We can never be “free” of ourselves.As to your thought experiment, I think we have different definitions of free will. Correct me if I’m wrong, but your definition seems to be Compatablistic (a choice is ‘free’ only when it is not coerced by an outside source, yet it is still completely determined by preprogramming’).
The libertarian concept of free will (which I subscribe to) rests on three legs:1) a person has a goal in mind, which it wishes to achieve.My definition of free will (and I think the one that Tony was referring to) is that people have the ability in causally identical situations to choose either A or not-A. Or, in different words, that when a person chooses something, their choice is caused by nothing but their will (which would seem to exclude preprogamming, since this programming is not ‘willed’).
2) there are at least two different ways to achieve it.
3) the locus of decision rests with the agent.
It has nothing to do with the internal “workings” of the agent. Also, “free will” is always situational. You may NOT have free will in one respect, but you have it in another. To make a horrible example, a woman may not have the free will to escape a gang-rape, but she is “free” to give in and enjoy the experience. Or you are trapped in a burning high-rise. You are “free” to choose whether to burn to death, or jump to your death. No one would call this a “free choice” - since the primary goal - to survive - is not one of the options.
By the way, the libertarian free will cannot be “proven”. You cannot “rewind” the world to create the came identical situation to observe a different choice. It is merely a plausible assumption, nothing more. As Heraclitus said: “You cannot step twice into the same river.”
“Entirely” is a big word - and no one uses it. The debate on nature vs. nurture keeps on going, and there is no sign that it can ever be decided. Our actions are partially determined by our programming. In some cases the programming is so strong that it cannot be overcome. In other cases it is a mere “suggestion”. Precisely the same can be achieved with the initial programming of computers. No real difference.I’m sure that everyone does have a certain level of preprogramming, determined by their genetics and environment. However, this doesn’t mean that this preprogramming entirely determines a person’s choices.
Humans are not “totally” free, and the computers are not “totally” predetermined either. One can argue about the percentages, but not the principle.
Physical restrictions play a part. But psychological restrictions can be exactly as strong. If some criminal would threaten (convincingly) that he will rape your children in front of your eyes, unless you commit some act, you would have to give in, and no court would find you responsible for your action. Your action would not be free due to irresistible force applied from the outside. There is always a “Room one-oh-one” for everyone.I think your objection would only work if it was physically impossible for me to do an evil action (and not just that I freely choose not to do this action). But this all hinges on whether or not the human mind and will is completely reducible to deterministic causes, which is the issue under discussion.
And there would be nothing wrong with it. I had several conversations with Christians and many of them admitted that the only reason they are not promiscuous and / or do not kill and rape - is their fear of eternal punishment. If they would be sure that God does not exist, they would do anything as long as they could get away with it. I would prefer an Asimovian “robot” with its three basic laws.As a side note, your scenario seems like it would undermine any sort of morality. If the only thing that prevents someone from kidnapping and murdering a child is ‘preprogamming’ (that the individual has no control over), than this implies that if a person does do these evil acts, then it is because of some sort of preprogamming that determined that they would do so. They had no choice in the matter.