A Midwife at Auschwitz

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St. James:
This is a clear reference to the ADL and the “literary work” of Jewish hack authors such as Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Paul Gottleib, Israel Shamir, David Kertzer, ad nauseum.
CORRECTION. I mistakenly placed Israel Shamir in this context.

A bit of information about Israel Shamir:

Israel Shamir is a distinguished writer and journalist, a linguist, BBC commentator, former spokesman for the Israeli socialist party in the Knesset, and translator of many books from English and Hebrew**.** He is also a convert to Christianity who fought for Israel as a paratrooper in the 1973 war**. In a recent talk he gave in Spain to launch his newest book The Green Rain of Yasuf or Masters of Discourse (titled The Flowers of Galilee in English), he spoke about Zionism as being “…just the most recent phase of a determined opposition to the Christian order that goes all the way back in time.”**
Probably should also note that Stalin during this period and after made Hitler look like a rank amature: Under the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin, tens of millions of ordinary individuals were executed or imprisoned in labour camps that were little more than death camps. Perceived political orientation was the key variable in these mass atrocities. But gender played an important role, and in many respects the Purge period of Soviet history can be considered the worst gendercide of the twentieth century.

There are many who believe that the Jewish Bolshevik revolution in Russia played a part in Hitler’s rise to power. Hitler did point to the atrocities commited by the Jewish Bolsheviks as support for his beliefs about Jews.

In any case, this view certainly holds more water than the Zionist assertion that Christianity created the conditions leading to the holocaust.
St. James:
There are many who believe that the Jewish Bolshevik revolution in Russia played a part in Hitler’s rise to power. Hitler did point to the atrocities commited by the Jewish Bolsheviks as support for his beliefs about Jews.

In any case, this view certainly holds more water than the Zionist assertion that Christianity created the conditions leading to the holocaust.
Stalin was not friend of Russian Jews though. Towards the end of his life he banished a lot of them to Siberia and Yiddish was all but completely banned.

6 million Poles were killed by the Nazis–3 million were Jews and 3 million were Catholics​

There you go. There is nonsense being written like “Hitler’s Pope” and people forget Catholics were in concentration camps. So were Gypsies, Slovaks,handicapped, homosexuals and Jehovah Witnesses.
In my opinion these “others” should have the same recognition as the Jewish people.
Norwich, why don’t you call St. James on these comments?
With all due respect, they are in sodiarity against USA. Yet they think they are very Catholic. I am tired of the accusations against all of us.

As far as the number of other people killed in concentration camps, I never researched it. However, my mother in law lived in Luxemboug until she came to the USA after WWII. She said that many of her neighbors and cousins were killed during this war and that Luxembourgers were also sent to concentration camps.

I admire the Jewish people for never letting us forget about the holocaust. However, I don’t think we should forget any of the people no matter what their nationality or religion. The Nazis of Germany only thought they were the preferred race.

The story that is posted here is remarkable and I will look to read more about her.
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