A New Country For Religious Freedom

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I believe God put each of us where we are for a reason.
Certainly that would not be to run away and hide in the comfort of our faith with like-minded people.
We’re supposed to spread the Good News, people, and that means living amongst those who need it the most.
I would not run from the path Christ has chosen for me.
we ARE the majority!!
Who’s we?
Do you mean Catholics?
Or do you mean Christians?
I’ve seen numbers showing Christianity as the majority, but since we Christians are so divided on the interpretation of God’s laws, we’ve shot ourselves in the foot, thus handing over the victory to the minority.

Even if you meant Catholics, it’s the same situation…there are too many CINO/Cafeteria Catholics who are clueless and have handed over victory to the minority ‘in good faith’.
I’d definitely be one of the ones staying and fighting. Underground mass at my house! :clapping:

Although, it would be nice to have a little Catholic country to go when we fighters get too stressed. Go for a short vacation, drink some tea, see the dragon (but not from behind; ew!). I say we do it right here in America, though. Take a big strip right out of the middle! That way no one could go across country without having to pass through Catholicsville. Plus, we’d have the Rocky Mountains, so we’d convert all the skiers! And once you have ths skiers, you can rule the world! Bua ha ha ha ha!!! :whacky:

Ahem. Maybe I’ll just drink some tea. :coffee:

But it is nice to know that God promised His church would be around until the very end! So whatever may happen, we win in the end! Well…God wins, but we’re invited to the victory celebration.

Ani, you have totally shattered my views of Canada. It’s as bad as the tooth fairy! :crying:
By “freedom” don’t you actually mean the ability to force your own particular religious/denominational beliefs onto people who don’t share them? In other words christians are persucuted because, at the moment, they don’t get to enforce a theocracy onto non believers, or use the criminal justice system to interfere with peoples lives in matters of personal morality.
I thought we were talking moving to a deserted region anyway (like middle America :rolleyes: ).

What I see freedom as is the right to live without your mother deciding that she doesn’t want you and having you killed; the right to express that homosexuality is condemned by God and therefore not support it without being accused of being a prejudice; the right to live out my faith God-given faith without being given dirty looks and being the brunt of hateful conversations. There’s a difference between “forcing your personal beliefs” on someone and living the way God calls you to. Unfortunately, none of us will get that “freedom” until eternity.

I agree with you that people have the right to chose their beliefs, but not to where it denies God’s laws.

But the reason that we could never form our own “Catholic” country is because God calls us to live with each other and love one another. You’re Protestant and I’m Catholic. They’re different religions, but we both believe in Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit! So let’s get together and sing songs of praise! Let’s recite prayers we have in common, like The Lord’s Prayer! I joke about wanting to get away to a place where everyone shares my beliefs, but real love comes in among people who disagree, but live with each other! 😃

What do you think? 🙂
living with each other as long as you get to stone adulterers and lock up homosexuals. Gods laws are a matter of belief, otherwise they’d be no disagreements, no denomintions, no religions. How would you like it if Osama Bin Laden got to tell you what Gods law means? no? But it’s ok if it’s christians doing it. Funny, I thought the law applied to believers, the consequences being spiritual, not forcing it on others through the state.
i am fortunate. i live in a country that is predominately catholic, abortiion is illegal!!!, divorce is difficult. no rainbow sash. i don’t know, but i think euthanasia would be frowned upon.

by the way the rainbow is trademark of cursillo.

government is iffy, but getting better, the federal police are combatting terrorism and violence

there are bad places, and good places.

the church is very traditional. the tabernacle is where it belongs, at the foot of the crucifix, behind the altar

i guess i am pretty blessed, after all.
living with each other as long as you get to stone adulterers and lock up homosexuals. Gods laws are a matter of belief, otherwise they’d be no disagreements, no denomintions, no religions. How would you like it if Osama Bin Laden got to tell you what Gods law means? no? But it’s ok if it’s christians doing it. Funny, I thought the law applied to believers, the consequences being spiritual, not forcing it on others through the state.
First of all, you sound a little upset. Remember that we’re talking theoretical conversation and that I’m not trying to attack anyone. I’m sorry if I offended you by saying something stupid. Friends? 👋

I’ll openly admit that I’m a sinner. I can’t cast the stone at homosexuals or adulterers and say they deserve prison, and I don’t believe I ever did. On the other hand, I can say that I will not support homosexual behavior. I have homosexual friends. If you read other threads in this forum regarding homosexuality, you will see that I do not put up with people trying to make excuses to hate or ostracise homosexuals. And I know people who commit adultary, some of them frequently. My faith keeps me from saying, “Do whatever makes you feel good”, but it doesn’t restrict me from going out to lunch with these people.

