual behavior, other than the issue of consent.

So yes, gay marriage isn’t driving things when it comes to what people think about what’s healthy or moral, there’s a lot more going on. However, it does show that marriage (per civil law) does not anticipate the natural family or procreation. And that’s what proponents of traditional marriage believe is the cornerstone of marriage.
Here’s the problem Daddygirl, society is going through many different changes at once, and I don’t think we can look at each one in a vacuum. I do not think that the legalization of gay marriage is going to drive the legalization of pedophilia or bestiality. I do agree that’s a silly proposition. But I do think there are several issues, one of which being the way marriage is being treated, that contribute to the increasing likelihood of such things.

I guess the first issue is porn. It’s not just how widespread porn has become, though that is a huge part of it. It’s also that porn has changed over the years. Hard-core porn used to mean filming penetrative sex, and now it means all kinds of things I won’t mention. I’m sure you’ve heard about studies on neuroplasticity and internet porn. It’s changing people’s brains and it’s dehumanizing people. Okay, so “kids are still off limits”, but when you have just-turned 18-year-olds treated in the most demeaning ways humanly imaginable, I think it’d be incredibly naive to think that attitudes on pedophilia are the same as they were pre-internet.

The second issue I’d bring up is that while the Puritanical attitudes of America past may not have been completely healthy, at least people had an idea of standards when it came to sexuality at all. Now, in the post-Christian world, I don’t see that people spend much time at all thinking about the issue. One thing I like about you, DaddyGirl, is that you are a real thinking person, and that you do think about these things. But even among my highly educated professional friends, be they doctors, lawyers, etc., almost none of them have spent any time actually considering the limits of what’s right or wrong when it comes to sexual behavior, other than the issue of consent.

So yes, gay marriage isn’t driving things when it comes to what people think about what’s healthy or moral, there’s a lot more going on. However, it does show that marriage (per civil law) does not anticipate the natural family or procreation. And that’s what proponents of traditional marriage believe is the cornerstone of marriage.
I think we are being desensitized today, back in my days, I never heard of a teacher having sex with a student, then around early to mid 2000s this started to happen alot, or at least the media started reporting on it more, now, its almost common to hear of these cases, we just had a local math teacher caught, who had been in a relationship with a 13 yr old, and this had been going on for almost a year. (the teacher was in his late 30s). I will even admit, its not as shocking anymore to hear about these things, while Im not close to being accepting of this, I doubt I ever will be, but in general, society IS heading down this path.

You mentioned hard core porn today, I agree, some of what is considered hard core now, would have been criminal abuse years ago, it is crazy some of the things they show nowadays, but unfortunately this is whats popular, this is what people PAY to see, this proves society is changing (for the worse), and also why ‘barely legal’ just turned 18 type of porn is SOOOO popular as well, dont kid yourself though, Im betting 99.9% of the men who view this stuff would have no problems watching a 16 yr old, or even a 12 yr old in the same videos, they only advertise ‘just turned 18’ and ‘barely legal’ ONLY to kind of keep themselves within the law, so they dont get arrested, its NOT that they dont want to show younger girls, they just cant now (at least legally anyway), but I would bet my paycheck this will change eventually, it starts slow, desensitize the public, and this is exactly whats going on when we hear of teacher after teacher being caught in relationships with young students.

I know most of these cases are not technically pedophilia, (which I believe is the adult preference for the VERY young, like under 5, Im not sure of the legal term for adults for prefer the ‘nearly legal…12-17 range’ ). but its on the path to the same place…it is nothing but pure evil, satan has everything to do with this and how sexually depraved modern society is becoming.

I dont know if the LGBT groups and what they went thru on their way to acceptance has anything to do with modern times, but I do think other groups will try to use the same tactics, desensitization, make it common to hear about, etc.) Personally, i dont understand how an adult can even have pedophile type desires, I mean, Im 40 yrs old, and will admit, I enjoy sex with women, its a very pleasurable thing for 2 people in love to do, makes them so much closer, but for a fully grown adult to actually prefer a child for this act…just doesnt make sense to me…their bodies are not even matured enough for this kind of thing, nor are their minds…this suggests its not really about the sex itself, it must be the control factor, or the corruption of something innocent, kind of mental problem, but I still say, Satan plays a HUGE role in this, like he is whispering in their ears, telling them what they should desire…sad.
So you think Satan will just stop his influence and not lead mankind down a darker and darker path when it comes to whats sexually acceptable? I have a hard time believing that…I think he will do all he can to lead people further and further away from God.

We all know the time is coming where Satan will be in control of this world…do you actually think he cares about the safety of children, animals? The bible says societies will fall to a very depraved state, whose to say what will be acceptable and what wont be, I tend to think it will be an ‘anything goes’ type of attitude.

Plus, we all know it has to get much worse before it gets better.
I did not say anything about Satan’s influence. Sure, he will do anything to lead people away from God; but that’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m trying to say is that this link-up of paraphilias like pedophilia and bestiality with homosexuality is incorrect, both psychiatrically and ethically. There is absolutely no evidence that neither the homosexual orientation, nor homosexual activity for that matter, leads to those types of aberrations. And, as I said, the ethical difference is the harm being done.

