Did any of your sources tell you what we who voted against Hillary Clinton were up against?I live in Cambridge, which is full of Americans, so I often get things sent my way from various US-based sources, often local news from somebody’s home town.
Here’s an example. The Obama administration in 2010 decided to impose the HHS contraceptive mandate. This means that all employers would be obligated to pay for their employees’ contraceptives (and in some cases abortifacient contraceptives).
No exceptions for religious objections.
Now, my family’s income mostly derived from a Catholic institution. DH and I lived for 6 years in anxiety wondering what would happen to this income, whether the institution would be forced out of business, what would happen to our family.
Good people would suffer so the Democrats could suck up to the pro-aborts.
But I’m sure your sources ignored this and characterized the Trump voters as thugs and racists and ignored the attack on our freedom of religion.
That’s just one example