"A Higher Calling" by James Comey

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For someone with a higher calling, he’s taking the low road with the tone he chose to use in this book. Maybe he had something that needed to be said, but by the excerpts he elected include unnecessary personal attacks concerning things that have nothing to do with his thesis concerning the President’s fitness for office.

When you allow your personal animosity to be so obvious, it undercuts whatever you had to say that was a professional rather than a personal difference.

Discourse in American politics have gone down yet another notch.
Very well said PetraG. For someone who served as Director of the FBI, I find him
petty and unprofessional.
I didn’t watch his interview and I will not be reading or listening to his book.
I don’t see how it takes courage in lashing out and ridiculing the President.
He is acting cowardly.
Before he took office what was so unacceptable about Trump that he needed to be spied on? 😂
No kidding.
Seriously, if there was evidence the Russians were tampering with the elections, Mr. Trump unquestionably had the closest financial ties to Russia. When he was under great financial distress personally, he went to Russia for money. Russia is a whole 'nother world when it comes to ethics. Trump also bragged before the election that he had personal ties to Putin. I think he vastly oversold those, but if some of the characters he had been doing business with in the past were found to have also been involved in interfering with our elections, it is hardly a stretch for law enforcement to watch Mr. Trump as closely as the law would allow.
I can hardly believe I wrote that. I am old enough to remember when ties to Russia would utterly kill any Presidential campaign. I don’t know when anybody got the idea that they suddenly ought to be our bosom buddies.
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Let me see, I will not read the book or watch an interview, but, I KNOW that there is ridicule and “lashing out”. How does one develop such omniscient powers?

I was raised to listen to people. To attempt to see the facets of a debate or a “scandal”. To be a critical thinker I have found it is important to read primary sources as often as possible. We cannot rely on the corporate “newsertainment” like MSN or Fox to present anything other than a narrow, sponsored commentary.

This gal will be going straight to the horse’s mouth.
Respectfully sorry I put a > , <in the wrong place. King David murdered his mistress husband. My point exactly King David was removed from the throne, till he repented and God restored him back unto the throne.
PetraG said:
f even St. Peter was not above correction for his behavior,
Hearing St Paul side of the story? Does St Peter mention such also within his writings? Not taking sides but St Paul was right here to correct St Peter!!

And even St Paul was not above correction by James the Brother of the Lord, is this not true?

All in St Paul own Epistles mentioning this James and written by St Paul’s own hand within His Epistles his feelings toward the Apostles and one example >Galations 5:12 " I wish those who unsettle you would castrate themselves"> those were Christian Judaizers of the circumcision, which the Apostles being Jews did not preach against circumcision did they, why? St Paul was sent to the gentles, gentles did not want to be circumcise, one out of fear, painful, infection etc?

Was there disagreements>heated debates?> between St Peter and St Paul? In what St Paul writes in his own Epistles seems to tell us there was and how St Paul felt toward whom or others?

One does know that St James the Brother of the Lord was Head over the Mother Jerusalem Church for 32 years immed after Jesus died right?

This James brother of the Lord>>> was the first Bishop of the Mother Jerusalem Church in Jerusalem, was he not? For the Temple was not destroyed till 70 Ad is this not true? St James died a horrible martyred death in 62 AD St Peter dies shortly, not long after 64 or 66 AD

What one quoted from St Paul mentions >>this James does he not?
St Paul stating>until some people came from this James?
Why is St Paul having to go down and meet with this James, as St Paul clearly mentions in his own Epistle and on the issue of circumcision?
And why does this James make St Paul do the Nazarene vow on meeting next time with this James, in Jerusalem?
All within St Paul Epistles, is it not? His story

All Pres Past Present I truly believe labor hard, seeking only with Good Intentions desiring>>>to do their very best to bring about good for their Nation within, in which they serve, but not an easy task either!!! Pray for them all each one, bless them that the wisdom, strength be given to them, for it is a heavy task indeed!. Peace 🙂

Yes all Pres being human, all have made their mistakes as Pres and in their own lives, some we know of and some of them we do know, would that be correct?

So have all elected officials, is this not true? All Pres >>Past, Present and in the Future have and will make mistakes. Being human we all do, do we not?

Not taking sides!!!, but there is 2 sides to every story and then there is the truth in between, right? Peace 🙂
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I don’t know too much about Comey, to be honest. I have read the extracts from his book and I think some of what he says is unnecessarily petty (about the size of Trump’s hands, for example). That being said, I think he did try to do what he thought was right. Whether he actually was right is a different matter and there is valid criticism of him with regards to his actions.
Respectfully opinion only.

God has a long long history of choosing the insignificant to accomplish the impossible.

Kings, Prophets, and yes St Peter, fell 3 times, and being an unlearned man a fishermen, to be head over His people in teaching them etc?

King David murdered his mistress, husband and King David had many wives and concubines and his ego, was great, self interest, God removed him from his throne, had to experience the errors of his own ways, like all of us?? He also had to seek to restore within, what was fractured>>we all do?

