A not-yet-locked Thread on Modesty

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Thank you! Just to include an early paragraph in the article:
Sex drive refers to a hypothetical construct encompassing one’s attitudes toward sex, sexual desires, and sexual behaviors (Baumeister, 2000). Men have a stronger sex drive than women, and this gender difference is evident in cross-cultural research involving men and women from 53 different countries (Lippa, 2009). In each nation studied, men self-reported stronger sex drives than women. While some women do have a very strong sex drive, this sexual motivation functions differently for women than it does for men.
I wonder how much “professionally contentious” posters - no names mentioned - contributed to the soon demise of CAF.

Sex Drive: How Do Men and Women Compare?

Experts discuss the differences between male sex drive and female sex drive.
And thank you for this one too.

A brief portion:
Well, yes, they do. Study after study shows that men’s sex drives are not only stronger than women’s, but much more straightforward. The sources of women’s libidos, by contrast, are much harder to pin down.

It’s common wisdom that women place more value on emotional connection as a spark of sexual desire. But women also appear to be heavily influenced by social and cultural factors as well.
This study doesn’t disprove the point of contention that women can suffer from the sin of lust.
I have not said that a woman cannot experience what she calls and understands to be “LUST”.

I HAVE SAID, in this one example below:

“No, I dismiss her judgment that she experiences something - “lust,” in this case - in the same way and in the same intensity a man does.

That has been my point: men and women are DIFFERENT, and one example is, they are different in what they both call “lust.” They do not lust, when and if they lust, in the same way or in the same intensity.

All reports to the contrary on this thread, though they are frequently asserted by others, are FAKE NEWS.
Neither can you intepret Jesus using certsin pronouns to mean anything.
What does God consider normal attire for walking along the beachfront at Bondi? And much more to the point, how on earth do you know?
It would be much better for you to find the answer to that with your own God-given faculties. If you knock yourself, the door will be opened to you. If you merely debate, you will gain nothing.
That’s not an acceptable answer, fide. You’ve been given enough of a heads up from the women on this thread that there are a variety of views. But you’re implying that you’re the only one who knows God’s mind on matters such as these.
That’s not an acceptable answer, fide. You’ve been given enough of a heads up from the women on this thread that there are a variety of views. But you’re implying that you’re the only one who knows God’s mind on matters such as these.
Not true. What you and a few others wrongly infer does not equate to what I have stated, or even implied.
This study doesn’t disprove the point of contention that women can suffer from the sin of lust.
I have not said that a woman cannot experience what she calls and understands to be “LUST”.

I HAVE SAID, in this one example below:

“No, I dismiss her judgment that she experiences something - “lust,” in this case - in the same way and in the same intensity a man does.

That has been my point: men and women are DIFFERENT, and one example is, they are different in what they both call “lust.” They do not lust, when and if they lust, in the same way or in the same intensity.

All reports to the contrary on this thread, though they are frequently asserted by others, are FAKE NEWS.
This is off topic, so feel free to ignore it. But one can’t help but form a mental image of people you converse with on-line. Obviously based only on what they post (I dread to think what mental picture people have of me…). There’s a term for it which I heard many years ago, but long forgotten. But my image of you, fide, pretty much matches the icon you have next to your name.

Do you mind me asking who it is?
I predict that this thread will be closed, at the latest, December 31st.
It would have closed a lot sooner, dying a natural and peaceful death, if people would stop denying the obvious, and the results of research:
Men have a stronger sex drive than women, and this gender difference is evident in cross-cultural research involving men and women from 53 different countries (Lippa, 2009). In each nation studied, men self-reported stronger sex drives than women. While some women do have a very strong sex drive, this sexual motivation functions differently for women than it does for men.
Men and women are different! The contrary is no doubt part of the strong and growing “woke” ideology, that men and women are the same, that gender differences are minor, merely cultural, and arbitrary anyway. No! God designed men and women for different and complementary roles in the family, in society, and in the body of Christ.
God designed men and women for different and complementary roles in the family, in society, and in the body of Christ.
Like trivializing the experience of women and harping on them about their clothes? How about we start a thread on what men should wear and how all men who go around shirtless, in tank tops, and shorts should go to a confessional for tempting their sisters?

Has any Catholic on this topic said there’s no difference between men and women? No. But all the ladies need to apparently be reminded for the umpteenth time about their dress and that daring to say they experience a sin the same way as men do is “woke” ideology poisoning their minds.
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harping on them about their clothes?
This is what a concern for modesty translates into?
Sir 26:15 A modest wife adds charm to charm, and no balance can weigh the value of a chaste soul.
1Pe 3:1 Likewise you wives, be submissive to your husbands, so that some, though they do not obey the word, may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives,
1Pe 3:2 when they see your reverent and chaste behavior.
1Pe 3:3 Let not yours be the outward adorning with braiding of hair, decoration of gold, and wearing of fine clothing,
1Pe 3:4 but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
1Pe 3:5 So once the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves and were submissive to their husbands,
1Pe 3:6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are now her children if you do right and let nothing terrify you.
1Pe 3:7 Likewise you husbands, live considerately with your wives, bestowing honor on the woman as the weaker sex, since you are joint heirs of the grace of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered.
This is what a concern for modesty translates into?
When you wave off women saying they struggle with lust, yes.

“Oh, you have no idea what you’re talking about, besides, we men have it much worse. Now stop tempting us.”
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We needed a multi-million dollar study to know this? I was in the wrong business for three decades! I coulda’ had a prepaid Hooters card and used it to “study”!
You don’t know how anyone here dresses so how could you even be talking about modesty to them?
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harping on them about their clothes?
This is what a concern for modesty translates into?
Sir 26:15 A modest wife adds charm to charm, and no balance can weigh the value of a chaste soul.
All written from within a patriachal society. Can you find us some examples as to how men should dress and add charm? Just so that we can discount the implied sexism.
You don’t know how anyone here dresses so how could you even be talking about modesty to them?
Every time there’s a tone deaf modesty thread on CAF, I put on a slightly shorter pair of jean cutoffs. These thighs are on blast.
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