So you are now determining what it means to be sentient. Do plants not develop relationships with their environment both making eco systems for other plants and animals and both using these to further their own genetic imprint? Do they not provide for their body guards (certain species) do they not create venom for protection and do they not migrate through carriers? There is a conscious effort to remain a living-species is there not?Plants (on this planet) do not suffer pain or emotions because they do not have consciousness, a brain, a nervous system and above all pain receptors! It is a very silly and unbelievable proposition to suggest they do.
Hence, making singular assertions about pain and consciousness (sentience) does that not contradict your argument?
My point exactly!Anyone who thinks they dont has never visited a slaughter house or seen and heard how pigs put up a fight. I do not know why some animals seem to quietly accept what is happening.
There’s not a “single rule applies.”
The cause effect of the Fall brings us to all sorts of variations… why do trees have such long lifespan? Why are certain animals able to repair themselves (earthworms and starfish clear examples)? Why are the eco system so well balanced (Like cars, some microbes use oil as fuel. Such microorganisms are a big reason why BP’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was not far worse–https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-microbes-helped-clean-bp-s-oil-spill/) that only extreme abuses can derail/raze the natural set up?
So why do some animals do not display the same reaction to pain, oppression, and imminent death?
Have you consider the dogs and cats (as well as other animals) who are prompted by their keepers to do things that are unnatural as saying “I love you” or “I want my mommy?”
Have you considered how man has allowed these “pets” to control their lives?
have you not noticed how man has turn from nature (nurturing human children) to claiming animals as his offspring?
It is more complex than: ‘if God exists, then a Benevolent God would not allow pain (or as you’ve worded: “unnecessary pain”).’
Do you not see how you have made yourself the god of this quest?
You determine what is necessary or natural for the planet.
Maran atha!
Maran atha!