A profound Article worth careful reading

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Many people find it hard to understand that most American billionaires are Communists, because its not really an economic system - that was just to get the poor to support it, but its really about creating a system a slave society.
Were you sick the day they did political science in your school?
And those are just the “sins of the left.” When you add to them the “sins of the right,” we’re really done for –

arrogance, racism, indifference to the poor, selfishness, blaming-the-victims, anti-environmentalism and refusal to acknowledge the harms and deaths due to environmental harms and one’s own participation in them, etc.

My previous Carmelite president pointed out that there were “sins of the left” (like debauchery) and “sins of the right” (like arrogance) and we in our group needed to watch out for the latter … considering that we were not into the former 🙂

And my husband’s uncle, a parish priest in India, advised me some 30 years ago that arrogance was the worst of and the root of all sins – it was the one committed by Lucifer. (That was after some relatives had complained to him that I was arrogant. 🙂 )
And those are just the “sins of the left.” When you add to them the “sins of the right,” we’re really done for –

arrogance, racism, indifference to the poor, selfishness, blaming-the-victims, anti-environmentalism and refusal to acknowledge the harms and deaths due to environmental harms and one’s own participation in them, etc.

My previous Carmelite president pointed out that there were “sins of the left” (like debauchery) and “sins of the right” (like arrogance) and we in our group needed to watch out for the latter … considering that we were not into the former 🙂

And my husband’s uncle, a parish priest in India, advised me some 30 years ago that arrogance was the worst of and the root of all sins – it was the one committed by Lucifer. (That was after some relatives had complained to him that I was arrogant. 🙂 )
So true!

Lord Jesus Christ…be our humility…teach us to follow You!
So true!

Lord Jesus Christ…be our humility…teach us to follow You!
Thank you Dorothy and lynnvinc!

Given that this is the “Catholic Answers Forum”, you are providing such answers coming from a point of view that reflects charity and forgiveness.

Yes, our nation has its share of debauchery, murder, and a multitude of other sins occurring. However, what does Our Lord Jesus do? He eats with sinners, He commands them not to sin, and He prays. Most of all, He loves and forgives. Do my statements communicate fear and condemnation, or do they communicate faith and forgiveness? This is the contrast presented in the Gospel, and I must evaluate what I say and do by that template.

The model in the gospel of those who point blame, condemn, and exercise a witch hunt that ends in the crucifixion is provided by the pharisees and their allies.

People caught up in sin are slaves. They deserve not our wrath, but our prayer, forgiveness, and love. And yes, of course, there is a place for firm commandments to avoid sin and to seek justice when harm is done.

Thanks again!🙂
………deliberately chosen to keep their teachings muddled, ambiguous and elusive in an effort to increase “pastoral sensitivity” as the highest of all values, which keeps people feeling good about themselves just the way they are – though never challenged to strive for sainthood! Of course, when people like the way their church makes them feel about themselves, that keeps the money flowing into the collection basket. But whether confused and uncertain, or simply spiritually blind for lack of true pastoral care, the faithful who have been abandoned by their spiritual leaders are prone to be conformed to the world and its prince, a murderer and liar from the beginning.
When I initiated this thread, there were two parts I intended to discuss:
  1. The evil of the left wing on our nation
  2. The lack of moral teaching from the pulpit
If you carefully read the article, you will catch the second part quoted above. I appreciate someone finally pointed out the responsibility of the Christians.

So many so-called Catholics voted not only once but twice to have the current regime rule over America. When it is always so obvious that this President is the biggest promoter of abortion and homosexuality, and consistently suppress religious freedom, those so-called Catholics voted for him again and again. Whoever support evil will be held accountable in front of the judgment seat. Equally, the lack of moral teaching from pulpit will also be responsible for what they failed to do.

The church of “nice” has made people loose sense of right or wrong. Anything goes. Many clergy’s not preaching and teaching what the congregation need to hear, and the laity’s lack of proper conscience, have all been giving perfect opportunities for the left to sell their lies.

To avoid total destruction of America which is imminent, Christians must wake up and the clergy must preach and teach as they should. May Lord have mercy on us!!
Thank you Dorothy and lynnvinc!

Given that this is the “Catholic Answers Forum”, you are providing such answers coming from a point of view that reflects charity and forgiveness.

Yes, our nation has its share of debauchery, murder, and a multitude of other sins occurring. However, what does Our Lord Jesus do? He eats with sinners, He commands them not to sin, and He prays. Most of all, He loves and forgives. Do my statements communicate fear and condemnation, or do they communicate faith and forgiveness? This is the contrast presented in the Gospel, and I must evaluate what I say and do by that template.

