A profound Article worth careful reading

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Consider this sobering analysis of our present condition from columnist Jeffrey Kuhner at the** Washington Times**:
For the past 50 years, every major institution has been captured by the radical secular left. The media, Hollywood, TV, universities, public schools, theater, the arts, literature — they relentlessly promote the false gods of sexual hedonism and radical individualism. Conservatives have ceded the culture to the enemy. Tens of millions of unborn babies have been slaughtered; illegitimacy rates have soared; divorce has skyrocketed; pornography is rampant; drug use has exploded; sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS have killed millions; birth control is a way of life; sex outside of wedlock has become the norm; countless children have been permanently damaged — their innocence lost forever — because of the proliferation of broken homes; and sodomy and homosexuality are celebrated openly. America has become the new Babylon.
Considering that the vast majority of the population in America Is Christian, do you think that that might be the cause of the problem?
Considering that the vast majority of the population in America Is Christian, do you think that that might be the cause of the problem?
So where exactly did Jesus preach that his followers should abort babies, divorce their spouses, and have sex with whoever however they please? I don’t think those verses are in my bible. :rolleyes:
Considering that the vast majority of the population in America Is Christian, do you think that that might be the cause of the problem?
Perhaps the “vast majority” profess to be Christian all the while refusing to consider or admit that how they live, act and believe are completely in opposition to the central tenets of Christianity.
Perhaps the “vast majority” profess to be Christian all the while refusing to consider or admit that how they live, act and believe are completely in opposition to the central tenets of Christianity.
^^^This. For a long time I have been saying that the U.S. is not a Christian country. It is a pagan country with a veneer of cultural Christianity and pockets of actual believers, in varying sizes.
I believe that the answer to this problem is for all believers to increase their prayer lives, and allow the love of Christ to shine brighter.

For Catholics, we all need to do the above in order for the sacraments, special encounters with Christ, to be more effective in our lives.

Our Blessed Mother is truly our Mother in the order of grace, and consecration to her is very helpful.

In the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts,

^^^This. For a long time I have been saying that the U.S. is not a Christian country. It is a pagan country with a veneer of cultural Christianity and pockets of actual believers, in varying sizes.
Not even pagan–at least the pagans revered the gods. America has become hedoistic, striving to satisfy every carnal desire they can with government sanction and support. Virtues have become dirty words, except of “tolerance” and “equality” both of which are no virtues at all without the cardinal virtues upon which they stand. America has abandoned the cardinal virtues in favor of humanistic interpretation of what is right, good and best. In reality, it’s what’s most expedient, most lascivious, and least good–if it stands in the way of my “fun” we’ve descended into. America has gone the way of all cultures that fail–into grossness, selfishness, and greed.
Considering that the vast majority of the population in America Is Christian, do you think that that might be the cause of the problem?
The cause of the problem is they are NOT living up the their Christianity. You are seeing what happens when we push God out of our society.

Fr. John Hardon SJ said, " Unless we recover the seal and the spirit of the first century Christians-- unless we are willing to do what they did and pay the price they paid, the future of our country, the days of America are numbered." He said the about 20 years ago or so.
God Bless Memaw
Not even pagan–at least the pagans revered the gods. America has become hedoistic, striving to satisfy every carnal desire they can with government sanction and support. Virtues have become dirty words, except of “tolerance” and “equality” both of which are no virtues at all without the cardinal virtues upon which they stand. America has abandoned the cardinal virtues in favor of humanistic interpretation of what is right, good and best. In reality, it’s what’s most expedient, most lascivious, and least good–if it stands in the way of my “fun” we’ve descended into. America has gone the way of all cultures that fail–into grossness, selfishness, and greed.
That’s why I wrote “pagan” and not “Pagan,” but yeah, you’re pretty much right.
The problem is that Communism - NOT the economic system, but the amoral and anti-Christian ideologies attached to it, basically took over the world after WW2. In Eastern Europe, Germany, and Asia, it was obvious, because people were being murdered, arrested, and tortured by the millions. In the West, it was less obvious but more insidious, as Communist-influenced ideas took over the media, TV & movies, education, and legal system. It was a top down brainwashing that has influenced every aspect of our lives for 100 years now, but especially for the last 70 years. Many people find it hard to understand that most American billionaires are Communists, because its not really an economic system - that was just to get the poor to support it, but its really about creating a system a slave society.

The goal of spreading immoral behavior in society is to destroy any sense of personal dignity and honor, to make people the perfect subjects.
Not even pagan–at least the pagans revered the gods. America has become hedoistic, striving to satisfy every carnal desire they can with government sanction and support. Virtues have become dirty words, except of “tolerance” and “equality” both of which are no virtues at all without the cardinal virtues upon which they stand. America has abandoned the cardinal virtues in favor of humanistic interpretation of what is right, good and best. In reality, it’s what’s most expedient, most lascivious, and least good–if it stands in the way of my “fun” we’ve descended into. America has gone the way of all cultures that fail–into grossness, selfishness, and greed.
Well stated.
The problem is that Communism - NOT the economic system, but the amoral and anti-Christian ideologies attached to it, basically took over the world after WW2. In Eastern Europe, Germany, and Asia, it was obvious, because people were being murdered, arrested, and tortured by the millions. In the West, it was less obvious but more insidious, as Communist-influenced ideas took over the media, TV & movies, education, and legal system. It was a top down brainwashing that has influenced every aspect of our lives for 100 years now, but especially for the last 70 years. Many people find it hard to understand that most American billionaires are Communists, because its not really an economic system - that was just to get the poor to support it, but its really about creating a system a slave society.

