So, how is it in your opinion? Is the universe different from God, and both are parts of what you call “The All”; but at the same time God is “The All”?
The Universe is not The All since The All is “Being Itself” and there is more to existence than the Universe. God, for example, is nonlocal and atemporal (what we traditionally call “Transcendent”) as well as immaterial and existing a se, and thus cannot be conceived as being apart of the Universe which is local, temporal, physical, and contingent, and so The All must express a concept beyond the universe and yet immanent within it.
I have been informed by a friend that “within” is likely a better way to explain the relationship between The All and Not All, than “part of”, so I’ll accept the mistake as a failure on my part. I’ll double check with the local deacon to hammer out some of the issues that have come out in this thread regarding the language and logical coherence (since communication in person is easier than through typography), but that may take a few days to arrange.
My position is that the Universe (really all universes in the off chance of a multiverse) is within the mind of God. All physical structures (particles, gauge fields, spacetime geometries, bodies, etc) are psychical constructs, like objects in a dream. Similarly I hold that all minds are nested within the mind of God, and are completely distinct and independent from God with their own wills and unified centers of subjectivity. That all platonic objects, such as numbers, sets, moral values and duties, forms, and logical absolutes also arise from the mind of God. Finally, that the physical and the mental are just two different aspects of one fundamental ontic substance (dual-aspect monism).
Consider a man in a dream. While he himself is not actually within his dream, his mind necessarily contains, permeates, and sustains all points and things with the dream. Similarly, as God, who is a single being with three minds, is not within the universe (this gives us Transcendence), his mental powers permeate and sustains the being of all points within Creation (this gives us Actus Purus, Immanence, and Omnipresence).
Now obviously God is not actually asleep, we’re not talking Brahmā, this is merely an analogy; and just as the contents of a dream are not identical to the dreamer himself, nor demand an expansion of the dreamer in any regard, so too are the contents of Creation non-identical to The All, nor require an expansion of The All. Allowing us to avoid the idea that The All expands, as previously critiqued, as well as avoiding Kabbalah’s concept of Tzimtzum (צמצום) where the infinite “contracts” so as to allow finite universes.
The only thing equal to The All is that which contains All, and the only things which contains All are the minds of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Does this help?