A "Welcome" thread for New and Returning Members

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We would all prefer to be apolitical. Yet, we have a positive duty to be informed and to vote. Huge conundrum for us. Goals are often the same, but methods vary widely. Do we suppose that the council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) was without raised voice?

Still, how do we advance from trickle > stream > flood?
I know, @po18guy, you are right, but the level of polarization is extreme, and on neither side is there any hope of compromise. I was ill-advised enough to visit to “The Daily Mail”, which I don’t recommend, but simply because the comments tend to be prolific. There were the expected explosive verbal disagreements from the US and other nations.
Yes you should be able to rationally discuss, for instance, today’s announcement and associated relevancies, but there is too much denial, too much explosive dichotomy. What is achieved is hostility and further entrenchment. In such matters, important though they are, may be left largely to critical thinking and conscience. As for convincing others of what might be the right or best perspectives … that doesn’t tend to work, only further divide.

Regarding “the trickle>river>flood”, we just remain faithful, as you are, and if one of us has a day when we might throw in the towel, let’s just support each other and carry on in faith.
In the meantime, if we’re available for the occasional member or visitor or lurker who needs something that is posted here, then we’re doing something worthwhile.

God bless you, and all who are active, and who login or visit.
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A recent homily dealt with the division that Christ brings. The gist was that we should not fear division, but rather, only being on the wrong side of the divide. This brought to mind the parable of Lazarus and the rich man.

We live in the princedom of the evil one, and we tread the valley of the shadow of death, a rash and brutal culture. Our pilgrim’s journey will be replete with discord and tribulation, but again, we are to take heart. And yes, it is wearying dealing with the arguments. So many I simply avoid, as I can contribute nothing and all that changes is my blood pressure.
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