The model in the gospel of those who point blame, condemn, and exercise a witch hunt that ends in the crucifixion is provided by the pharisees and their allies.

People caught up in sin are slaves. They deserve not our wrath, but our prayer, forgiveness, and love. And yes, of course, there is a place for firm commandments to avoid sin and to seek justice when harm is done.

Thanks again!🙂
Thank you for the affirmation! I very recently have been on a retreat where the holy retreat master, a priest, made the point so well that we as believers need to follow Christ and allow Him to rule our lives. He will take care of everything if we surrender to Him. He also spoke much about our Blessed Mother, who is truly our Mother in the order of grace. Consecration to Mary is a tremendous help, and he promoted the 33 day consecration, True Devotion to Mary, by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, which is a source of great blessings!

The book “33 Days to Morning Glory” is a great book also, giving the (name removed by moderator)ut on our Blessed Mother by Blessed Mother Teresa, St. John Paul II, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and also St. Louis de Montfort. So inspiring!
When I initiated this thread, there were two parts I intended to discuss:
  1. The evil of the left wing on our nation
  2. The lack of moral teaching from the pulpit
If you carefully read the article, you will catch the second part quoted above. I appreciate someone finally pointed out the responsibility of the Christians.

So many so-called Catholics voted not only once but twice to have the current regime rule over America. When it is always so obvious that this President is the biggest promoter of abortion and homosexuality, and consistently suppress religious freedom, those so-called Catholics voted for him again and again. Whoever support evil will be held accountable in front of the judgment seat. Equally, the lack of moral teaching from pulpit will also be responsible for what they failed to do.

The church of “nice” has made people loose sense of right or wrong. Anything goes. Many clergy’s not preaching and teaching what the congregation need to hear, and the laity’s lack of proper conscience, have all been giving perfect opportunities for the left to sell their lies.

To avoid total destruction of America which is imminent, Christians must wake up and the clergy must preach and teach as they should. May Lord have mercy on us!!
What specifically woke me up was the Arianism references. I have always wondered what fueled the proposal of a revised Catholic Church aka big tent according to the personal preferences of some, not all, public writers and speakers. Now it is clear that stealth Arianism is the culprit.

From the linked article.I put the main thought, in my humble opinion, in bold.
“Moreover, the Stealth Arians have deliberately chosen to keep their teachings muddled, ambiguous and elusive in an effort to increase “pastoral sensitivity” as the highest of all values, which keeps people feeling good about themselves just the way they are – though never challenged to strive for sainthood!”

The muddle, ambiguous and elusive teachings come from the progressive Christianity goal for Catholicism which is that each and every alternative explanation for a Catholic doctrine is equally accepted. The concept of Divine Revelation being expressed in a definitive, duly defined and properly declared Catholic doctrine is out the window and into the trash. The church of “nice” with no explicit teachings would replace the Church founded by the Divine Jesus Christ.

May Lord have mercy on us!!
What specifically woke me up was the Arianism references. I have always wondered what fueled the proposal of a revised Catholic Church aka big tent according to the personal preferences of some, not all, public writers and speakers. Now it is clear that stealth Arianism is the culprit.

From the linked article.I put the main thought, in my humble opinion, in bold.
“Moreover, the Stealth Arians have deliberately chosen to keep their teachings muddled, ambiguous and elusive in an effort to increase “pastoral sensitivity” as the highest of all values, which keeps people feeling good about themselves just the way they are – though never challenged to strive for sainthood!”

The muddle, ambiguous and elusive teachings come from the progressive Christianity goal for Catholicism which is that each and every alternative explanation for a Catholic doctrine is equally accepted. The concept of Divine Revelation being expressed in a definitive, duly defined and properly declared Catholic doctrine is out the window and into the trash. The church of “nice” with no explicit teachings would replace the Church founded by the Divine Jesus Christ.

May Lord have mercy on us!!
Exactly. The muddy ambiguous teachings purposely water down the doctrines and convey the concept of “I am OK, you are OK. All is well” to make everyone feels good and welcome. This approach not only keeps the Sunday donation coming in, it also pollutes the moral standard in the name of mercy and non-judgmental. This is relativism, this is modernism, this is purely evil. We must be aware of it and fight against it to defend the orthodoxy doctrines. And pray for those who are supposed to preach and teach but instead purposely lead sheep astray. They need to know they are going to face God to give their account, if they really believe in God.
When I initiated this thread, there were two parts I intended to discuss:
  1. The evil of the left wing on our nation
  2. The lack of moral teaching from the pulpit
If you carefully read the article, you will catch the second part quoted above. I appreciate someone finally pointed out the responsibility of the Christians.

