Dear fide,
Since this thread on Modesty is “not-yet-locked” and I’ve spent a lot of time reading it because I value your posts, I wanted to thank you.
Many replies you received were mixed and I’m sorry to say that few have pointed to God’s Word in Scripture, (as you did in several of your replies.) By God’s Grace, it is in Listening to Him Who is Truth and Who created us in love for love, that we can learn His Will for us as men and women. He has revealed Himself as the Church teaches through Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church.
It seems necessary in our day to include the adjective “Legitimate” next to Magisterium because many of today’s Catholic hierarchy voice “opinions” without clarification, and sadly we hear more of “Political Correctness” than Truth, as you have pointed out, fide.
So I am not replying to anyone on this thread in particular but simply stating my thanks to God for His Truth given to us, and my thanks to you, fide, and those who seek God’s Truth.