The universe is defined as all matter, energy and space-time. Given the Big Bang was the initial moment of the universe, (energy, matter and space-time) how could matter create itself if it didn’t exist prior to itself? In fact, there was no “prior” space-time in which matter could have resided to create itself.
The question to be asked is whether ideas that minds have can be efficaciously causal. As thinking beings, humans continually have ideas and act on the basis of those ideas to form or in-form reality around us. Computer hardware and software are examples of logic (if-then sequencing) being embodied in a way that is causally effective.
If something like Aristotelian-Thomist metaphysics is correct and informing the potential of matter is what makes physical things actual, then the actualizing power of Actus Purus (Pure or Fullness of Actuality) is what brings all matter, energy and space-time into existence by sharing actuality with potentiality (prime matter.)
Causality is an aspect and subset of logical sequencing.
If x, then y.
Therefore, y
Creating something is simply embodying the above sequence in the sense of providing the necessary and sufficient conditions for x which, then, brings about y.
The interesting thing about the logic of “If x, then y,” is that it need not be causal in a chronologically sequential mode. x merely has to obtain for y to be per se. The sequence does not need time to be true.
The important question is, Why does x entail (or bring about) y?
That question will never be answered without getting beyond the curtain of appearance to what lies behind - there is no other explanatory candidate except the Mind of God. There is not even another discernible possibility. “It’s a “brute fact” about matter” doesn’t cut explanatory muster - it merely surrenders to a “gap” type of response that atheists are so fond of chastising theists for committing.
See “
Can you Explain Something by Appealing to a "Brute Fact.”