This has been gone over ad nauseum. Search the threads. If you are correct, then a invalid Mass has been presented to the Church by the Supreme Pontiff, that is to say, error has been taught by the one who cannot lead the Church into error, to the peril, probably to the condemnation of at least two generations of souls. That means Christ has failed in His promise.Let us try and see if it is A New Catholic Religion by reviewing the differences between the Consecrations:
“For this is my body. For this is the chalice of my blood, of the
new and eternal testament. It shall be shed for you and FOR
As we can examine and verify that the words “for you and for many unto the remission of sins” have been altered to for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. “Many” has been removed and replaced with the word “all.” This is a Great change and possibly invalidates all the New Masses. The reason is that the word many was used by Jesus Christ+ himself to institute the sacrament of the Eucharist, as we see in Matthew 26:28: “For this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins.” The words used by Our Lord+ who is God+, “for many unto remission of sins,” represent the efficacy of the blood that Jesus+ shed. Jesus’ blood is effective for the salvation of many, not all men. The Catechism of the Council of Trent is clear and specifically states that Our Lord+ did not mean “all” and therefore didn’t say it.
The Catechism of the Council of Trent, On the Form of the Eucharist, p. 227:
"The additional words for you and for many, are taken, some from Matthew, some from Luke, but were joined together by the Catholic Church under the guidance of the Spirit of
God. They serve to declare the fruit and advantage of His Passion. For if we look to its value, we must confess that the Redeemer shed His Blood for the salvation of all; but if we look to the fruit which mankind has received from it, we shall easily find that it pertains not unto all, but to many of the human race. When therefore (our Lord) said: For you, He meant either those who were present, or those chosen from among the Jewish people, such as were, with the exception of Judas, the disciples with whom He was speaking. When He added, And for many, He wished to be understood to mean the remainder of the elect from among the Jews and Gentiles. WITH REASON, THEREFORE, WERE THE WORDS FOR ALL NOT USED, as in this place the fruits of the Passion are alone spoken of, and to the elect only did His Passion bring the fruit of salvation."( The Catechism of the Council of Trent, Tan Books, 1982, p. 227. ) As we can see, according to The Catechism of the Council of Trent the words “for all” were specifically not used by Our Lord because they would give a false meaning.
St. Alphonsus De Liguori, Treatise on the Holy Eucharist:
"The words for you and for many are used to distinguish the virtue of the Blood of Christ from its fruits: for the Blood of Our Savior is of sufficient value to save all men but its fruits are applied only to a certain number and not to all, and this is their own fault…”(St. Alphonsus De Liguori, Treatise on The Holy Eucharist, Redemptorist Fathers, 1934, p. 44. )
The use of “all” changes the meaning of the form of consecration. No one, not even a pope, can change the words that Jesus Christ specifically instituted for a sacrament of the Church.
Pope Pius XII, Sacramentum Ordinis (# 1), Nov. 30, 1947: "…the Church has no power over the ‘substance of the sacraments,’ that is, over those things which, with the sources of divine revelation as witnesses, Christ the Lord Himself decreed to be preserved in a sacramental sign…"( Denzinger 2301. ) Since “all” doesn’t mean the same thing as “many,” the sacrament is not confected in the New Mass.
Pope St. Pius V, De Defectibus, chapter 5, Part 1:
“The words of Consecration, which are the FORM of this Sacrament, are these: FOR THIS IS MY BODY. And: FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD, OF THE NEW AND
ETERNAL TESTAMENT: THE MYSTERY OF FAITH, WHICH SHALL BE SHED FOR YOU AND FOR MANY UNTO THE REMISSION OF SINS. Now if one were to remove, or change anything in the FORM of the consecration of the Body and Blood, and in that very change of words the [new] wording would fail to mean the same thing, he would not consecrate the sacrament.” (De Defectibus, Chap. 5, Part 1).
A new Catholic religion (?).