Now, God made His laws pretty clear. “Thou shalt not kill” and “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife”. Those are pretty cut and dried and not open to interpratation. Someone could argue that the government is forcing religion on us by locking up killers. Or they could accept that killing is wrong and killers need to be kept seperated from their “prey”. Osama Bin Laden, I think we can all agree, has never been concerned with what God wants of him. Christians, however, generally (I will admit not all, but the true believers) want people to find God’s love and not through vicious, blood-thirsty attacks.

The reason this discussion even came up is because we all have an internal longing for happiness and agreement and God. We’re all made to go to Heaven where we will get this! We can’t help but want it a little early.

Haven’t you ever wanted everyone to be Protestant? To see the truth in your religion? To finally accept God?

You make me jealous! Don’t be surprised if I suddenly show up on your doorstep! :tiphat: I’ll be the one who can’t speak Spanish to save my life! Adios!
Using the state to do that takes away any meaning to it. We can all agree on murder, cause it isn’t about what people do to themselves, same with abortion, it effects another, yeah abortion rights are disgusting.
Cockney Clive:
If you are serious about living in Wales you might have to learn to love Rugby Football which is a far superior, more intelligent game than American Football.

Wales won the “Six Nations” cup this past season so they are on a roll and expecting to continue. Even the NZ All Blacks are worried by this new Welsh team but we will see in the Fall.
AHHHH! A fellow rugby lover!!! Could any people on earth but the Welsh and the New Zealanders know how sublime this game is???
We over here love it that Wales is once again a great rugby nation (they went into the doldrums for a while, eh!)
But … I wouldn’t say that the All Blacks are worried about this new Welsh team … We will just see!
The Lions didn’t exactly meet our high expectations, but some of that is Sir Clive’s fault, and/or that of his spin doctor.
Sorry to have led this topic astray. I’m good at doing that. But mention rugby to me and I’m away!!🙂
Just food for thought in this discussion - in my graduate social work program (which has GOT to be one of the most liberal fields in this country) there is a lot of talk and discussion about politics, government responsibility, social justice (some of it misguided), and the “ideology” and “forced morality” of our current politicians. To hear many of my fellow students talk, they think we (and I mean Christians) are persecuting and afflicting them. They view themselves as the minority in this great divide of our country.

That was a real surprise to me at first, and I found it extremely ironic how many secular liberals viewed themselves as trying to free themselves of the oppression imposed by Christianity in this country.
I believe Texas still retains the right to secceed from the Union. If memory serves, that was one of their conditions for coming back into the Union after the Civil War. So we may not have to leave the country…we just have to move to Texas and convince them to break away 🙂

ChristianExodus.org is moving thousands of Christians to South Carolina to reestablish constitutionally limited government founded upon Christian principles. This includes the return to South Carolina of all “powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States.” 1 It is evident that the U.S. Constitution has been abandoned under our current federal system, and the efforts of Christian activism to restore our Godly republic have proven futile over the past three decades. The time has come for Christian Constitutionalists to protect our American principles in a State like South Carolina by interposing the State’s sovereign authority retained under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.


Christians have actively tried to return the United States to their moral foundations for more than 30 years. We now have a professing Christian president, a Republican Congress and a Republican Supreme Court. Yet consider this:

Abortion continues against the wishes of many States
Sodomite and lesbian “marriage” is now legal in Massachusetts (and coming soon to a neighborhood near you)
Children who pray in public schools are subject to prosecution 1
Our schools continue to teach the discredited theory of Darwinian evolution 1 2
The Bible is still not welcome in schools except under unconstitutional FEDERAL guidelines
The 10 Commandments remain banned from public display
Sodomy is now legal AND celebrated as “diversity” rather than condemned as perversion
Preaching Christianity will soon be outlawed as “hate speech” 1 2 3
Fathers are denied equal rights under law in cases of child custody
Our right to keep and bear arms continues to be INFRINGED
Private homes are now subject to arbitrary government seizure
Attempts at reform have proven futile. Future elections will not stop the above atrocities, but rather will lead us down an even more deadly path because both national parties routinely disobey the U.S. Constitution.


