When you think of something as being true, there is activity in specific areas of your brain, physical activity comprising electrical and chemical changes.
With you so far…
When you think of something as being false, different physical events will occur.
I’ve essentially already said that, so I’m with you there…
These different states are associated with actual,events that correspond to our definition of the terms true and false.
You’ll have to be more clear on your meaning here. How can an event correspond with our definition of the term “false?” How can an event be false?
I do know that you misunderstood me on one front, though. Thoughts can have the property of being either true or false.
That includes more thoughts than those of me “thinking of something as being true or false.” Those are more accurately called beliefs which are different from thoughts because you can have thoughts which you don’t believe.
The thought “My sister is on her way to give me a ride home.” is either true or false; and it has this property of being true or false regardless of my belief about its truth or falsehood. That is a property which thoughts have. In contrast, the electrochemical brain event that occurs alongside that thought does not have the property of being either true or false, since you can’t say with any sense that an electrical activity is true or false.
A neuroscientist attentively observing brain tissue pulse with electricity is committing nonsense if he is standing there saying with every pulse, “That neuron firing is true! That one is false!” He may as well observe the planets and say “Jupiter’s orbit is true. Saturn’s is false.” There is no way to differentiate the truth or falsehood of such events because truth and falsehood do not belong to them.
But if you maintain that there is some form of dualism that we posess, then you must agree that it is not only present in humans. You were quite keen to represent it as the ability for rational thought but as we have seen, even crows exhibit rational thought processes. And I’m pretty sure that we could find examples throughout the animal kingdom.
What you say is true. If consciousness is supernatural, then animals which are conscious must also have a supernatural component to them similar to humans. I don’t follow why this is fatal to my view.
Likewise, I am certain that as you went further back in human history we would find that this ability for rational thought decreased to the point where it dissapeared as we reached a very early stage of our evolution.
So just play the tape forwards and we see rational thought, not turned ON at one single moment - yesterday we were mindless idiots, today we are tool making masters of the universe, but gradually developing.
I have already agreed that our ability to be conscious evolved gradually with our brains. I have also already explained why this is not a sufficient rebuttal to the claim that consciousness is not physical.