There is nothing selfish about raising a child one has created–especially created unwillingly, and nor is it selfish to give the gift of a child to a couple desperately seeking to be parents. Both decisions come with very serious ramifications and she needs to be prepared to grieve the loss she may feel either way. Loss of her dreams if she keeps the child, loss of her dreams if she gives away the child…
I don’t find anything selfish about desiring the vocation of marriage, either. It makes sense that any young girl might have the inclination to find a loving husband, and why would that desire go away just because she was raped and finds herself pregnant? I do think she’s wrong to believe that having a child would limit her ability to find love. She does not know nor can she predict the blessings God has in store for her, whether that be a husband and father for her child, or not.
Some of these questions come down to what is feasible and what isn’t, for her specifically. Can she afford, emotionally and financially and spiritually, to be a good mother to this baby? On the other side, can she afford, emotionally and spiritually, to offer the baby up for adoption? What does she feel is the best choice for the baby? (This question might take months for her to discern and answer.)
As for pursuing a relationship at this time, there isn’t anything wrong with doing so, but it presents another set of issues. However, I know my mother’s friend found herself single, pregnant and abandoned–only to meet a very compassionate man who married her, loved her and raised her child in a good home, as his own. That isn’t outside the realm of possiblity in this situation, so being open to finding out what God intends for her is of paramount importance.
She needs to see a priest, counselor and a lawyer.