This is a reduction of God to things. In essence you make essence, as God is essence, a composite which He is not.
How does this reduce God to things? Nothing in The All is equal to The All except the The All itself.
The difference in monism and monads is problematic in the false understanding of moderns.
Could you explain. I’d like to avoid the modernist trappings if at all possible.
Substance and essence are differentiable and if you can prove them ordered you can identify the Godhead as deity.
We can prove them ordered with basic foundationalist epistemology.
P1. The terms in conclusions must be found in their premises.
P2. The terms of first principles only refer to objects with mental ontology.
P3. Conclusions using first principles as premises must only be about objects with mental ontology.
P4. Everything that is must have explanations that logically follow from first principles.
C1. Therefore, everything must have mental ontology.
P5. Things outside myself exist.
C2. Therefore, those things outside myself must still reside in a mind.
C3. Therefore, God (a mind that contains all things) exists.
Hence, even though there is only one substance (mind) there is still a fundamental distinction between the God and his creation.
Consider the Eucharist and how it contains Christ and I believe you will find an error in your logic owing to a lower order applied to how God is, as we say it, and as it was identified in an early post, as we say God is Lord of All.
Every quark and lepton of the Eucharist contains Christ, yes, but my view is in line with that of Tipler’s view described in chapter 9 of his Physics of Christianity. I’d also like to note that God is Lord of All could easily affirm that his is both master of himself and everything else.
Then, consider how He became Incarnate. Your simple praxis can not come close to containing the truth that is essence, itself.
Just as a man can create an avatar of himself in a dream, so too it would seem that God could easily do the same thing in the medium in which minds interact. His body is still more real than any of ours, but it’s still composed of mental substance as all matter is.
You state the problem in your proposition by identifying God as having all this stuff inside of Him like a computer core, or, in reference to the Holy God, quite irreverently identifying him as a stuffed balloon or jelly donut. JFK was a Berliner, not God. Check with the party, they may not see the difference, either.
The infinite cannot expand or contract. ∞-1 where ∞ is God and 1 is creation is still ∞ unchanged. A better analogy is a dreamer in relation to his dream. All elements of a dream are within the dreamer, even if no individual element of the dream is identical to the dreamer themself.