Yes, Satan will use sexual activity to distance people from God—but he does that with the heterosexual orientation also. He works outside of sexual activity just as effectively…terrorism, wars, poverty…these worry me more than whether or not my neighbor is gay. And if you think he’s not working by getting religious people to hate others, well, then, he’s doing his job even better you’d guess.
I know most of these cases are not technically pedophilia, (which I believe is the adult preference for the VERY young, like under 5, Im not sure of the legal term for adults for prefer the ‘nearly legal…12-17 range’ ). but its on the path to the same place…it is nothing but pure evil, satan has everything to do with this and how sexually depraved modern society is becoming.
You do know that the Vatican has no problem with young girls of 14 having sex? Well, as long as they are married, of course. Which naturally maks everything hunky dory, naturally.
I did not say anything about Satan’s influence. Sure, he will do anything to lead people away from God; but that’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m trying to say is that this link-up of paraphilias like pedophilia and bestiality with homosexuality is incorrect, both psychiatrically and ethically. There is absolutely no evidence that neither the homosexual orientation, nor homosexual activity for that matter, leads to those types of aberrations. And, as I said, the ethical difference is the harm being done.
I don’t think that homosexuality leads to pedophilia or bestiality. I do think that the acceptance of same-sex “marriage” and the arguments made to support the changing the definition of marriage will lead to the normalization of other deviant activities.


I don’t think that homosexuality leads to pedophilia or bestiality. I do think that the acceptance of same-sex “marriage” and the arguments made to support the changing the definition of marriage will lead to the normalization of other deviant activities.


I think the message “love is love” and other things will lead to more sexual deviancy as long as two people are consenting. I do not know what but it can’t be good
You do know that the Vatican has no problem with young girls of 14 having sex? Well, as long as they are married, of course. Which naturally maks everything hunky dory, naturally.
Well, if we look back in history, it was fairly common for girls 14 to be married, its only been considered wrong for relatively short time, I think it has to do with how people mature, heck, even girls at 23 today are not very mature yet…people in the old days grew up and matured much faster, but in todays world, it seems like they are regressing faster and faster.

It would be nice to know what caused this sudden change, I mean when things remained fairly consistent for 100s of years and then all the sudden, people start taking longer to mature, something must be causing this, maybe its due to many parents sheltering their kids to an extreme degree, so they dont grow up.
I did not say anything about Satan’s influence. Sure, he will do anything to lead people away from God; but that’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m trying to say is that this link-up of paraphilias like pedophilia and bestiality with homosexuality is incorrect, both psychiatrically and ethically. There is absolutely no evidence that neither the homosexual orientation, nor homosexual activity for that matter, leads to those types of aberrations. And, as I said, the ethical difference is the harm being done.

Yes, Satan will use sexual activity to distance people from God—but he does that with the heterosexual orientation also. He works outside of sexual activity just as effectively…terrorism, wars, poverty…these worry me more than whether or not my neighbor is gay. And if you think he’s not working by getting religious people to hate others, well, then, he’s doing his job even better you’d guess.
You are right, and hopefully I did not convey that I thought homosexual behavior actually led to other more depraved activity, I do not think this is true, however I do think that those people that are into more deviant sexual things,like kids and animals, will try to use the same tactics as the LGBT community used to gain acceptance.

I mean, the more we hear about a certain thing happening, we get more and more used to it, it becomes mundane, I think our society is heading this way in regards to adults being in sexual relationships with people under 18, more and more teachers/adults are being caught in these types of relationships, its all over the news, almost daily now, all over the world, this tells me there is ALOT of adults with this preference…something is driving this, as I can honestly say back when I was in school, I never once heard of this happening, hard to believe things have changed that much in such a short time. ( I graduated high school in 1994).
Well, if we look back in history, it was fairly common for girls 14 to be married, its only been considered wrong for relatively short time, I think it has to do with how people mature, heck, even girls at 23 today are not very mature yet…people in the old days grew up and matured much faster, but in todays world, it seems like they are regressing faster and faster.

It would be nice to know what caused this sudden change, I mean when things remained fairly consistent for 100s of years and then all the sudden, people start taking longer to mature, something must be causing this, maybe its due to many parents sheltering their kids to an extreme degree, so they dont grow up.
I think maturity took less time in relatively down-to-nature times, but that now parental expectations of children, and the children’s expectations of themselves and of their relationships have become unmanageable.

There is nothing new with what you describe above, except the legalization of same-sex marriage–and there’s a good chance that will lead to more monogamy in homosexual relationships, as it does in heterosexual ones.

Re the man and his horse…well, that kind of thing has been around for thousands of years–art as old as 8000 years BC depicts paintings of it on cave walls. And the bible talks in detail about it in several different passages.

You are correct. There is nothing new under the sun and yes these things have always gone one but not to the degree they are happening today and that much of this is happening at the same time.

I have been around long enough now that I can say there is a horrendous difference in society in the last 40 - 50 years. These things continue to grow and grow. It is not that they haven’t been around but it is that we are now saying “it is okay.”

Just the fact that we are even discussing these things and talking about it as if it as normal as the air we breathe and that this conversation is going on, on this forum is proof enough that it is so much worse.
It’s true, we have continued to lower our moral standards to such a level that they are simple to step over. I expect that will continue. What was once an outrage now elicits a yawn. To quote James Kalb:

“To say someone has acted immorally is usually to say he’s acted in a way that’s morally repellent. But most people don’t feel that way about non-standard sexual activity. It’s not fornication, adultery, or sodomy that leaders of thought consider repellent, but the pharisaical judgmentalism (so they consider it) of those who view such things as seriously and categorically wrong.”
From, Is Sexual Immorality a Useful Concept?

When it comes to sex, we are reaching the stage where it’s just “hey, do whatever you want, just don’t judge!”
If one does a web search for ‘teacher sex with students’ there are quite a few hits.

And it’s no wonder. Schools prepare them for sex with sex education from an early age.
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