I care naught for your amazon.com. Aristotle first uses the concepts in the physics, only later in the metaphysics. This was some time before amazon.com. It remains that once you separate them from any physical role then they cannot apply to the OP.The concepts of Act and potency are metaphysical concepts, the updated Philosophy of Science and Nature can be found here
This is a problem with philosophers, who to choose, who to choose. The reviewer is Luke Fenton-Glynn, D.Phil. Oxford, currently at UCL. Seems like he might known a thing or two. I only glanced at his review but noticed one of his other observations was Mumford forgot about a little thing called relativity. That would seem to be another showstopper.That review is funny; it’s critique is that “it’s not Humean enough”, whilst Mumford (and others, in so many places) directly refute the Humean notion of causation through the book. You may want to find a better review.
Perception = experience. We only observe that effect follows cause from past history, which doesn’t include seeing other universes. It doesn’t mean that the universe might not have a cause, it means that the conjecture that the universe was caused to exist can neither be proved nor disproved with our current state of knowledge. Yes, this is very inconvenient, but truth isn’t about convenience.What is your critique about perception? The one where you postulate that the Universe could be a “brute fact”? That is; without cause or explanation. Brute facts cause us to fall into an awkward epistemic and metaphysical position; because brute facts are not just a concept of epistemic weakness, but an ontological reality. As the universe then would not be “caused by nothing” as nihilo nihil fit. The universe would simply be. This is inexplicable, and completely unintelligible. Appears to throw doubt onto the reliability of our sensory and rational powers.
It’s worth repeating Lemaître’s observation that God never makes an explicit appearance in science. This would imply that should the universe have a cause, and if we ever find out what it is, then God would be hidden there too, if God is consistent.