Thank you, I have been lurking for many years before today
Certainly might does not make right, which is why it’s important for each of us to be honest about the level of power we have in a situation so we don’t abuse it. Think of a disabled person advocating for assistive technology so they can work and earn a living. If I as an able bodied person say to them “you should be glad to beg on the streets like these others since they are living the beatitudes”, I certainly wouldn’t be living them in that case.
Certainly might does not make right, which is why it’s important for each of us to be honest about the level of power we have in a situation so we don’t abuse it. Think of a disabled person advocating for assistive technology so they can work and earn a living. If I as an able bodied person say to them “you should be glad to beg on the streets like these others since they are living the beatitudes”, I certainly wouldn’t be living them in that case.