The goal of spreading immoral behavior in society is to destroy any sense of personal dignity and honor, to make people the perfect subjects.
You are so right. Communism crept into every part of the American society without people realizing it. Now we start to see its full bloom after years of planting seeds and cultivating the ground. That is how the abortion gets worse, how the gay “marriage” took place, and America becomes a socialist country on hand-outs, and soon America could be a total communist nation. No surprise, Holy Mother told us to pray daily Rosary for priests, church, and country, and repent; otherwise, the entire world will be communism. See the message of Garabandal.


Ignorance brings destruction. Up till now, majority Americans are still ignorant. They don’t realize communists have control in many parts if not every level of the nation. And yes, often billionaires are communists. That is typical. They use the name of helping the poor but they take all means to put money in their own pockets. Just look at the high level officers in the communist countries, they are all rich but the people are all poor, equally poor, true equality.
Yes, this is so true, its sad to me that more people dont even recognize this, They somehow think the US is exempt from Gods laws. I have a feeling the US is the nation Jesus will destroy in 3 days when he returns, and I think alot of people are going to be completely shocked by this, it will be a big wake up for them.
I agree. U.S. will be the country of God’s chastisement. No country has been blessed as U.S. due to our founding Fathers’ Christian faith by putting God first. But after 200 + years, God has been put aside from the public square. One of the two major political parties, the Democratic, officially denounced God in their previous Presidential election convention. Yet, many many Catholics still vote for the party. The Supreme Court crossed the line to redefined marriage originally defined by God. All these grave sins…

Whoever is given more will be asked more. U.S., the nation God blessed the most, rebels God the most. Anyone who has reasonable logical thinking can figure out the coming severe punishment. God is just. God cannot be mocked.

While the chastisement is unavoidable, what we can do is to pray the Rosary like Mother Mary told us to, and make sure we ourselves live a life pleasing to God. Also, pray for the conversion of the sinners.
Yes, this is so true, its sad to me that more people dont even recognize this, They somehow think the US is exempt from Gods laws. I have a feeling the US is the nation Jesus will destroy in 3 days when he returns, and I think alot of people are going to be completely shocked by this, it will be a big wake up for them.
Is that prophecy in the Apocalypse of John?
Considering that the vast majority of the population in America Is Christian, do you think that that might be the cause of the problem?
No, it is because they all drank milk when they were young.

Both your answer and mine are what are called non sequiturs. If you want to stir the pot, at least get a decent paddle.😃
The problem is that Communism - NOT the economic system, but the amoral and anti-Christian ideologies attached to it, basically took over the world after WW2. In Eastern Europe, Germany, and Asia, it was obvious, because people were being murdered, arrested, and tortured by the millions. In the West, it was less obvious but more insidious, as Communist-influenced ideas took over the media, TV & movies, education, and legal system. It was a top down brainwashing that has influenced every aspect of our lives for 100 years now, but especially for the last 70 years. Many people find it hard to understand that most American billionaires are Communists, because its not really an economic system - that was just to get the poor to support it, but its really about creating a system a slave society.

The goal of spreading immoral behavior in society is to destroy any sense of personal dignity and honor, to make people the perfect subjects.
Actually, no. Hedonism was far more rampant in Europe and North America when Communism was in its infancy and Lenin and Stalin had all they could handle just trying to gain the upper hand in Russia and its satellites. Europe and North America were boogeying down when Communism was still trying to make its headway within a small part of the intellectual elite.

McCarthy may have made everyone feel that if you were even slightly to the left of Attila the Hun, you were suspect; but that isn’t even worth the ink that was spilled over his rantings and ravings.
No, it is because they all drank milk when they were young.

Both your answer and mine are what are called non sequiturs. If you want to stir the pot, at least get a decent paddle.😃
OK, I’ll be specific. Do you think it’s because all those Christians aren’t following the basic tenets of Christianity? It seems a little trite to say that it’s all the fault of the secular media/educational facilities/government/atheists etc.

This is YOUR problem, buddy. It’s Christians who are having hundreds of thousands of abortions every year. It’s Christians who responsible for the violence. You have over 80% of the population, so everything that you think is wrong with society is the responsibility of Christians.

Let’s face it, if 80% were atheists I’d be thinking that, hey, maybe this isn’t going as well as we said it would.

And I wouldn’t be too keen on suggesting that all these God fearin’ Christians are just being led astray by…well, fill in anyone you think has an agenda here. If they are that gullible and believe everything they are told without knowing if it’s right or wrong…well, you can probably see where the argument goes.
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