First, I will say that I am drawm to that which is traditional in our beautiful Faith. I joyfully anticipate some of the traditional Latin prayers and responses becoming the norm. I was born in '67 and therefore do not desire these things because I “miss” them. I desire them because I believe they will be beneficial in many ways to the Church - us - all of us.
Second, it is obvious that there have been many problems over the past forty years. Dare I suggest that there were many problems before Vatican II? The Church is One. That does not mean One before and a different One after Vatican II. I humbly ask my fellow bretherin in this forum to read 813 - 822 of the CCC, link here:
Third, for the sake of the One, Holy (which the Church is not Holy because of any of us my friends, it is Holy because of our Lord and Savior, the true head of our beloved Church, Jesus Christ), Catholic, and Apostolic (whose authority is passed on in continuity, not skipping over generations), I implore those of you that throw around loose accusations (formed by our own judgments, dare I say even pride sometimes)against other members of our beloved Church as though they were the universal truth to refrain from doing so.
Fourth, If our bretherin are not singing, let us sing louder. If our bretherin are not responding, let us respond more fervently. If our bretherin are not being reverant, let us be ever-the-more reverant. If our bretherin are ill-advised of the proper rubrics, let us be more pronounced in our movements. Let us do these things for the good of all, not for the condemnation of any. Let us do these things that we may help them, yes help them through our actions, not our lip service. If we do not love our bretherin back to the Lord, then how shall we accomplish this? Is it not the one Lord that we receive in the Eucharist at every Mass? Is it not the one and the same every time throughout the ages? Is this not the focus, the source, and summit of our worship? Let us remember the disciples who did not recognize the risen Lord Jesus save for the breaking of the bread. A new “catholic” religion? No my friends.