I find the differences between your and wolp’s atheistic beliefs quite enlightening. I had no idea there was anything other than atheists and agnostics. It’s certainly been an education.
Then this thread had one positive outcome already!
I guess as a “theist” (never called myself that before) I would say that the fact that you and I are sitting here chatting is proof enough to me that some uncreated Creator had to have – at the very least – created the energy for some big bang to occur.
Not necessarily. The total energy of the universe is 0. You can gauge energy to any value. E(x) descibes the same system as E(x) + [arbitrary constant].
Then you mentioned things like the laws of thermodynamics, gravity, etc. Why do we have these laws? …] Even if physicists unlock the underlying structures or proceeses for these phenomena, they can’t tell us WHY the universe behaves in the way it does, why matter-energy exists at all,
No argument from me. I take those things as they are, and ask not why. Just like you do not ask. Why is there a god? Where did he come from?
I stop looking for reasons one step before you do.
why there are n units of matter-energy equivalent and not n+1 units (assuming the amount of matter-energy in the universe is a constant).
Why has the christian god n=3 aspects and not n+1? Ever asked that question?
This “why” is what we Christians would attribute God, the uncreated Creator who brought it into existence in the first place and imposed some kind of order on it.
Granted, the “god of gaps” is a very good explanation of everything. To me this explanation feels somewhat too easy.
Besides, imho all this thinking leads to a notion of a god that can be identified with nature or the universe itself (Spinoza).
When I look at the christian god though, his concept raises more questions than it answers (theodicy problem, salvation plan, trinity, OT atrocities, …).
The agnostic side of my personality owns this probability scale of possible gods:
personal god (Jahwe, Allah) < personal gods (Catharian dualism, pagan beliefs) << impersonal god (Spinoza) << no god
Now you perhaps wonder why I regard two or more gods slightly more likely than a single one. Multiple dieties don’t have the thedodicy problem.