Certainly not. However, it has the same effects as “murder” in that it prevents a being from walking amongst us today.
Functionally speaking in regards to a living person, a being that is not of the nature that it should necessarily arise from a precedent state of affairs is not a personal being because it is not in its nature to develop in to what we understand to be a living person with out the introduction of other entities, thus its non-actuality is not necessarily evil, unless one intentionally and knowingly intends to destroy the human race by rendering the necessary components, that go into making human production possible, biologically dysfunctional. Thus its status as a living person is void, because by itself it is just a being. The possibility of a person does not equal a person. The
pending generation of a person, is equal to a person. The existential value of a person is relevant to its productive foundation as well as a persons actual existence now because a biological persons existential being is immanently defined by its origin in the human embryo. The production of a living person began with the embryo, and that production proceeds until the death of that person (
as someone else intelligently pointed out). The idea of a person being a person just because we can see him or her speak or talk is a purely subjective not to mention naive concept of a person when taken apart from his or her immediate productive origins that go into actualizing what we know to be a person. My value and nature as a person now is dependent on the productive qualities of the human-embryo. Thus one must value the human embryo as him or her self, and for somebody to stop the process that leads to me, is to prevent me and thus undermines my dignity and value as a living person. A person obviously cannot be reduced only to the fact that a person is sentient, as you yourself pointed out in another thread.
To say that abortion is bad just because a killing took place (keep in mind that the fetus would be a non-sentient being for a certain period of time) is to say that something is bad merely because it looks gruesome.
Thats certainly not what i am saying. I am saying that it is wrong only because you are destroying the “
production” of a living person.
I’m not sure I get your meaning. The same could be said of any being that is not yet sentient.
The same cannot be said of an entity that is in the production of becoming “me” in the here and now. Me as a real being is only relevant and meaningful in regards to my moms “pregnancy”, since thats the point where something isn’t merely a “possibility” (a reality thats possible, but not necessary), but rather a potentiality pending actuality ( something thats no longer just a possibility, but rather is a potentiality in the process of becoming actual, unless prevented. Thus, so far as i exist and have value as a person now, it is right to call a human embryo a person, and thus apply the same rights and value that applies to me now. In this respect i can say with absolute certainty that to prevent the process of my becoming is to destroy my dignity as a person now. Its hard to see this because we speaking in reference to a process in time, thus the illusion is prevalent that a human embryo is not as valuable or moral relevant to a living person. I understand this; but my arguement is sound if you consider me of having value “knowing” that i exist “now”.
Let’s rephrase: “If she chooses to terminate, and the potential sentient being is not yet an actual sentient being, she is not taking away the existence of a sentient being, since the being or a portion of the process that leads to the being has not yet occured.”
False. A human embryo is in the process of becoming a person. If she prevents that process, she destroys the person. Consider that a sperm and an unfertilized egg is not a potential person, but rather two realities that have the possibility of being transformed into a person by their possible unification; thus a sperm and an unfertilized egg is not a person, since neither of them by them selves are in the process of becoming a person.
Whether the fetus is a future prospect considered by the mother, or whether it is already in her belly, the fetus is not sentient in either case.
Its irrelevant. What is important is whether or not we can identify a actual process of which a person is as far as we know the necessary and inevitable result. We witness that people are the end result of human pregnancy and thus we have good reason to consider abortion as murder.
Saying that it’s okay to turn down the possibility of getting pregnant but that it’s wrong to terminate the pregnancy creates an arbitrary stopping point.
No it does not, i have explained this thoroughly in this present post and my OP. Feel free to disagree, but what you can’t do is claim that i haven’t given you the philosophical criteria for my disagreement with abortion. It is not arbitrary. Its factual.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t anything that is “potential” also “pending?”.
No, there are also possibilities that are reliant or are contingent on particular events, which might not occur, in order to become a significant reality such as a person. A person, in so far as the ingredients for a person are present in the embryo, is the “necessary” result of a human embryo. Production is not the same as chance. We are talking about something that is proceeding necessarily toward a specific end in respect of its initial ingredients and the ordered and progressive powers inherent in the embryo.
This doesn’t matter, however, since the fetus is still not actually valuable since it isn’t sentient.
I’m sentient now, and i have value now, and my existence as a sentient being is intrinsically related to the fundamental process taking place in the human embryo. Thus i am correct to remind people of my human right to exist and how i value that existence and that people ought to value my existence, and thus in so far as i have value they must necessarily recognize and value the productive stages that went into my development as an existential being and that therefore the destruction of an embryo necessarily leads to the undermining of my value as a person now.