So what can be done? ChristianExodus.org offers the opportunity to try a strategy not yet employed by Bible-believing Christians. Rather than spend resources in continued efforts to redirect the entire nation, we will redeem States one at a time. Millions of Christian conservatives are geographically spread out and diluted at the national level. Therefore, we must concentrate our numbers in a geographical region with a sovereign government we can influence through the electoral process.

ChristianExodus.org is orchestrating the move of thousands of Christians to reacquire our Constitutional rights by electing State and local officials who will interpose on behalf of the people and refuse to enforce illegal federal acts. Click on our Plan of Action page to find out how we can experience God-honoring governance once again.

If you are tired of government-endorsed sin, then stand up and be counted! Join us
If you are tired of government-endorsed sin, then stand up and be counted! Join us
If you want a goverment enforced fascist theocracy. It wouldn’t just be stopping gay marriage, ending abortion etc…

It involves criminalising homosexuality altogethor, censorhip of all non christian opinion, freedom to practice other religions curtailed, forcing specific beliefs onto children from non christian families who (have) to attend public schools. All great if you like that sort of thing.
Just do your jobs people.

Love your spouses. Pray. Got sacraments? Make babies. Raise them well. Be Christ to your neighbors.

If we all do our jobs, there won’t BE enough loonies out there to skew laws, courts, meida, etc.
If you want a goverment enforced fascist theocracy. It wouldn’t just be stopping gay marriage, ending abortion etc…

It involves criminalising homosexuality altogethor, censorhip of all non christian opinion, freedom to practice other religions curtailed, forcing specific beliefs onto children from non christian families who (have) to attend public schools. All great if you like that sort of thing.
What’s the difference between what you’re suggesting and what’s really going on now? Our taxes pay for abortions all across the country (so we’re being forced to support murder). If we send our children to public schools, they’re taught evolution, to accept homosexuality, to watch crude and inappropriate movies in health and other classes, etc.

Right now Christians all across the country, and the world, are being persecuted and prosecuted under the “hate crimes” laws of the United States.

Personally, I see no difference between what you’ve suggested would happen and what already has happened.

Scout :tiphat:
It is just a fact that at the end of every great empire in history is a period of moral decline.

The US won’t last forever.

What these people don’t understand is that Gods creation has a fail safe in it to teach Man hard lessons when the truth is ignored.

War is one of these fail safes, but God does not bring on war It is just what happens when Man ignores the truth.

In the grand scheme of things there is only one way that Man will ever be happy and avoid catastrophe, and that is Christ. All other paths lead to death and destruction.

The sad thing is that Man will never learn its lessons. History will repeat itself over and over again. I don’t think anyone here can honestly say that man is any different they he was 4000 years ago. The cities back then erupted into moral chaos all the time and it wasn’t long and their enemies destroyed them all

You can be happy knowing that your faith in Christ will save you on a personal level. when you realize this, it doesn’t matter that your country is on a path to its own destruction. That will happen because it is the natural order of this crazy world.

So you can’t just try to start a new country. Even if you did, it would eventually fall in a few hundred years. It is just a fact that there will always be people who will reject christ. The only thing you can do is wait for Christ to return. That is all the church can do as well…
Just food for thought in this discussion - in my graduate social work program (which has GOT to be one of the most liberal fields in this country) there is a lot of talk and discussion about politics, government responsibility, social justice (some of it misguided), and the “ideology” and “forced morality” of our current politicians. To hear many of my fellow students talk, they think we (and I mean Christians) are persecuting and afflicting them. They view themselves as the minority in this great divide of our country.

That was a real surprise to me at first, and I found it extremely ironic how many secular liberals viewed themselves as trying to free themselves of the oppression imposed by Christianity in this country.
the oppression that they feel is actually the truth. People don’t want to hear the word of God. They want to live their lives in sin without ever knowing the truth.

That is why Satan is the master of this world. He loves it here. It is the only place in all of Gods creation where you can live without ever knowing that God exists.

These people want to live in the Same Bliss that Satan lives in. The more you tell them the truth the more they will feel oppressed… just as Satan does.
Ani, you have totally shattered my views of Canada. It’s as bad as the tooth fairy! :crying:
Yes, but guess where Santa Claus lives? :bounce:
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