OK, this is absolutely ridiculous. Author dedicate books to people all the time, who are not mentioned in their book at allThat’s an allusion, not a dedication, which is a very important distinction to make. The passage itself strikes me a rather tongue in cheek.
If he was going to dedicate the book to Satan, he did a spectacularly bad job of it, since Lucifer doesn’t appear anywhere else in the book.
G.K. Chesterton dedicated his book “Orthodoxy” to his mother. Authors often dedicate their books to their friends, family, Saints and/or God without mentioning them at all in their books.
This is not uncommon. The fact he dedicated his book to the devil PROVES that his worldview was NOT one that could be matched up with the Catholic Church.
If you have NOT watched this documentary, I suggest you watch it. Then feel free to pick it apart if you like. But challenge you to watch it.
You can rent it on-demand here http://alinskyfilm.com or on Vimeo.