Just because a women has the potential to become pregnant does not necessarily imply immorality, at least not in the sense of “murder”, if she chooses to avoid becoming pregnant, since the potential person is not in effect or actual production; thus one is not taking away from the existence of any being, since the being or the process that leads to the being is not real. I agree with this, but you have failed to see the relevance of my point. The production (as in a process that is in the actual effect of developing a sentient being) of a living person is not just a potential, but is in fact a potential “pending” actuality. Which means given that there is no error, a sentient being is going to be born. So i say again, if you value my existence “now” you cannot accept my abortion, since my being now is intrinsically linked to all stages of my development including stages in which i am not sentient. This does not include natural events that existed before my mother became pregnant even though by virtue of preceding my mothers pregnancy, such events are inextricably linked. The only way that such events would be a moral concern, is if you went back in time “knowing” that i existed in the present, and told my mother to have an abortion or knowingly tried to destroy events leading up to my mother pregnancy. This of coarse this is would be impossible as it would entail an irreconcilable paradox. In any case such possibilities are only relevant ethically in so for as we are talking about “moral choice” as a matter of knowledge and somebody willfully acting upon that knowledge.Indeed, you are quite right. But consider this: if it is immoral to prevent a potential sentient life from being actualized, would it not be immoral for a fertile woman to refuse to produce a child? Had they not refused, an actual being of value would have been produced. Thus, a fertile woman choosing to not have children must be immoral, since it prevents sentient beings from being produced.
To seek the good of the self, is a good thing, since it is to value that which is intrinsically valuable in the Christian sense of the term. However to value the self above a “greater good”, is to be selfish.Since everything we choose to do is done for the sake of satisfying a preference of ours, all of our conscious acts are selfish. A supposedly altruistic act, such as giving to charity, is done only because a person prefers to help others. Because the person derives pleasure from knowing they’ve helped, the action is at least partially selfish.
Given this, altruism can never be realized, no matter how philanthropic a person is.