So many so-called Catholics voted not only once but twice to have the current regime rule over America. When it is always so obvious that this President is the biggest promoter of abortion and homosexuality, and consistently suppress religious freedom, those so-called Catholics voted for him again and again. Whoever support evil will be held accountable in front of the judgment seat. Equally, the lack of moral teaching from pulpit will also be responsible for what they failed to do.

The church of “nice” has made people loose sense of right or wrong. Anything goes. Many clergy’s not preaching and teaching what the congregation need to hear, and the laity’s lack of proper conscience, have all been giving perfect opportunities for the left to sell their lies.

To avoid total destruction of America which is imminent, Christians must wake up and the clergy must preach and teach as they should. May Lord have mercy on us!!
While I have heard occasionally about the sins of abortion and homosexuality from the Catholic pulpit, and our previous priest told us that anyone who voted for Obama had committed a serious sin, never once did I hear a priest speak about environmental harms, such as global warming, except once when a priest confused global warming with ozone hole, another time when another one said we worry too much about various things such as global warming (which is weird, since I’ve never heard anyone in our parish even mention it), and then another time when I was in San Francisco at a conference and attended Mass there – I nearly fell off my pew when he said is it a problem we should be addressing. I think the priest was Filipino, and they would, of course, be most concerned about global warming due to the terrible typhoons smashing and trashing their land over the past 5 years and findings that these are linked to global warming.

When I asked our previous priest if he could mention global warming sometime, he told me he was afraid of the Rush Limbaugh Catholics in the parish (in Rush they trust, they are a Rush-fearing people).

Since Pope Francis came out with his encyclical Laudato Si on environmental issues this June, I haven’t heard one word about it in our parish and asked my OCDS Carmelite sisters and brothers if they had heard about it in their parishes – they had not.

I guess when it comes down to it we are all “cafeteria Catholics,” we all fall short, and it is difficult to do right, even with God’s abundant grace. And it is easy not to see one’s own tiny shortcomings, when the general society seems so corrupt.

John of the Cross said it doesn’t matter if it is a heavy chain or a light thread on the bird’s leg, it won’t be able to fly (in reference to a seeking union with God and the attachments that hold us back).
When I initiated this thread, there were two parts I intended to discuss:
  1. The evil of the left wing on our nation
  2. The lack of moral teaching from the pulpit
My Brother (Sister?:))

So, as you forgive the left wing, and those who fail to teach morals from the pulpit, what is the resulting feeling you have toward those groups and individuals? Do you find that you love them in a new way? Is there a renewal? A redemption?

What happens when you forgive?

God be with you. Shalom.🙂
While I have heard occasionally about the sins of abortion and homosexuality from the Catholic pulpit, and our previous priest told us that anyone who voted for Obama had committed a serious sin, never once did I hear a priest speak about environmental harms …
It is good to know you have at least heard about the sins of abortion and homosexuality.
I have never heard (in the parish I attend) about any of the above teachings. And I have been in this parish for long time.
I guess when it comes down to it we are all “cafeteria Catholics,” we all fall short, and it is difficult to do right, even with God’s abundant grace. And it is easy not to see one’s own tiny shortcomings, when the general society seems so corrupt.
John of the Cross said it doesn’t matter if it is a heavy chain or a light thread on the bird’s leg, it won’t be able to fly (in reference to a seeking union with God and the attachments that hold us back).
What you are talking about here is to do with our sins and shortcomings on the individual 's part. That is exact the reason each of us needs to hear the necessary teachings from the pulpit. A dumb sheep needs proper guidance from its shepherd. That is what a shepherd is for.
My Brother (Sister?:))

So, as you forgive the left wing, and those who fail to teach morals from the pulpit, what is the resulting feeling you have toward those groups and individuals? Do you find that you love them in a new way? Is there a renewal? A redemption?

What happens when you forgive?

God be with you. Shalom.🙂
What we are discussing here has nothing to do with “feeling”. America is being invaded by communism. It should be a serious concern for anyone who loves this country. And, I am sure you know that to love our enemy does not mean to stop fighting.

Any conscientious Catholic should pray for the situation, continue to stand up and speak for the truth.
The evil of the left wing on our nation.
All Christians. Or at least, the vast majority of them are Christian.

Your problems are in house, PTL. Pointing the finger outwards at shadowy and ephemeral groups who you believe have ’an agenda’ is denying that fact. Attempting to blame other people for your problems isn’t going to work because those other people are part of your group in the first instance. You are actually running the whole show.
What we are discussing here has nothing to do with “feeling”. America is being invaded by communism. It should be a serious concern for anyone who loves this country. And, I am sure you know that to love our enemy does not mean to stop fighting.