God has a long history of whom he chooses, to show the foolishness of those who claim to be wise, did he not?

Yet God choose’s King David and judged him as being a righteous man of God >written>King David was a man after God’s own heart and he will always have a son to sit on his throne.

Success teaches us nothing, it is our failures that bring us to success. Our own personal experiences, our failures along the way is how we learn and prepare those in whom God chooses, St Peter was one and St Paul along with 12 Apostles also unlearned, fallen etc? All were greatly persecuted for they sought to spread the Truth, help the larger in numbers the down trodden and exposed their true enemies?

Not taking sides either!!! Peace
True about King David (although he murdered the husband, not the woman he lusted after), but when he fell remember that the Lord sent the Prophet Nathan to call him on it. He did not get a pass because he was the beloved of the Lord. He repented and he also suffered some natural consequences for his abuse of authority. Remember, too, that when St. Paul believed St. Peter was not acting according to his beliefs (in how he dealt with Gentiles), St. Paul called him on it.

And when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he clearly was wrong. For, until some people came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to draw back and separated himself, because he was afraid of the circumcised. And the rest of the Jews also acted hypocritically along with him, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not on the right road in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of all, “If you, though a Jew, are living like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?”
Gal 2:11-14

If even St. Peter was not above correction for his behavior, then surely the President of the United States is not, either. St. Paul was not out of line to question Peter on his behavior, and clearly the President should not bristle at being questioned about his behavior, either. He is not just a wealthy private citizen who can surround himself with people who are only free to say what Mr. Trump likes or else leave. Mr. Trump is a public servant now.
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What? Step out if my echo chamber? No way. Tucker Carlson and I will keep our blinders on until the day we die!
James Comey is an inept leader who bungled the investigation, possibly helped lose the election for Hillary, then tried to redeem himself coming out against Trump and after all the buildup ended up being the testimonial equivalent of Geraldo opening Al Capone’s vaults. No way would I spend money on anything he wrote.
I gave this a “heart” for “like”.

However, if it had been permitted, I would have given this post several “likes”.

I loved this … “testimonial equivalent of Geraldo opening Al Capone’s vaults”
I’m doing know what “Geraldo opening Al Capone’s vaults” means, though I’d like to! Would you be so kind as to enlighten me?
I’m doing know what “Geraldo opening Al Capone’s vaults” means, though I’d like to! Would you be so kind as to enlighten me?
Famous television show … Geraldo Rivera … aka Jerry Rivers … did this HUGE HUMONGOUS GINORMOUS GARGANTUAN build-up to one of those famous “now it can be told” revelations … breaking through a brick wall into Al Capone’s secret treasure strong room. OMG !!! [and the room turned out to be empty.] [oops]
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Just wanted to add that the kicker was that it was done on LIVE television. People all over were watching with baited breath and everybody discovered at the same time that that there was nothing there.
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Just wanted to add that the kicker was that it was done on LIVE television. People all over were watching with baited breath and everybody discovered at the same time that that there was nothing there.

Jeraldo / Geraldo … no there there!!
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Let me see, I will not read the book or watch an interview, but, I KNOW that there is ridicule and “lashing out”. How does one develop such omniscient powers?

I was raised to listen to people. To attempt to see the facets of a debate or a “scandal”. To be a critical thinker I have found it is important to read primary sources as often as possible. We cannot rely on the corporate “newsertainment” like MSN or Fox to present anything other than a narrow, sponsored commentary.

This gal will be going straight to the horse’s mouth.
yes, i heard enough clips of the interview with George to determine it was a hit piece, a smear piece, against President Trump. Democrats were very angry with
Comey before the election. Hillary blames him as one of the reasons he lost.
he is trying to ingratiate himself with the democrats and pleasing his wife, who really wanted Hillary to win because she wanted a woman president.
I am a critical thinker and determined it would be a waste of my time to listen or watch anymore of what James Comey has to say. He is a disgrace and should never have been Director of the FBI.
Lifesite news is right there with Fox News or MSN, agenda driven commentary.

Primary sources over commentary every day.
James Honey is commentary…he’s clearly petty focusing on the President’s appearance. Imagine if a commentator focused on Hillary’s physical impediments. Would you take a moment to listen to them? Of course not. So please stop virtue signalling- “I was raised to listen to people.” 😆
I don’t see any virtue signalling here. It’s better to hear what Comey has to say in his own words than what has been distorted by others. Yes, I think some of what he says is petty and unnecessary, but I would rather read it from him than from what other people tell me he’s said.
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Virtue signaling refers to morals, not to learning/research styles.

This is what I mean by a primary source vs commentary:

What is primary source document?

In the study of history as an academic discipline, a primary source (also called original source or evidence) is an artifact, a document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, a recording, or any other source of information that was created at the time under study.
You don’t learn anything from obviously biased people unless they attempt to confirm your own bias…in this case about President Trump. What Comey has revealed about him is a big nothing burger. Maybe research Uranium One and Clinton while you’re at it…
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