A little rant......

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Is it any wonder we have such a high rate of violent crime? Is it any wonder we have developed subcultures were someone dare not not kill someone who “disses” him?

Where are we headed as a society? Even the Nazis didn’t brag that they saw the trainloads of victims headed for the camps, smelled the smoke from the crematoria, knew what it was, and approved of it!
Just a mild correction-people dont “give up” a child for adoption. They"place" a child for adoption. the former has all sorts of negative connotations-the latter does not.

When i counsel for adoption i always start with the concept that God has a plan for all of us and for most that Plan is a family. By placing their child for adoption they can help fulfill Gods plan for a childless couple.
That is a wonderful way to view adoption
The chilling thing is how defenders of abortion desplay the same sociopathic personality traits:

  1. *]Defending what they have done as a right.
    *]Showing no empathy for the victim.
    *]Dehumanizing the victim (the victim is “his accuser” or “a fetus, not a baby.”)
    *]Pulling the victim down to a lower moral plane than themselves (“she won’t forgive him.” “It’s a parasite.”)
    *]Making themselves and their own convenience and desires the ultimate arbiters of morality.
    *]Attacking people who do things like showing pictures of the victims as “unfair.”
    *]Claiming what they did was “necessary.”
    *]Coldly and clearly plotting to continue on their course, regardless.

  1. Pax tecum!

    And then the pro-aborts use the women who have been traumatized for their own gains. In a speech I attended by Janet Folger, she shared a story of what happened in Louisiana. There was a law drawn up there that would have made all abortions illegal and had no rape exception. So, Planned Parenthood gathered up every woman they could find who had been raped to have them testify. Finally, the state legislaters said, “Ok, fine, we’ve heard enough. We’ll give you the rape exception…will you support it now?” Their answer? “Nope.” Because what they really want is abortion on demand for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy and they USED those women, they EXPLOITED those women who had been raped to further their own goals. Sickening.

    In Christ,
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