Any conscientious Catholic should pray for the situation, continue to stand up and speak for the truth.

Feel free to ignore the “feelings”. However, we are called to forgive our enemies, and forgive anyone we hold anything against.

When you do this, do you still see the other as “evil”? Have you forgiven the “evil left wing”? I am assuming yes, you have. However, the label “evil” when describing a group’s character, on a comparison basis, can imply that the user of the word still holds something against the people he forgave. Do you see what I mean?

So, please clarify the meanings of your words. Otherwise, readers may get the wrong impression.

Your question does not make any sense.

When Jesus was crucified, He asked the Father to forgive the murderers. But that did not change the fact those who murdered the Lord were evil.
What specifically woke me up was the Arianism references. I have always wondered what fueled the proposal of a revised Catholic Church aka big tent according to the personal preferences of some, not all, public writers and speakers. Now it is clear that stealth Arianism is the culprit.

From the linked article.I put the main thought, in my humble opinion, in bold.
“Moreover, the Stealth Arians have deliberately chosen to keep their teachings muddled, ambiguous and elusive in an effort to increase “pastoral sensitivity” as the highest of all values, which keeps people feeling good about themselves just the way they are – though never challenged to strive for sainthood!”

The muddle, ambiguous and elusive teachings come from the progressive Christianity goal for Catholicism which is that each and every alternative explanation for a Catholic doctrine is equally accepted. The concept of Divine Revelation being expressed in a definitive, duly defined and properly declared Catholic doctrine is out the window and into the trash. The church of “nice” with no explicit teachings would replace the Church founded by the Divine Jesus Christ.

May Lord have mercy on us!!

I agree with what you wrote, and it sparks me to share this quote of Flannery O’Connor that I copied I forget where from, but have it magnetized to my refrigerator:

“It seems to be a fact that you have to suffer as much from the Church as for it, but if you believe in the divinity of Christ, you have to cherish the world at the same time that you struggle to endure it.”

Peace in Jesus and Mary,

And those are just the “sins of the left.” When you add to them the “sins of the right,” we’re really done for –

arrogance, racism, indifference to the poor, selfishness, blaming-the-victims, anti-environmentalism and refusal to acknowledge the harms and deaths due to environmental harms and one’s own participation in them, etc.
I couldn’t disagree more.

Your question does not make any sense.

When Jesus was crucified, He asked the Father to forgive the murderers. But that did not change the fact those who murdered the Lord were evil.
Well, it depends on your use of the word “evil” in the context of “evil men”.

1, You are using the word with the sense that there is something negative about them, that you feel resentment toward them in some way.

2, You are using the word as a comparison, like “On a scale of good and bad, those people are more bad than I”. Or “those people are bad, because they did much worse things than I do, or than most people do.”
  1. You are using the word in place of the word “sinner”. Since none of us is free from sin, then we are all “evil” in this usage.
So, in which way are you using the word? #1,2,3 or a combination, or yet another definition?

Take a shot at this question, and then I can rephrase the earlier question so that it can make more sense.

It is good to know you have at least heard about the sins of abortion and homosexuality.
I have never heard (in the parish I attend) about any of the above teachings. And I have been in this parish for long time…
Well, I was always against abortion since I was a small kid and well before I became a Catholic.

However, I don’t think I ever heard about contraception during homilies, though, and as a Protestant convert in 1969 I had no idea it was a sin and started using it after my marriage, because we were both students and felt we were too poor to have kids then, tho we did plan to have them.

When I finally did hear it was a sin (from somewhere, perhaps in a homily, but I don’t think so) I thought it might be a venial sin, but by then I was off it.

Only after decades did I understand it was more serious, and that understanding came thru my own deep thinking to understand why – bec it also says “no” to life, to babies, as if there is something wrong with babies.
Your question does not make any sense.

When Jesus was crucified, He asked the Father to forgive the murderers. But that did not change the fact those who murdered the Lord were evil.
Yes, and let me take that a step further. Jesus said to the “good thief” you will be with me in paradise today.

But that doesn’t really get us off the hook of having to reform and do right and good, and perhaps even do some reparation to those we’ve harmed. The reason the good thief got off that hook is bec he was nailed to a cross and dying.

So if we commit sin, and confess it and are forgiven, we must also reform ourselves and stop sinning…unless we are either nailed to a cross or are on our deathbed and cannot get up and start living righteously.

Jesus also said, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Plus, as the atheist on this thread is alluding to, we are not going to convert hearts and minds to Christianity (or at least to stop hating Christianity) unless we become perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect… or at least humbly admit our failings when we stumble and make it right.
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