“Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.” (Lk. 6:36). Merciful to whom? He made no distinction. Therefore, why should we choose who should not receive mercy?The virtue of justice is “the constant and permanent determination to give everyone his or her rightful due” 1. Compared with charity, justice essentially consists in the distinction between a person and neighbor rather than on the union existing between them by loving the neighbor as another self. Mercy is a disposition to be kind, and to pray for mercy is to pray for healing. Sometimes mercy, to bring about healing, requires carrying out justice, although there may be more tolerance.
1Modern Catholic Dictionary, Justice
Regarding the adulterous woman, if Jesus killed her it would have been justice, but it would not have been mercy. By not condemning He gave that soul time, and possibility to arriving at repentance, and holiness, if she wished to reach them. Patient mercy gives souls time to recover and fortify themselves. And, one must bear in mind, ‘‘not every soul recovers instantaneously from its wounds. Some do so by successive stages, which are often slow, and subject to relapse.’’
We are instructed to follow Jesus’s teachings and example of mercy, even in death penalty cases where its justice to kill.
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